Slapjack Explained (An Easy, Fun Card Game for All Ages)

Looking for a game night winner that’s a hit with kids and grownups? You’ve struck gold with Slapjack! And you’re definitely in the right place.

With this straightforward guide, you’ll pick up the basics AND also discover some sneaky strategies to keep everyone on their toesβ€”regardless of age.

Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

Well, let’s not waste another minute.

So You Want to Play Slapjack? Let’s Dive In!


Slapjack is the perfect game for those who love a bit of chaos and a lot of fun. It’s fast-paced, easy to learn, and great for all ages.

The goal? Be the quickest to slap the Jacks and collect all the cards. This game is the best – especially when you’re playing with friends who take their slapping a bit too seriously.

This one time, I saw a friend of mine dive across the table like a superhero just to slap a Jack. Spoiler: he missed.

What You’ll Need (Besides Quick Reflexes)

Alright, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. Here’s what you need to get started:

  1. A Standard 52-Card Deck: Ditch the jokers. They’re not invited to this party.
  2. 2-8 Players: Just make sure everyone’s got their slapping hand ready.
  3. A Table: Or any flat surface. Just don’t play on your grandma’s antique table unless you want to be disowned.

Shuffle those cards like your life depends on it. The more random, the better. I once played with a deck that wasn’t shuffled well, and it was like watching paint dry. Don’t be that person.

Setting Up the Game (A.K.A. The Calm Before the Storm)

  1. Shuffle the Deck: Use every shuffling technique you know. Seriously, go wild.
  2. Deal the Cards: Distribute the cards evenly among all players. If someone ends up with one more card, don’t sweat it. Life’s not fair, and neither is Slapjack.
  3. Sit in a Circle: Or a square, or a triangle. Just make sure everyone can reach the center of the table.

Make sure everyone’s nails are trimmed. I’ve seen some gnarly scratches from slappers that get a little too excited.

How to Play (Or How to Lose Friends Quickly)

  1. Start the Game: The player to the left of the dealer goes first. Play proceeds clockwise.
  2. Play a Card: On your turn, flip the top card of your deck face-up into the center. Do it quickly and confidently. No peeking!
  3. Slap the Jack: When a Jack appears, everyone slaps the pile – or at least tries to slap it first. The first person to slap wins the pile and adds it to their deck (unshuffled). If several players slap at the same time, the hand directly on top and touching the jack wins the pile of cards.
  4. Incorrect Slaps: If you slap a card that’s not a Jack, you’ve got to give one card to the player who played the card. Ouch.
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Staying in the Game (Or How to Make a Comeback)

  1. Running Out of Cards: If you run out of cards, you’re not out yet. You can still slap Jacks to get back in the game.
  2. Incorrect Slap with No Cards: If you slap incorrectly and have no cards, you’re out. Permanently. No second chances.

Even if you’re out of cards, stay focused. I’ve seen players come back from nothing to win it all. Think Cinderella story, but with more slapping.

Winning the Game (Or How to Be the Ultimate Slapjack Champion)

Something about this game just brings out the “dang, calm down!” in everyone.

The game continues until one player has all 52 cards. That’s it. Simple, right? But getting there is a wild ride.

Pro Tips and Variations (Because You’re Fancy Like That)


Alright, so you’ve got the basics down. Now, let’s take your Slapjack game to the next level with some pro tips and fun variations. Trust me, these will make you look like a seasoned Slapjack veteran.

Pro Tips

  1. Speed and Attention: This game is all about quick reflexes and sharp eyes. Stay alert and keep your hand ready. I once lost a game because I got distracted by a cat video. Don’t be me.
  2. Practice Makes Perfect: Improve your reaction time by practicing solo. Flip cards and try to slap the Jacks as quickly as possible. It’s like training for a slap-happy marathon.
  3. Observe Your Opponents: Pay attention to your opponents’ tendencies. Some players have tells, like a slight twitch before they slap. Use this to your advantage.
  4. Stay Calm Under Pressure: The more relaxed you are, the quicker your reflexes will be. Take deep breaths and stay focused. Panicking will only slow you down.
  5. Hand Positioning: Keep your slapping hand close to the table but not resting on it. This gives you a slight edge in speed without looking too eager.

Fun Variations

  1. Counting Variation: Add a twist by counting out loud as you play cards. For example, the first player says β€œAce,” the next says β€œTwo,” and so on. If the card value matches the count, slap the pile. It’s chaotic but fun.
  2. Rock, Paper, Scissors Tiebreaker: Use this method to resolve disputes over who slapped first. It’s fair and adds an extra layer of fun.
  3. Snap: Similar to Slapjack, but instead of slapping Jacks, you slap pairs of cards. The first player to spot and slap a pair wins the pile.
  4. Irish Snap: The objective is reversedβ€”you need to get rid of your cards. Slap when a card matches the previous one in rank or suit. The first player to get rid of all their cards wins.

Try playing with a themed deck for extra fun. I once played with a deck featuring cats in costumes. It was purr-fect.

Common Mistakes to Avoid (Or How Not to Look Like a Rookie)


Even seasoned players can make rookie mistakes. Here’s how to avoid the most common pitfalls and keep your Slapjack game on point.

  1. Slapping Too Hard: You don’t need to break the table. A firm slap will do.
  2. Flipping Cards Poorly: Make sure everyone sees the card at the same time. No sneaky peeks.
  3. Not Paying Attention: Stay focused. Missing a Jack because you’re daydreaming is the worst.
  4. Incorrect Slaps: Slapping a non-Jack card means you have to give one of your cards to the player who played the card. This can quickly deplete your deck. Be sure before you slap.
  5. Poor Hand Positioning: Resting your hand on the table can slow you down. Keep it close but not touching the table to maintain speed without looking too eager.
  6. Ignoring Opponents’ Tells: Some players have tells, like a slight twitch before they slap. Observing these can give you an edge. Don’t just focus on the cards; watch your opponents too.
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Let’s Wrap Up (Or Why You Should Play Slapjack Right Now)

Slapjack is a blast. It’s fast, fun, and a little bit crazy. It’s guaranteed to bring out the competitive spirit in everyone – family, friends, frenemies, you name it.

Your Turn

Okay, which family member or friend do you think’ll have such Hulk-like slapping that they might have to be banned from Slapjack? Go ahead. Spill the beans in the comments below.


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