The Left Center Right Dice Game = Easy, Fun Epic Game Nights

Ever felt like game night’s stuck on repeat? Like you’re living your very own “Groundhog Day,” but with board games instead of Bill Murray?

Yep, been there, done that. Let’s shake things up with a game I practically know in my sleep: Left Center Right (LCR). Trust me, those three little dice from your junk drawer are about to turn your evenings from blah to woah!

In this blog post, I’ll guide you through everything from how to set up LCR, play by its easy rules, all the way to winning strategies (though remember, luck takes the lead here!).

So if you’re on the hunt for a fast-paced dice roller that’s super easy to pick up and impossible to put down (seriously, our sessions really stretch on), stick around.

Let’s get to it.


Brain Bites

  • Fast-Paced Fun: LCR is that game where time flies because you’re too busy rolling dice, passing chips, and praying to the luck gods.
  • Setup in a Snap: All you need are three 6-sided dice and some chips. Poker chips, coins, or even buttons work. Yes, it’s that simple.
  • Bring the Crowd: Whether you’ve got a cozy group of three or a bustling party of twelve, LCR doesn’t discriminate. The more, the merrier!
  • You don’t need “special” LCR dice. Even though there’s is an official Left Center Right dice game set you can buy, you can easily play with just three regular dice from any old board game (more on that later)

The Official Game Set vs. The DIY Approach

Blue-chips-and-dice-displayed-next-to-the-retail-package-of-the-left-center right-dice-game-with-text-explaining-you-don't-need-the-retail-version-to-have-a-great-time, indicating-the-game's-accessibility

Now, for those purists out there, yes, there’s an official LCR game set you can snag online or at your favorite toy store. It comes with the works: fancy dice and all.

But here’s a little secret between us β€” you can totally play LCR with just three regular ol’ dice.

I mean, who hasn’t lost a game piece or two and had to improvise? I’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of those modifications below, so you’re not left in the lurch.

Making Do with What You’ve Got

  • Dice Translation: The official dice have the sides marked with “L”, “C”, “R”, and a dot for each of the remaining sides. In our DIY version, we’ll assign 4, 5, and 6 to represent “L”, “C”, and “R” respectively. The numbers 1, 2, and 3? They’re our dots, meaning you keep your chips for those rolls.
  • Chip Choices: No official chips? No problem. Poker chips, coins, or even those spare buttons you’ve been hoarding (don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me) can be stand-ins.
  • Player Adaptability: Whether you’re playing with the official set or your homebrew version, the number of players can be as flexible as your game night crowd. Just make sure everyone’s got at least three chips to start.
facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

Getting Ready for Game Night with Left Center Right (LCR)


Alrighty, let’s dive into one of my game night go-tos: Left Center Right (LCR). It’s like the Swiss Army knife of dice games – simple, versatile, and a total crowd-pleaser.

The Goal (AKA How to Win):

Last Chip Standing: The goal of LCR is to be the last player with chips. It’s like musical chairs but with less running and more rolling.

What You’ll Need:

  • Dice: You need three 6-sided dice. If they’re not all the same color, even better – it adds to the charm!
  • Chips or tokens (3 per player): A bunch of small items will do. I’ve used everything from poker chips, chocolate coins, to jelly beans. Once, we even played with paper clips (not the best idea… they’re too easy to lose). Some people play with quarters or dollar bills. 
  • Players: At least three, but the more the merrier! This game scales up like a dream.

If you don’t have poker chips lying around, feel free to get creative! I’ve used everything from pennies to M&Ms as substitutes. Just make sure everyone has an equal number of tokens (3 are necessary for ) to start.

How to Play Left Center Right (LCR) – The Game Night Hero


Alright, let’s get into the good stuff – how to actually play this super simple, game.

It’s the perfect icebreaker to get any game night rolling. Just a few steps and you’ll be an LCR pro in no time:

Quick Start Guide:

  1. Grab Your Gear: Use the adorable official LCR game in that snazzy blue tin or just snag three 6-sided dice from any board game. As for chips? Anything goes! I’ve used everything from actual poker chips to uncooked pasta. 
  2. Gather Your Gang: You need at least three players, but trust me, LCR is like a party magnet – the more, the better.
  3. Chip Distribution: Hand out three chips to each player. No chips? No problem. Pennies, quarters, pasta, beans, or even candies work. Just don’t eat your candy winnings… or do, I’m not your mom.
  4. Circle Up: It’s easier to pass chips around without launching them across the room. It makes it super easy to pass those chips left or right without any mix-ups.
  5. Center Pot Setup: Any container works, but I’ve found that an upside-down hat adds a certain je ne sais quoi. 
  6. Who’s First? Decide with a game of rock-paper-scissors, or maybe who can do the best impression of a celebrity? The weirder, the better.
  7. Time to Get Started. The first person rolls all three dice at once, does whatever the dice tells them to do (see Rollin’, Rollin’ Rollin’ in LCR) .  Play moves clockwise around the table, keeping things orderly and giving you time to plot your comeback.

Keep those rules handy for quick reference cause let’s face it, interruptions happenβ€”whether it’s snack refills or refereeing mini disputes among the kiddos. And you’re not always guaranteed to remember how to play OR what to do in the heat of the moment (speaking from experience ).

ROLLIN’, ROLLIN’ ROLLIN’ in Left Right Center

Here’s some basic rules about the dice and how you roll that you need to keep in mind.

  • If you have 3 or more chipsroll all 3 dice.
  • Got 2 chips? Roll 2 dice.
  • Down to 1 chip? Roll that single die like it’s your last hope!
  • No chips? Sit tight, my friend. Your time will come.

And if you don’t have the official LCR dice, grab any three dice and assign the numbers accordingly:

  • Roll an L (4)? Pass a chip to your left.
  • Roll a C (5)? Toss that chip into the center pot like you’re making a wish.
  • Roll an R (6)? Pass a chip to your right, and maybe give them a wink for good measure.
  • Roll a dot (1, 2, or 3)? Do nothing.  Well, maybe, breathe a sigh of relief and keep your precious chips!



It’s game night, and the usual “imaginary” suspects are all here: Kandi Apple, Kenya Dewit, Manny Kinn, and Ophelia Payne.

Someone suggests: “How about a round of LCR to shake things up?”

Round 1

  • Kandi rolls first. She gets a 4, 5, and a 6. That means one chip goes to Manny on her left, one to the center pot, and one to Kenya on her right. “Well, that’s a great start,” she says, rolling her eyes.
  • Kenya’s up. She rolls two 2s and a 6. “Ha! Only one chip to Ophelia. I’m safe for now!”
  • Manny, looking hopeful, rolls a 3, 5, and a 1. “Center pot and I keep two. Not bad, not bad.”
  • Ophelia, with a grin, rolls three 4s. “All to the left!” Manny groans. “Guess it’s payback time.”

A Few Rounds Later The game gets intense. Chips have been flying left, right, and center. Kandi’s out of chips, looking on with a pout, but as we all know, in LCR, it’s never really over until it’s over.


Left Right Center is a perfect dice game for large groups. Everyone’s involved, watching to see who’s going to get or lose a token. Honestly, the excitement is next level.

LCR: Spicing Up Game Night With a Twist

A-bold-quote-saying-I-prefer-when-the-game-ends-quickly-without-any-twists-said-no-one-ever-with-dice-and-poker-chips-in-the-background, humorously-suggesting-that-twists-make-the-left-center-right-dice-game-more-exciting.

Who knew that adding a little twist to LCR could turn a regular game night into an epic laugh fest? Let me walk you through some variations that have brought life back to our board game marathons.

LCR with a Twist: 5 Game-Changing Variations

  • LCR Wild: In this one a “1” on the dice becomes a wild side. Roll one wild, and you can snatch a chip from any player. Two wilds? Grab two chips from anyone! And if you’re lucky enough to roll three wilds, you’ll instantly win the entire center pot!
  • LCR Wilder: This is LCR with a plot twist. Chuck 3 chips into the center pot before you roll, and suddenly, it’s opposite day. Left is right, right is left, and center means take. And those wilds? They’ll make you give chips away instead of taking them.
  • Last Chip Wins:  To claim victory, you’ll need to be the last player to pot your final chip with a “C” roll. The game keeps going as long as anyone has more than one chip!
  • Dot to Win: Here’s where hoarding all the chips doesn’t mean you’ve wonβ€”yet. To truly claim victory, you need a roll full of dots. Any Ls, Rs, or Cs, and you’re back in the game of give and take.
  • Choose Your Stakes: It’s high stakes LCR without the poker face. Decide how daring you’re feeling and ante up that many chips. Feeling bold with 5 chips? That’s your starting stack. Winner takes all in this high-roller version.

Your Quick Guide to LCR Variations

VariationThe TwistWhat It Means for You
LCR Wild“Wild” side on the diceSnatch chips or win the pot with wild rolls
LCR WilderPay to reverse actionsPaying turns the game upside-down (and makes you give chips away)
Last Chip WinsWin with your last chipKeep the game going until you can win with a single chip
Dot to WinWin with all dotsCollect all chips? Roll all dots to actually win
Choose Your StakesAnte up chips at the startThe more you risk, the bigger the potential pot
facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

Why LCR Never Gets Old

LCR is like that friend who’s always up for a good time, no matter what. It’s got a permanent spot in my game night lineup because:

  • Instant Excitement: Just seeing those chips start to move gets everyone hyped.
  • Easy Peasy: I taught my “I’m-not-a-gamer” aunt to play, and she was hooked. If she can do it, anyone can!
  • Perfect for Any Crowd: It’s the rare gem that both kids and adults can get into. Seeing everyone from little Timmy to Great Uncle Bob eagerly rolling dice is pretty special.

Always keep extra chips on hand. You never know when the game might grow from a small circle to half the neighborhood wanting in. Also, a quick rule recap before starting helps avoid those “Wait, how do I win again?” moments mid-game.

Left Right Center: At a Glance

ElementDescriptionWhy Am I Like This?
ObjectiveBe the last player with chips. It’s like survivor, but with dice!I can’t help being competitive, even in a silly game.
Players3 or more. LCR brings people together for laughter and tears.The more the merrier! I love sharing the joy and agony.
Dice/Components3 dice and chips. They bring excitement and anxiety.These dice are my frenemies, giving and taking away hope.
GameplayRoll dice, pass chips. Simple yet emotional.I experience a rollercoaster of feelings in mere moments!
ScoringNo scoring, just survival. Last one with chips wins.I don’t need points, just the satisfaction of being the last one standing.
TurnsRoll and pass chips. Intense moments guaranteed.Every turn is a chance for redemption or despair. Embrace the chaos!
StrategyIt’s all luck. But players still try to “will” their results.I’ve tried every superstition to influence the dice. It never works, but it’s comforting.
WinningBeing the last with chips, but victory is fleeting.Savor the glory before luck runs out. That’s the beauty of LCR!

Playing LCR is like being in a suspense thriller, filled with hope, dread, and laughter.

Want More? Here’s Some Other Fun Dice Games for Large Groups of People

  • Ship, Captain, & Crew: Set sail for an exciting adventure with this easy-to-learn game. Using three 6-sided dice, players take turns trying to “build” their ship (6), appoint their captain (5), and find their crew (4) in sequence before scoring points. It’s a blast for groups of all sizes!
  • Run for It: Race against your friends to get rid of all your chips first! This fast-paced game uses the same 6-sided dice as LCR, making it a breeze to switch things up. Perfect for large family gatherings and guaranteed to fill the room with laughter.
  • Slam: The concept is simple – roll the dice and try to score the magic “Slam” number. But with just 15 points to hit for victory, every roll is make-or-break tension!
  • Drop Dead: Drop Dead is a knuckle-biting dice game where you risk it all to be the last player standing. The rules are simple – roll the dice and don’t “drop dead”!Each round, every player rolls 5 dice. Any rolls of 1 or 5 are “dead” and must be set aside. You then pick up the remaining live dice and roll again, setting aside any new 1s or 5s.

Hold On! Snag Your FREE No-Fuss Fun Dice Game Cheatsheet: 5 Easy Dice Games for All Ages Now!


Stuck in a rut and clueless on how to turn the day around? Let’s shake things up with our No-Fuss Fun Dice Cheatsheet: 5 Easy Games for All Ages.

Quick steps to fun:

  1. Hit up this link for your free cheatsheet + join our weekly good-vibes newsletter.
  2. Print itβ€”regular paper works, but card stock feels oh-so-nice (and lasts longer)
  3. Stick it somewhere you’ll see it often, like that VIP spot on the fridge or carry it in your purse to keep it handy for on-the-go fun.

Why You’ll Love It:

  • Impromptu Game Night: Staring at a sea of bored faces? Whip out your cheatsheet and watch the room transform from snoozeville to the fun zone in no time.
  • Kids Claiming They’re Bored? Not on your watch! Show them how spontaneity is done with a quick dice game that’ll have them forgetting they ever uttered the “b” word.
  • Just Because Fun: Who says you need a reason? Challenge your partner to a quick game after dinner, or roll some dice with the kids to decide who picks the movie tonight. It’s all about making the mundane magical.

Don’t wait, DOWNLOAD your FREE No-Fuss Fun Dice Game Cheatsheet and enjoy non-stop fun with easy-to-place dice games.

Your Turn

LCR face-off: If you could challenge any celebrity to a high-stakes game of LCR, who would it be and why? Picture the scene and tell us how you think it would go down.  Write about it in the comments below.

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