101 Epic Party Game Ideas to Energize Any Gathering (Easy & Fun)

If you’re here that means you’re tired of the same snoozefest party games that make everyone yawn and start DOOM scrolling through their phones?

No worries, though.

I’ve got your back with the ultimate secret weapon: this blog post.

So, dive in and discover the game (or games) that’re guaranteed to bring serious fun to your party.


Party Games for All Ages


There’s no better way to be inclusive than to have a line up of ready-to-play games and activities to unleash fun on everyone – from Aunt Nadine to little Timmy.

This bag of tricks’ll have your guests, from the tiniest tots to your Great Aunt Maisie, laughing and bonding (in the BEST possible way).

1. Printable Escape Rooms

Escape rooms are basically scavenger hunts on steroids.

Staging the escape room area can be a lot of fun, but no fancy setup is needed, really.

Your living room can transform into an ancient temple, a cupid’s mansion or mad scientist’s lab. 

Just download, print, cut, and get started.

Scavenger HuntsEscape Rooms
Outdoor or Indoor ActivityTypically an Indoor Activity
Requires Navigation Skills and Puzzle Solving SkillsRequires Puzzle Solving Skills
“Find the Hidden Treasure or Random Stuff”“Escape the Locked Room or Solve the Problem”
Can Be Done Solo or in a GroupTypically Done in a Group
“Lonely Explorer”“Teamwork Enthusiast”
Involves Clues and RiddlesInvolves Codes and Puzzles
Can Be Adapted to Any LocationCan Be Adapted to Any Location
Requires Observation SkillsRequires Attention to Detail
Encourages ExplorationEncourages Problem-Solving

2. Scavenger Hunt

Behold the “kissing cousin” of escape rooms.

In a regular scavenger hunt, you might just have a list of items to find, like a wild goose chase at your local park or mall.

But with a clue-based hunt, you’re in for a little more brainwork – you get riddles or puzzles that lead you to each item. Think less about just ticking boxes and more like you’re Sherlock Holmes on a good day.

The regular hunt is a grab-and-go, while the clue-based one is more of a head-scratcher.

If you’re up for some noggin’ joggin’, go for the clues; if not, stick to a list-based scavenger hunt and save the brainpower for trivia night.

Type of Scavenger HuntDescription
Regular Scavenger HuntPlayers receive a list of everyday items to locate with no additional clues or information provided. Walk around, locate objects or do an activity, check them off. A prize might be involved.
Clue-Based Scavenger HuntPlayers advance through a series of clues. Each solved clue leads to a specific location where they find the next more complex clue. Requires deducing, interpreting and piecing together clues rather than just locating common items. Solving the final clues ultimately reveals the prize.
Hmmmm…which one would YOU choose?

The BEST printable escape rooms and scavenger hunts (clue-based ones) strike a balance of clues that’ll make your guests feel accomplished WITHOUT making them want to tear their hair out – with tweezers. 

3. Flip Tac Toe

Ditch the pen and paper and grab some cups for Flip Tac Toe – a hands-on twist on Tic-Tac-Toe.

Two teams go head-to-head, flipping cups and trying to land them right-side up – if they nail it, they earn the right to claim a spot on a 3×3 grid.

Keep flipping until someone lines up three cups and scores that sweet tic tac toe victory.

Looking to Sweeten Up Your Next Party?


Grab the FREE Candy Deluxe Dice Game, where candy and chance combine for tons of fun with family and friends. The game is simple to set up and play (let’s hear it for hassle-free!). Roll the die. Then swap, steal, or snag candy. Done & dusted. Plus, you get to join my nifty newsletter of fun party tips and tricks.

4. Would You Rather?

Simple. You pick between two quirky scenarios.

No need for any gadgets or gizmosβ€”just your clever mind and a bunch of funny what-ifs.

No scorekeeping necessary.

5. Blind Make Up Artist


With this game, you have to embrace your inner cosmetologist – blindfolded. 

Armed only with your sense of touch, you fumble with lipstick and eye shadow, often with a blush brush ending up where it definitely shouldn’t.

join my faceook group!

My Motto? Parties shouldn’t require a week’s worth of prep (or cleanup).

If your idea of party planning is more “wing it with style” than “schedule every second”, you’re my kind of people. Come for the laughs and good times, but stay for the goodies that make party planning a breeze (or at least less of a hurricane).


6. Left-Right Story Game

Imagine hot potato, but with presents. As a cute little story is read, read a tale, gifts fly across the room at every ‘left’ and ‘right’.

It’s a mad dash of pass the parcel, and when the story ends, you keep the gift in your hands.

Instant gratification!


Make the game spicier with a fun story or poem. It can be funny, suspenseful, or holiday-themed. Use props and sound effects to amp up the storytelling experience. Clearly indicate when it’s time to pass the gifts by emphasizing ‘left’ or ‘right’ with gestures and a change in tone.

7. Mummy Relay Games

You grab a partner and race against other teams to see who can wrap their partner in toilet paper the fastest.

8. White Elephant Party Game

This game turns gift-giving into a competitive sport where strategy meets comedy.

You come ready with a wrapped gift (cool or weird, doesn’t matter).

Then play the game of steal or yield. Draw a number and take your chances.

Will you unwrap a treasure or end up with a skanky-lookin’ trinket? 


If you’ve got thin skin, this game might not be your cup of tea (no judgements). If you can’t shrug off playful pranks or you fold under a bit of chaos, might be wise to pass on playing. No sweat though, being a spectator’s just as entertaining.

9. Blindfolded Taste Test

Spice up your party with a Blindfolded Taste Test – a food-based guessing game that will make your taste buds do all the work.  


Check in with your guests for any food allergies or preferences before kicking off that blindfolded taste challenge. You wouldn’t want your party to end with an ambulance cameo.

10.  Saran Wrap Game


This is ABSOLUTELY one of my favorites.

Picture everyone wearing gloves and scrambling to strip away layers of plastic wrap to snag the goodies inside before time runs out.

11. Giants, Wizards, Elves

“Giants, Wizards, Elves” is a quirky spin on rock-paper-scissors. Team up, pick your fantasy alter ego, and get ready for some side-splitting action that you wouldn’t want to become your next viral moment.

12. Donut Challenge Game


Race against friends to eat a swinging donut without using hands. It’s tougher than it sounds, and everyone will crack up trying. The only one sitting out is the stick-holder, refereeing the edible race.

12. Candy Bar Game

Circle up, because when you roll doubles, it’s a mad dash to dress in winter gear before you can attack the candy bar with a fork and knife.

Keep it quick, though; someone else could snatch your sweet victory with the next roll.


Stretch your neck and jaw muscles a bit to dodge any soreness when you’re showing off your donut-munching skills. You definitely don’t want to cramp up while you’re in the zone. Trust me, I know.

13. Drop and Pop

Set up the chairs, inflate the balloons, and let the smashing begin! It’s a race, a sit, and a pop(you hope)! The fastest team to pop all their balloons wins.

14. Balloon Waddle

You grab a balloon and jam it between your knees, trying to waddle your way to victory across a 20-foot race track without dropping or popping it (good luck!).

If you drop it, it’s back to the start line for you; if you pop it, you’ll snag a new balloon and begin again. Just watch out for latex allergies before you kick off this game.

15. React and Act


You act out reactions of funny, bizarre situations without talking – like what to do if a found a snake in your bed.

Scribble down some weird, crazy scenarios, TOO them into a hat, and start playing. When it’s your go, fish out a slip and get to flailingβ€”no chit-chat, just acting.

Here’s a few scenarios you could use:

  1. Trying to swat a fly buzzing around your head.
  2. Stepping into a puddle and getting your socks soaked.
  3. Pretending to walk a dog that’s pulling on the leash.
  4. Accidentally gluing your hand to a table.
  5. Searching for your lost phone when it’s in your hand.
  6. Sneezing with a mouth full of water.
  7. Walking into a spider web and freaking out.
  8. Tasting something sour and trying not to make a face.
  9. Putting on pants that are too tight.
  10. Trying to balance too many grocery bags while opening the door.

16. Minefield

Set up a wild obstacle course with random objects lying around. Partners take turns leading the blindfolded one through the maze with only their voice.

If you bump into something, it’s back to the startβ€”no shortcuts. Keep it simple and light-hearted, and remember, this is just a goofy game, not rocket science.


Take it easy. No need to sprint through the labyrinth like a maniac. Slow and steady wins the race (and avoids crashing into walls or tangled into piles of hula hoops). Don’t let your excitement trip you up – literally.

17. Charades

An oldie but goodie. Divide your group into teams, take turns drawing prompts, and then get to acting.

You’ve got a time limit to get your team to shout out the right answer, so channel your inner mime and go crazy.

Apparently, there’s official rules for charades (who’d of thunk it?), but feel free to make up your own.

CharadesRead and React
ObjectiveAct out words or phrases without speaking.Perform bizarre scenarios without words.
Type of PromptsMovie titles, books, famous people, etc.Unusual and hilarious situations.
ComplexityGenerally simpler concepts.Often much more elaborate and silly actions.
Team InteractionGuessers work together to solve the mime.Teammates decipher exaggerated acts.
See what I mean? Read and React is charades on steroid. Definitely more high energy.

18. Marshmallow Drop

If you’re ready for good laugh and have a good set of lungs, give Marshmallow Drop a try – game where you use suck up marshmallows with a straw and try to drop them into a cup.

Circle up on the living room floor, armed only with your breath and a strawβ€”no hands allowed.

19. Art Dice

Roll the dice, sketch what you see, and chuckle at the quirky drawings that pop up after a few rounds. Perfect for any party, game night or chill solo session.

If you wanna give it a try, here’s a nifty set of art dice that’ll get you started.

Art Dice Option 1Art Dice Option 2
Solo or Social?Lone wolves welcome. Sketch solo and brace for giggles.It’s a team sportβ€”pass the paper and pile on the creativity.
Drawing MethodRoll, draw, repeat. Your paper, your rules.It’s a jam session with pencilsβ€”add a dash of your genius.
Masterpiece RevealGallery of unique scribblesβ€”no two alike!One epic art baby everyone helped deliver.
Sure, there’s difference but both ways are pretty fun. Read the room (and your crowd) and choose a version that’ll work best.

Kick off the game, and to keep things from dragging, slap a timer on each player’s turn. This way, everyone gets to roll the dice and flex their creativity without the game lasting FOREVER.

20. Post It Note Game


You write a secret word on a sticky note and stick it (gently, please) on a friend’s forehead.

You then take turns asking yes-or-no questions like, ‘Am I a superhero?’ or ‘Do I make people laugh?’ to guess what’s written on your note. It’s really funny as you try to figure it out or make silly mistakes.

Party Games for Adults


When life gives you adults, stir up some mischief with party games designed for the mature crowd.

Shall we?

21. Murder Mystery


Craving a killer night with your adult friends? Cue the Murder Mystery game. 

Perfect for the wannabe Sherlock in all of us, it’s a night of role-play, clue-sleuthing, and harmless (*fingers-crossed*) accusations. 

Detective cap: optional. Sense of humor: required.

22. Drop a Hint

This is a guessing game where your team gives you one-word clues that’ll lead you to guess a secret word or phrase.

This game is fast-paced, simple, and can be customized for any group, whether you’re into Bible trivia or Dungeons & Dragons lore.

Post It Note GameDrop a Hint
Main ActionGuessing a word stuck on your forehead.Guessing a word with one-word clues from others.
Game DynamicsSolo guessing with yes-or-no questions.Group collaboration to provide hints.
Type of InteractionDirect interaction with everyone as you guess.Indirect, as teammates give subtle clues.
Whether you’re wearing the answer like a unicorn or playing detective with whispers, both games guarantee a serious giggle fest.

23. Greetings O’ Great One

The game starts off with the oldest player in the game – let’s pretend that’s you. You put on a blindfold and claim your spot on the “throne” (a.ka. a chair in the middle of the room).

Everyone else sneaks up in turn, throwing out a goofy “Greetings O’ Great One!” in a disguised voice.

You try to guess who’s whoβ€”if you guess correctly, you hand over the blindfold and take a breather as the new ‘Great One’ steps up.

24. The Newlywed Game

With their partners, couples tackle questions ranging from the buttery soft – ‘What’s their ideal date night?’ – to the spicy – ‘What’s their guilty pleasure?’


When you’re playing these types of games with your other half, keep it chill. If you hit a question that’s a bit too personal and gets you feeling uncomfortable, just skip it and keep the good vibes.

25. Great Minds Think Alike


This game that tests if you and your friends are on the same wavelength. You’ll be given a category and have to quickly jot down what comes to mind. 

You’re not aiming to be unique. The goal is to guess what everyone else will think. Nail that, and you’re golden.

Here’s some categories you can use for the game:

  1. Wizard item
  2. Spicy food
  3. Nerdy character
  4. Future job
  5. Midnight activity
  6. Ice cream topping
  7. Mars essential
  8. Bad pet
  9. Needed invention
  10. Everyday superpower

26. Heads Up

Stick your iPhone on your forehead and let your friends feed you clues. You ask yes or no questions until you guess it right.

Give it a try if you want some laughsβ€”sorry, Android users, this one’s not for you.

Here’s a link to the Heads Up app if you’d like to give it a try.

Looking to Sweeten Up Your Next Party?


Grab the FREE Candy Deluxe Dice Game, where candy and chance combine for tons of fun with family and friends. The game is simple to set up and play (let’s hear it for hassle-free!). Roll the die. Then swap, steal, or snag candy. Done & dusted. Plus, you get to join my nifty newsletter of fun party tips and tricks.

27. Psych

You invent fake answers to trivia questions. Score points by guessing correctly or getting friends to believe your made-up answer. You can play it on Android and IOS devices, mixing trivia with a bit of bluffing for some good laughs.

Download the app for Psych to start fooling your friends with fake trivia answers.

Check out the table below for a bunch of other digital party games you can play:

QuiplashPlayers answer witty prompts, and everyone votes on the best quip.
Heads Up!Guess the word on your forehead from your friends’ clues.
QuizUpChallenge others to trivia duels across various categories.
Gartic PhoneCombines drawing with the classic telephone game.
Show off your smarts, your drawing skills or silly sideβ€”these games bring out the best in every party-goer.

28. Soda Pong

Soda Pong: the non-alcoholic twist on Beer Pong. Same rules, but with soda instead of beer.

Remember to play responsibly, especially if you’re using the real deal. 

29. Don’t Say Yes

For this game, you have to avoid saying the word (yep, you guessed it) “yes”.

It can be tricky, especially when you’re being asked questions and you have to answer quickly without using that word.

If you accidentally say “yes”, you lose. The other players will try to trick you into saying it. Stay cool and think fast to stay in the game.


To dodge saying “yes” try out responses like “Absolutely” or “You bet”. A nod works well too. Make sure these feel natural to you.

30. Mafia


Mafia is all about strategy and bluffing with your friends. You’ll need to figure out who’s part of the Mafia and who’s just an innocent villager.

As everyone gets into their roles, alliances form and the accusations start flyingβ€”even your bestie isn’t safe from suspicion in this game where everyone’s got a secret.

Fun Party Games for Teens


Planning a party for teens is like trying to juggle flaming chainsaws.  I’d like to spare you that particular dose of insanity. 

These game’ll give them a night that’ll be etched in their memories forever – in a good way.

31. Wink Assassin


If you’re sly with ninja-like reflexes, you’ll love Wink Assassin. Secretly pick one player as the Assassin while the rest are Detectives. The Assassin aims to “take out” Detectives by winking at them, and if you’re winked at, you have to die (as dramatically as possible) and exit the game.

32. Medusa

In a circle with closed eyes, once “three” is called, look someone in the eye. If you both shout “Medusa!” at the same time, you’ll crack up for sure, but don’t be slow or you’ll be the next Medusa in line.

FactorWink AssassinMedusa
ObjectiveBe sneaky, wink to “off” DetectivesAvoid eye contact or become Medusa
Key SkillStealth and a poker faceQuick reflexes and a steady gaze
End of RoundLast Detective standing or when Assassin is caughtNew Medusa chosen when only one left
Wink & Perish vs. Stare & Petrify: Choose Your Battle, Wisely!

33. Sock Wrestling

It sounds absolutely ridiculous; I know. But hear me out. It’s actually more exciting than it sounds. 

Two players lay down on the floor in their socks. Be the first one to get both your socks off without using your hands wins. 


You can even flip the game by tasking players with putting on their socks by just using their feet. None of this is easy, and that’s the point. Heh, heh, heh.

34. Junk in the Trunk

You tie a box with ping pong balls to your waist and shake them out as quickly as you can. Dance around until your box is empty to win.

35. Truth or Dare


Truth or Dare is a must at teen parties. You either answer a personal question or do a funny dare when it’s your turn. Just have fun with it!

Truth QuestionsDare Challenges
If you were a sandwich, what kind would you be?Sing a pop song like an opera star.
What’s the silliest thing you’re afraid of?Walk like a crab from one side of the room to the other.
Ever sent a text to the wrong person? Spill it!Pretend to be a cat and get someone to pet you.
What’s your most embarrassing fashion disaster?Do your best impression of a celebrity until someone guesses who it is.
If your life was a movie, what would it be called?Try to juggle 3 objects for 30 seconds.
Who is your secret crush?Talk in rhymes for the next 10 minutes.
What’s the worst gift you’ve ever received?Wear socks on your hands for the next 3 turns.
Describe your last dream in detail.Hold an ice cube until it melts completely (brutal!)
Got any weird talents? Show us!Draw a mustache on your face with a washable marker.
Which cartoon character do you resemble most?Do 10 push-ups while singing the alphabet backwards.
Awesome options to unleash your inner goofball in Truth or Dare.

36. Balloon War

Balloon War is the ultimate balloon-popping battle. Label three balloons with your name as your lifelines.

Armed with a crayon, try to pop everyone else’s balloons while keeping yours safe. You can’t hide your balloons, but dodging with them is fair game.


Plan your balloon battles like a proβ€”no random popping! Outwit your rivals by plotting your moves and teaming up when it makes sense.

37. Pass the Peanut

This game all about teamwork and steady mouths.

Hold a plastic spoon in your mouth and pass a peanutβ€”or any small itemβ€”down the line without using hands.

If it falls, you start over. The team that passes their peanut the quickest gets to celebrate their victory.


Check and make sure that no one has a peanut allergy BEFORE you play the game. You can literally pass any small object – M&Ms, cotton balls, marshmallow, etc.

38. Spin-a-Dare

Take Spin the Bottle to a whole new level with Spin-a-Dare.This game adds a twist by daring players to do funny and daring challenges.

39. Yard Twister

Twister. Outside. Party. Game. Bliss.

40. Watermelon Pool Race


If you’re planning a pool party for your teen, get everyone laughing with a Watermelon Pool Race. Teams nudge greased-up watermelons across the pool without using hands, laughing as they slip and slide. Whichever squad nudges their fruit to the finish line first wins. And yep, watermelons actually float – who knew?

Wanna make the game harder?

  1. Use smaller objects like grapefruits covered in Vaseline, making them harder to control and push.
  2. Add obstacles in the pool, such as floating rings or noodles, that teams must maneuver their watermelon through.
  3. Increase the distance of the race or require multiple laps back and forth across the pool.

Looking to Sweeten Up Your Next Party?


Grab the FREE Candy Deluxe Dice Game, where candy and chance combine for tons of fun with family and friends. The game is simple to set up and play (let’s hear it for hassle-free!). Roll the die. Then swap, steal, or snag candy. Done & dusted. Plus, you get to join my nifty newsletter of fun party tips and tricks.

41. Stacking Solo Cups

Each player gets a stack of plastic cups and the challenge is to stack them into a pyramid shape (or some other sort of shape) using only one hand.

42. Gummy Bear Picnic

Here’s a teen-friendly twist on bobbing for apples. Grab a pie pan for each player, toss in 10 gummy bears, and bury them under a mountain of whipped cream.

You race to pluck out the gummies with only your mouthβ€”no hands allowed. This game is a guaranteed hit – just make sure you have plenty of napkins and baby wipes on hand.


Don’t forget to breathe! It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget to come up for air. Take breaks, catch your breath, and avoid passing out into a pie pan of whipped cream.

Party Game Top Picks for Tweens


Planning party games for tweens is like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded…in a thunderstorm.

But, don’t sweat it.  Here’s a killer lineup of games that’ll have those tweens screaming with delight (and not at each other). 

43. Baby in the Air


Grab a bunch of water balloons and form a circle with friendsβ€”numbers for each person. If you’re in the middle, you hurl a balloon sky-high, yelling “Baby in the air, I call number…” and picks the number of someone standing in the circle.

If the person with that number misses the catch, they’re out. Last one standing is the champ, plain and simple.


Prepare for wet clothes, wild laughter, and a serious lack of dignity.

Here’s a few ways to make the game a little bit easier:

  1. Play in smaller groups so that each player has more space and time to react.
  2. Give players a practice round to get used to the weight and feel of the balloons and to se how fast their reaction time will need to be.
  3. Call out numbers in order first, so players can anticipate when their turn is coming.

44. Candy Hunt

You yell out a candy’s catchphrase and whoever nails the name first scores the treat. Keep it quick to keep it fun.

Here’s a few ways to keep the game “fair and square”:

  1. Use a timer to give each player the same amount of time to guess after hearing the slogan.
  2. Have players write down their answers to prevent shouting over each other.
  3. Rotate who gets to call out the slogans so everyone has an equal chance at guessing.
“Melts in your mouth, not in your hands”M&M’s
“Taste the rainbow”Skittles
“Gimme a break”Kit Kat
“You’re not you when you’re hungry”Snickers
“There’s no wrong way to eat a _______”Reese’s
“Makes mouths happy”Twizzlers
“Two for me, none for you”Twix
β€œGet the sensation”York Peppermint Pattie
“The great American chocolate bar”Hershey’s Chocolate Bar
“Nobody better lay a finger on my ________”Butterfinger
These are just a few to get you started. You can always give the players the list before if you want them to have a little bit of extra time to study BEFORE the big game.

45. Back-to-Back Balloon Dash

You line up back-to-back with a partner, sandwich a water balloon in between, and shuffle to the finish without dropping your balloon.

If your balloon bursts, you have to go back to start. Be the first to the finish line without dropping it and you and your partner are balloon dash.


Watch your step to avoid slipping, especially if balloons have already popped and the ground is wet.

46. Nerf Gun Battle

Rev up your tween’s party with an epic Nerf Gun showdown. You split the kids into teams, arm them with Nerf blasters, and let them loose in a makeshift arena. Tag out the rivals, and the squad with the least hits wins bragging rights.

47. Kiddie Pool Kickball


It’s like regular kickball, but with a twist: instead of regular bases, you have awesome kiddie pools. 

48. Glow in the Dark Capture the Flag

For nighttime fun, Glow in the Dark Capture the Flag is a must. Teams snag glow sticks to use as flags and try to outmaneuver each other in the dark. The team that captures the most glow sticks wins, lighting up the night with their glowing grins.

49. Fear Factor Challenge

This is where mess meets competition. Teams battle it out in 5 wacky challenges: think touching weird textures or chowing down on strange snacks. Winners rack up points and the top team nabs the bragging rights.

You’re welcome to make up your own challenges (or even have your tween give you a hand).

But, if you’re not feeling that creative, here’s some challenge options for you to consider:

Sensory ChallengeHave stations with different textures like pudding, whipped cream, jello, etc. where blindfolded kids have to touch or pass items through. Time them to see who does it fastest.
Food ChallengeChallenge kids to drink silly juice combinations or eat things like lemon juice, hot sauce, pickles, etc. Focus is funny not risky.
Balancing ChallengeHave kids walk heel-to-toe on a line or balance objects on their heads crossing an obstacle course. Time them to see who doesn’t drop items.
Mystery Box ChallengeBlindfolded players reach into boxes filled with things like spaghetti, chocolate, hair gel, dough and have to guess what’s inside by touch only.
Sloppy Slip β€˜n SlideKids try towalk tha messy slip β€˜n slide fastest without falling. Hose off afterward!
Any tween that makes it through these challenges deserves the title of
Fear Factor Warrior of Wacky.

Be prepared for the aftermath of messy shenanigans. Make sure everyone has a change of clothes and a shower on standby or stock up on wipes to clean up the chaos. You’ll thank me later.

50. Just Dance Tournament

If you have the gaming system for it, it’s a great way to get your tweens up and moving and having a great time.

51. Pie Face Showdown

Ponchos.  Goggles.  Trivia questions.  And impending sense of doom. Whipped Cream. β€˜Nuff Said.

52. Lip Sync Battle


Lip Sync Battle is the game that dares tweens to embarrass themselves in front of their friends, where kids try to keep a straight face while friends lip sync to victory

53. Elephant March

Grab some pantyhose, a baseball, and line up eight water bottles. You draw a line on the ground, plop the bottles down 4 feet away on each side.

Tuck the baseball into the pantyhose, slap that thing on your head like a crazy hat, and let the baseball leg dangle.

When the clock starts ticking, shimmy and shake that hose-head of yours to knock over those bottles. Try to know ’em all over as fast as you can.

Here’s a few technique tips:

  1. Practice your swing to get a feel for the weight and movement of the ball in the pantyhose.
  2. Stand firm and use your hips to control the swing for more precise hits to the bottles.
  3. Focus on one bottle at a time rather than swinging wildly, aiming for accuracy over speed.

54. Musical Islands

For this game, you need A LOT of space. You’ll also need some old newspapers, sheets or towels (or a mixture of the 3) to play this game of Musical Islands.

Start the music and have kids groove around until the music stops, then they have to hop onto an island quick.

With each round, make those islands smaller or take some away. Last one with a spot to stand wins


Mix up quick and slow songs so kids don’t know what’s coming next. Change the shape of the islands every time to make it more fun. And remind everyone to think fast but not push or run into each other.

55. Egg Toss 


Pair up and grab a raw egg. You have to throw it to each other without dropping it.

Every time someone catches it, you have to move further apart. Keep going until the egg breaks.


Toss that egg with care. Aim trumps powerβ€”and keep the chatter going for a smooth catch.

Party Game Ideas for Kids They’ll Actually Like


Planning your kid’s party and wondering how to keep those little bundles of energy entertained?

It’s all good. You’re about to get the scoop on some party games that’ll be surefire hits with your young guests. 

56. Freeze Dance


Freeze Dance turns a regular dance-off into a game of statues. Kids groove to the beat until the music cuts outβ€”then they freeze in place. If you wiggle, you’re out. Last one standing without moving wins.

59. Egg Drop

You split up into groups, each with a raw egg and a bunch of random stuff like straws, newspaper, and tape. Your mission: drop the egg without cracking it, perfect for an outdoor bash with plenty of space for experiments.


Rope in some adults or older kids to lend a handβ€”they can help explain the rules and offer a bit of guidance. This way, the little ones won’t feel all alone and get frustrated.

60. SPUD

SPUD is a wild tag game for high energy kids. Stand in a circle, get a number. The unlucky one is ‘it’ and picks a number. That kid is the target.

If you’re the “it” kid, you chuck a softball or beanbag, aka the “spud”, at the target. The target must catch it while everyone else scatters.

Drop the spud or get tagged by ‘it,’ and you earn a letter. S-P-U-D. Keep going until someone spells the whole thing and is out.

61. Duck, Duck, Goose

This game has everyone sitting in a circle except oneβ€”the “goose”. They tap heads saying “duck” until they choose someone to be the new goose with a “goose” shout and a race for an open spot.

62. Cookie Face


Get ready for a wild game: no hands, just Oreos. Stick the cookie on your forehead and use only your face to get it in your mouth – no hands allowed.

63. Simon Says

Simon SaysTest your listening with Simon Says, where one leader gives commands starting with “Simon says.”

Slip up and move without those magic words? You’re sitting out. The last one standing after all the tricky orders wins, and you can play it just about anywhere.

64. Fox and Hen

A tag game with a twist. One kid’s the fox, one’s the hen, and the rest are ducks. Ducks form a circle, fox chases hen, ducks block fox. Fast, fun, and a workout for everyone.

FactorSimon SaysFox and Hen
Who’s in Charge?One leader giving commandsOne kid as the fox, another as the hen
Mistake ConsequencesMove without “Simon says” and you’re outIf the fox catches, the hen, then hen is out
Play Anywhere?Yes, play anywhere you have spaceYep, go for it
Command Central vs. Farmyard Frenzy: Pick your battle ground.

65. Camera Game

You get a camera and have to follow goofy themeβ€”then you’re off to snap as many fun pics as you can before time runs out. It’s a great way for kids to flex their creative muscles and share their cool photos.

Here’s some possible categories:

  • Strangest Shadow Pose
  • Funniest Face While Jumping
  • Craziest Hat You Can Create with Cardboard and Duct Tape
  • Sock Puppet Selfie
  • Epic Action Shot Jumping Off Something
  • Food Mustache Selfie
  • Show Your Best Dance Move
  • Funniest Dog Photo Bomber
  • Epic Mid-Air High Five

As far as categories go, the weirder, the goofier, the more creative…the BETTER. Keep the mood light and fun.

66. Lego Spoon Race


Teams use spoons to pass Lego pieces without dropping them. It’s all about steady hands and not laughing too hard – because you’ll need serious concentration to win this game.

Indoor Party Games


Invite Vegas-level thrills (and ridiculous fun)  into your home with this hand-picked collection of beyond epic indoor party games. 

Guaranteed to transform party guests from β€œMeh” to jumping-on-furniture ecstatic in under 3 minutes flat.  

67. Minute to Win It Games


Amp up your party with some Minute to Win It challenges that fit anywhere, anytime.

Juggle balloons in “Defy Gravity,” use a straw for a candy race in “Suck It Up,” and dig out coins in “Penny Hose.”

Don’t overlook the steady hand needed for “Penny Stacker.” Winners get bragging rights or maybe a prize, but everyone had a great time.

68. Mostly Likely To

Circle up, pitch wild, bizarre “who would?” scenarios, and point fingersβ€”fast!

Who’d be the last one standing in a zombie apocalypse? Bet on the quiet one (spoiler: I’m always the quiet one)

Here’s a few other options for questions:

  • Who’s most likely to end up in the circus?
  • Who is most likely to survive in the jungle for a week?
  • Who’s most likely to spontaneously break into song in public?
  • Who is most likely to laugh at their own jokes?
  • Who’s most likely to trip while walking down the aisle as a bride/groom?
  • Who is most likely to steal candy from a baby?
  • Who’s most likely to end up on a reality show?
  • Who’s most likely to set the kitchen on fire cooking?
  • Who is most likely to have weird collections?
  • Who’s most likely to be a stand up comedian?

69. Spoons

Spoons isn’t just a kitchen utensil but a heart-racing card game perfect for a spicy, get-together.

Grab some cards and spoons (one less than your crew), and pass those cards like they’re on fire.

Snag a matching set, grab a spoon ninja-style, and then it’s every player for themselves. Miss out on a spoon and you’re out, but you’ll be itching for another round.


70. Telephone


Telephone is a classic whispering game that turns a simple message into something hilariously unrecognizable.

Draw straws to determine who starts the whispering.

Then you lean in, pass it on, and wait for the big revealβ€”where “giant panda dance in pajamas” might just morph into “‘jolly llamas prance with bananas”.

71. Sticker Stalker

If you’re looking for a game that combines stealth with social interaction, Sticker Stalker is your go-to choice at any indoor party. 

If you’re chosen by the host to be the “Sticker Stalker”, you get to sneak around and stick stickers on other people when they’re not looking.

It’s a simple, funny game that helps everyone start talking and having fun together.


Keep moving: Don’t linger too long after sticking someone; move away smoothly to avoid suspicion.

72. Pictionary

For this game, you sketch out crazy ideas while your team races to guess.

Don’t sweat it if your stick figures wouldn’t hang in a museum; the real win is the laughter from friends trying to decipher your doodles.

Just grab a pen, clear the coffee table, and get ready for a gallery night that’s all about fun.

facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

73. Doodle with a Noodle


Forget pens and paperβ€”Doodle with a Noodle lets you use spaghetti to bend and twist words on your plate.

74. Pass the Story

You circle up for “Pass the Story,” where each person adds a line to build an unpredictable, wacky tale about…whatever.

Toss your own twist and enjoy the group’s creative chaos.

If you’re interested in more group talking or story games, you might want to try some of these:

Game NameHow to Play
One Word at a Time StoryGo around the circle, with each person adding one word to build a story. Keep going until it’s complete or gets too wacky.
Fortunately/UnfortunatelyPlayers take turns creating sentences, starting with “fortunately” or “unfortunately” to add good or bad twists to the story.
Three-Line SceneEach person contributes one line, in turn, to create an impromptu three-line scene with a beginning, middle, and end.
Group CountingTogether, count to ten without overlap. If two people speak at once, start over. It’s about timing and attention.
Alphabet StoryCraft a story where each new sentence starts with the consecutive letter of the alphabet from A to Z.
From alphabet adventures to counting conundrums, it’s storytelling…with a TWIST.

75. Never Have I Ever

“Never Have I Ever” is the ultimate truth test. Hold up your ten fingers, then fold one for each crazy, true story you tell.

It’s all fun, unexpected confessions, honest revelation, and sly secrets out in the open.

Here are 10 fun and clean “Never Have I Ever” questions to ask for the game:

  1. Never have I ever gone ziplining
  2. Never have I ever failed a test at school
  3. Never have I ever been on TV
  4. Never have I ever ridden in a limo
  5. Never have I ever meet someone famous
  6. Never have I ever worked in fast food
  7. Never have I ever gotten stitches
  8. Never have I ever dyed my hair
  9. Never have I ever had a pet besides a dog/cat
  10. Never have I ever been on a cruise

The key is keeping things lighthearted and clean but revealing surprises from people’s pasts to spark fun conversations.

76. Slinky Challenge

Take on the Slinky Challenge and send your spring down the steps in a gravity-defying dash to the bottom.

Will it land like a champ or flip with style? Give it a flick and watch it go.

Here’s a few different variations of the Slinky Challenge that you might want to try out:

  1. Relay Race Slinky: Turn it into a team challenge where each member must take turns to get the slinky down a flight of stairs. The next player can only start once their teammate’s slinky has reached the bottom.
  2. Obstacle Course Slinky: Set up obstacles on the stairs, like books or soft toys, that the slinky must weave around or jump over to reach the bottom.
  3. Blindfolded Slinky: Players must navigate their slinkies down without being able to see, relying only on instruction from teammates on when to flick and release their slinky for optimal movement.

77. Shoe Box Race


In the Shoebox Race, forget graceβ€”it’s all about speed. Slide those shoeboxes over the floor as you hustle to victory. It’s quick steps, not long strides, that win this race.

Outdoor Party Games


I like to keep my outdoor party games easy-peasy with just a few bits and pieces.

It’s all about the host creating fun time for everyone WITHOUT wearing yourself out.

Stick around, and I’ll show you some no-fuss gems that are sure to pump up the energy and keep smiles going at your next outdoor party.

78. Tug-of-War


A rope.  Two teams.  A LOT of pulling.  Classic outdoor party game fun.

79. Water Balloon Fight

Stock up on filled balloons β€” the arsenal for your splash fest. Choose an open area as our arena, set some ground rules like no headshots, and let loose.

Remember to duck behind trees (or whatever else you can use as cover), and if you get splashed, plot your playful revenge.

Here’s a few tips for how to keep the water balloon fighting fair:

  1. Set clear boundaries: Agree on the play area limits and keep the action within those borders.
  2. Gentle throws: Make sure everyone knows to toss balloons softly to avoid hurt feelings or injuries.
  3. Establish a signal for timeouts: Choose a word or gesture that anyone can use to call for a temporary truce, whether it’s for refilling balloons or taking a breather.

80. Cornhole

Embrace the challenge of throwing bean bags into a hole, all while maintaining your cool and avoiding any embarrassing trips or spills.

join my faceook group!

My Motto? Parties shouldn’t require a week’s worth of prep (or cleanup).

If your idea of party planning is more “wing it with style” than “schedule every second”, you’re my kind of people. Come for the laughs and good times, but stay for the goodies that make party planning a breeze (or at least less of a hurricane).


81. Water Balloon Pinata


Whack a water balloon-filled piΓ±ata and brace for a splashy surprise, with treats thrown in for good measure. When it bursts, you’ll get drenched and showered with goodies.


Have extra water balloons and treats on hand, just in case things get wild and people want to have another go or if some balloons decide to pop prematurely (typical, amirite?). This way, everyone can have a fair shot at the fun and enjoy the game to the fullest. So stock up.

82. Squirt Gun Cup Race

Set up a squirt gun cup race by punching holes in plastic cups and stringing them up.

Use your squirt gun to zoom the cups along the stringβ€”if you can.

83. Obstacle Course Three-Legged Race

Link up for an Obstacle Course Three-Legged Race, where you tackle a maze of challenges while literally tied to your partner.

Stumble, laugh, hip-bump, and lunge your way to first place together – if you can.

facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

84. Drip Drip Splash


It’s Duck, Duck, Goose with a wet twist. Squeeze water from a sponge while circling the group.

If you soak someone’s head, and they’ll chase you around the circle and try to tag you BEFORE you get back to their spot.

If they catch you, you get a bucket of water dumped over your head; if not, they become to new dripper.

Twist NumberGame VariationDescription
1Frozen T-Shirt DripPlayers must wear a frozen t-shirt after getting splashed, wearing it until it’s their turn to drip.
2Colorful SplashWater balloons are filled with food-dye colored water for a burst of color upon splashdown, turning players into artwork.
3Obstacle EscapeThe chased player navigates an obstacle course to return to their spot, adding an extra layer of challenge.
4Drip, Drip, SpellChased players must spell a word before returning to their spot; failure adds a fun penalty.
5Ice-Cold DripThe water in the balloons is ice-cold, making each splash an exhilarating shock.
Game variations are LIFE. If you loved the original, you’re bound to love some of these creative twists.

Party Games for Large Groups


Big groups mean big fun, and I’ve got just the party games ideas to prove it. These aren’t your average “Do we have to play this AGAIN?” activities.

They’re the kind of games that encourage a little friendly plotting, laugh ’til their sides hurt, and make everyone forget about their buzzing phones.

Keep these in your back pocket for when you need to amp up the energy at any party where there’s a big group of people.

85. Rock-Paper Scissors Challenge


Rock, Paper, Scissors just got an upgrade. This version isn’t just about hands; it’s a full-on spectator sport. Winners advance and losers turn into their personal hype man (or women).

Rack up the wins and your cheering squad grows, until you’re left with two finalists and then a whole crowd going wild for the champ.

In the Rock, Paper, Scissors Challenge, EVERYONE becomes the winner’s hype man. A hype man is the human equivalent of an energy drink, always amped up to cheer you on, whether you remembered to load the dishwasher or just successfully parallel parked. – Aquita, Fun Party Tips

86. Balloon Stomp

Step lively if you’re playing Balloon Stomp, where your goal is to pop balloons with your feet and avoid getting popped yourself. Stay nimble, think quick, and crush those balloons to win.

87. Categories (Similarities)

In Categories (Similarities), it’s not just what you know, but what you share with others that counts. Discover how many in the room can’t resist pineapple pizza or who else gives garden gnomes a wide berth. It’s a chatty, light-hearted way to see what ties the room together.

Here’s a few categories you can use:

  1. Favorite childhood TV shows
  2. Cities you dream of visiting
  3. Foods you can’t stand
  4. Go-to karaoke songs
  5. Strange fears or phobias
  6. Books that changed your life
  7. Most unusual pets owned
  8. Superpowers you wish you had
  9. Misheard song lyrics you believed were true
  10. Embarrassing moments in public places

88. Blind Square

You’re blindfolded with just a rope and a mission: make a square – with the help of your nonblindfolded partner. It’s not about shouting directions; it’s teamwork and careful listening that win here.

89. Question Mix and Mingle


Wave awkward silences goodbye and skip the dead-end yes or no interrogations.

Bring on the clever questions and watch lively chats and connections blossom. Expect a flood of giggles and snappy comebacks as you hop from one chat to the next.

Here’s some questions to get you started:

  1. If you could have dinner with any three people from history, who would they be and why?
  2. What’s one hobby you’ve always wanted to pick up but haven’t yet, and what’s stopping you?
  3. If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?
  4. Describe a moment in your life where you felt like the main character in a movie.
  5. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
  6. If your life was a book, what would this chapter be called?
  7. What’s something that everyone else seems to love that you just don’t understand?
  8. If you had to live in a TV show for a month, which one would it be and why?
  9. What’s a piece of advice you frequently give but find yourself struggling to follow?
  10. Tell me about a small decision you made that ended up having a big impact on your life.

90. The Bowl Game

Your hidden truths can score big in this game. Jot down two facts about yourself (everyone does this), toss them into the mix, and try to match each fact to its owner.

Rack up points for every right guess or for keeping your own facts under wraps. Keep a straight face and may the best secret keeper win.

91. Human Knot


Time to get all tangled up with the Human Knot challenge. Form a circle, hold hands with two others, and prepare for some serious contorting. 

Simple Party Games with Little Prep


With these tips and tricks for pared-down partying, you’ll gain confidence to host lively, laidback gatherings that’ll leave you and your guests grinning.

92. Cereal Scramble Game


Here cereal box panels turn into a race against the clock. Chop up those colorful fronts and mix them up. You have sixty seconds to piece the puzzle back together.

93. Movin’ On Up Game

You have a minute to shuffle a blue cup through a stack of red ones. You start with the blue on top and move it down one by one until it gets back to the top.

94. Scoop It Up Game

With just a minute on the clock, you hustle to transfer six balls from one bowl to another with a spoon. Throw in a cool prize for extra zest, and you’ve got a party hit that gets everyone buzzing with excitement right off the bat. 


It’s not a bad idea to do a few trial runs befgore starting the timer to get a feel for the spoon-to-ball weight and movement.

95. Mr. President

All you need is a timer and some brainpower. The challenge is simple: name as many U.S. presidents as you can in just one minute.  Get ready to shout out those names and see who knows their history best.

96. Chopstick Delivery


You’ve got 30 speedy seconds to move a bunch of tiny things with just chopsticks. Grab those sticks, snatch items like beads or marshmallows from one bowl to the next. 


Get creative and add some extra fun by placing the target bowl in tricky spots. Across the room, over obstacles, or even on the head of another player.

97. Hot Potato

Players sit in a circle and pass a “hot potato” (a small object) around as quickly as they can. The player holding the “potato” when the music stops is out.

“We played “Hot Potato” with a water balloon one year. Let’s just say I’ve never seen “Hot Potato” descend into a chaotic water fight, turning our backyard into a scene from a low-budget water park. Best. Day. Ever.”
– Aquita, Fun Party Tips

98. Blown Away Game

You just need plastic cups and balloons. Stack the cups, start the clock. Inflate a balloon, knock down all cups in under a minute. Test aim and lung power.

99. Bubble Battle Game

Get ready for laughs with the Bubble Battle Game at your next party. You have one minute to blow a bubble through a hoop. It sounds easy, but it’s a hilarious to see who can do it. 

100. Whisper Challenge

Hope you know how to read lips.  Because the object of this game is to figure out what your partner is whispering to you.  

Here’s a few sentences that you can use for the Whisper Challenge:

  1. She sells seashells by the seashore.
  2. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
  3. How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
  4. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
  5. Six slippery snails slid slowly seaward.
  6. A proper copper coffee pot.
  7. The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.
  8. Can you can a canned can into an uncanned can like a canner can can a canned can into an uncanned can?
  9. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear; Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair; Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he?
  10. Betty Botter bought some butter; but she said the butter’s bitter; if I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.

101. Right Side Upside Down


Scatter plastic cups all over the room, half of them right side up and the other half upside down. Divide into teams and get ready to rumble:

  • Round 1: Team A vs. Team B. Team A runs like crazy to flip all the cups right side up, while Team B flips them upside down. No cup moving allowed, just quick flips. When the leader shouts “Stop!”, everyone freezes like statues.
  • Round 2: Switch sides, switch flips! Team A now flips cups upside down and Team B goes right side up. 
  • Scoring: Each team gets 1 point for each cup in their orientation. Cups on their sides don’t count, sorry. The team with the highest score after both rounds takes home the victory.

Time to Get Your Hands Dirty (To Dos)

With so many game options to choose from, it can get overwhelming trying to decide which games to play.

That’s why I wanted to end by offering up a handy planning checklist to help organize your selections.

  • Highlight or circle your favorites and family-friendly contenders.
  • Call your BFF (or someone comparable) to chat through options and see what makes you both snort with laughter.
  • Make sure you match games to the number of your guests and their ages.
  • Check if you have all the materials and space needed for your party games.
  • Plan a backup game or two just in case your top pick doesn’t pan out.

Don’t Forget Your Free The Candy Deluxe Dice Game (Print & Play!)

Listen if your mind is STILL swimming after all that, do yourself a favor and snag the Candy Deluxe Dice Game.

Be decisive and just get it.

You’ll have an awesome time playing it. Girl Scout’s honor. (Yep, I was a Girl Scout)

  1. Grab the printable. Join my low-key newsletter and you’ll get the bonus printable cheat sheet. Just click right here and sign up.
  2. Print that bad boy out. Regular paper works, but cardstock takes it up a notch. Make enough copies for everyone you’re playing with.
  3. Get a die or print out and assemble the one that came with the printable.
  4. Get that candy. Everyone should have 3 to 5 pieces to start. And there should be 20 to 30 pieces for the center pile.
  5. Youngest player rolls first, does the action. Then rotate clockwise. Enjoy!

Your Turn

Which games do you think’ll be fun to try? Which ones will you NEVER even bother with? Let me know in the comments below.

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