9 Best Church Scavenger Hunt Ideas for Fun Fellowship

Looking to jazz up your church gatherings? And I’m glad you’re thinking about tossing a church scavenger hunt into the mix.

Because making your church events more fun doesn’t have to be rocket science.

The idea here is to transform your run-of-the-mill church visit into a game for all ages – one that can bring adults AND kids (take that short attention spans!) in the same room to get excited about God.


Key Takeaways

  • It’s not just kids and teens, Sunday schools, and youth groups in on the hunt action –  adults, even grumpy Mr. Jenkins gets a chance to crack a smile.
  • From Bible verse trivia to photo hunts and Christian symbol hunts, there’s ways to put a playful spin on the hunt to mix faith, fun, and fellowship for everyone.
  • Unlike regular hunts, clues and challenges for church scavenger hunts are mini-missions to teach, inspire, and bring those Bible tales down to Earth.
  • Behind the scenes, it’s all about planning, rule-setting, and prize-picking. Organizing a scavenger hunt is like herding sheep with a smile – everyone’s having fun, but you’ve got the shepherd’s crook.
  • Of coure the ultimate prize of the hunt is learning more about God…but prizes are always nice. Invest in some for everyone that participates.

1. Bible Verse Hunt


Join a Bible scavenger hunt for faith-filled fun! Explore your church and its surroundings with clever clues to uncover hidden Bible verses. It’s not just a game; it’s a hands-on way to engage with God’s teachings.

As you follow the clues, each scripture you find connects you to the Bible’s wisdom.

The Bible Verse Hunt isn’t just an activity; it’s a path to understanding the richness of what Bible’s all about.

The Bible Verse Hunt helps bring the Bible to life for all ages at youth groups, family events, or Bible studies.

The nice thing about church scavenger hunts is that you can blend this into pretty much any holiday – especially if you’re creative.  Easter is typically a go-to-especially with egg hunts and such.  But, Halloween and Christmas can be used as themes for hunts, too.  A biblical spin just has to be put on them. Cool, right?”  – Aquita, Fun Party Tips


Level up your church scavenger hunt with a modern twist: the Photo Ops Hunt! Turn the church grounds into a live-action puzzle, where each photo leads to the next clue. 

Here’s how it works: Teams get a list of photo challenges, like snapping pics in front of old stained-glass windows or acting out iconic Bible scenes.

This hunt gets church members exploring and interacting and seeing their surroundings in a new way. *fingers crossed*


If the kids are playing in teams, only ONE of them needs to have a cell phone to do this type of hunt.

3. Christian Symbol Hunt

Follow the trail of different symbols that’ll lead you on a whirlwind through the Bible stories, with a side of fun.

Kids run (um, carefully stroll) around hunting for symbols and asking about their meaning and adults spend quiet moments uncover stories they might’ve forgotten.

SymbolDescriptionBiblical Reference
CrossRepresentation of Christ’s sacrifice or “Why we need to be greatful”1 Corinthians 1:18
Alpha and OmegaIndicating God’s eternal nature or “I’ve been around the block and then some”Revelation 22:13
Fish (Ichthys)Symbol of Christian faith and the teachings of Jesus, because those fish stickers on bumpers aren’t just for showMatthew 4:19
DoveSymbolizing the Holy Spirit and peaceMatthew 3:16
If you’re working with little kids (like preschoolers), you can always use pictures/symbols instead of words for the scavenger hunt.

Wanna Learn a Little More?

If you really want to bring the fun up to Level 10, with some cool party game ideas for all ages, scope out my latest post 101 Epic Party Game Ideas to Energize Any Gathering (Easy & Fun). You’re sure to find lots of options for fun activities and games.

4. Miracles of Creation Hunt


This is a where Bible trivia meets God’s natural world masterpieces – a pause in busy lives to cherish the beauty of God’s creation.

To amp up your nature exploration, here’s a playful guide of items to spot, linking the miracles of the outdoors with Scripture:

Natural ElementDescriptionScriptural Connection
Plant ParadePlants or trees of different speciesGenesis 1:11-12 – God’s creation of vegetation
Feathered FriendsObservation of local birdsMatthew 6:26 – Birds as an example of God’s care
Living WatersStreams, lakes, or pondsPsalm 23:2 – Waters of peace and provision
Insect InsightsInsects at work or in habitatProverbs 6:6 – Learning diligence from ants
Stone of SignificanceGeological formations or specimensRomans 9:33 – Christ as the cornerstone

5. Bible Book Hunt: An Exciting Challenge for Church Youth Groups

This dynamic activity is the perfect mix of fun and faith for church youth groups. It’s a treasure hunt with a divine mission: to navigate through the twists and turns of both the New and Old Testaments.

Here’s how to gear up for this quest:

  • Choose your adventure scale: Will it be a select sprint through key books, or a grand marathon covering the whole Bible?
  • Design clues that reflect the spirit of the scriptures. Each riddle is a gateway to the stories, symbols, and lessons of the Bible.
  • Rally the troops! Solving scripture-based puzzles is a team sport.
  • Spice it up with interactive challenges that echo the Bible’s teachings, blending scriptural wisdom with real-world fun.

Here’s an example of how you might structure the clues for your scavenger hunt:

Book of the BibleClue DescriptionLocation HintInteractive Challenge
GenesisSeek the beginnings, where creation took shapeNear the baptistry, symbolizing new lifeSketch your own version of the Garden of Eden
RuthFind the story of devotion and harvestCheck the community garden plotGather handfuls of grains or leaves
MatthewA gospel tale, where beatitudes are heardWalk the path of our church’s mountWrite a modern beatitude reflective of today’s society
RevelationReveal the book with visions and prophecyScan the area where the future is often discussedShare an inspiring vision for your community’s future
This is just to get you started. Dive into your bible study materials for more Bible book info to add to the hunt.

6. Fruit of the Spirit Hunt


In the Fruit of the Spirit Hunt hunt you scout out cool and fun ways to show the nine behaviors that Christians are supposed to show: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Let’s hear it for Galatians 5:22-23)

Here’s some practical ways to bring the fruit of the spirit to life within your church’s small groups:

  • Love: Perform a random act of kindness for a fellow church member.
  • Joy: Share a testimony of a joyful moment in your life with the group.
  • Peace: Spend a few minutes in prayer for peace within your community.
  • Patience: Partner up and solve a challenging puzzle together.
  • Kindness: Craft handmade cards to brighten a neighbor’s day.
  • Goodness: Organize a mini community cleanup.
  • Faithfulness: Discuss what faithfulness means to each participant.
  • Gentleness: Engage in a gentle yoga session or quiet reflection time.
  • Self-control: Participate in a friendly competition requiring restraint.

Here’s a little guide to show you how each “fruit” can be a part of this awesome game:

Fruit of the SpiritActivity IdeaReflection Prompt
LovePrepare a meal for a local family in need.What does love in action look like for you?
JoyShare a funny story or joke to make others laugh.How does joy manifest in your daily life?
PeaceParticipate in a group meditation focused on peace.When have you felt true peace and how can you spread it?
PatienceTake turns listening without interrupting.How can patience improve your relationships?
KindnessCollect items to donate to a charity.What act of kindness has impacted you recently?
GoodnessCreate a ‘good deeds’ board where everyone can post.What does living a good life signify to you?
FaithfulnessDiscuss stories of faith under challenging circumstances.In what ways do you demonstrate faithfulness?
GentlenessPractice deep listening in pairs.How does gentleness affect the way you communicate?
Self-controlChallenge the group with a no-sweets week.How does self-control contribute to personal growth?
Adding a reflection component is a great teaching tool for Scripture, and for any topic in general.

7. Parable Hunt: Exploring the Teachings of Jesus

It’s a chance to connect those old stories to our lives right now and get a whole new view on things from the Bible – but in a fun way

Take the Parable of the Mustard Seed, for example. Can you find something really tiny that grows into something huge?

It could be a little plant in a community garden or a small drawing that turns into a big art project. These are like real-life versions of the parable, helping us see how small things can make a big difference.

Here’s some fun challenges you can try and what they mean:

  • Mustard Seed Challenge: Look for something tiny that represents growth and talk about how small actions can lead to big changes.
  • Lost Coin Challenge: Hunt for a hidden coin or something valuable and discuss the joy of finding something you thought was gone forever.
  • Good Samaritan Challenge: Do a random act of kindness for someone and share stories about helping others in need.
  • Prodigal Son Challenge: Create a story or play about forgiveness and second chances.

These are just a few starters for your Parable Adventure. Each challenge is a fun way to see how those old stories from the Bible are still super relevant to us today:

The Good SamaritanPerform a random act of kindnessCompassion for your neighbor
The Prodigal SonShare a personal story of forgivenessRedemption and acceptance
The Lost SheepFind an object that feels out of placeGuidance and the value of every individual
The SowerPlant seeds or start a planterSpreading the message and growth
If you want, you can even pick ONE parable and do an entire scavenger hunt around it.

Don’t forget to capture the magic. Even if you don’t do it, give all the players that responsibility. Whether it’s snapping photos, jotting down thoughts, or sharing cool insights with friends, it’s always to keep a record of the event.

8. Easter Story Hunt

If you gear up for a Easter Story hunt, think of it as a mix of Easter egg hunting fun and a dive into the Bible. 

Scurry around the church looking for hidden eggs, but each one you find is like a mini history lesson.

Inside these eggs are little treasures – pieces of scripture or symbols that bring to life different parts of the Easter story (and a treat or two, as well!)

Let’s break down what could be written in on the slips inside the Easter eggs:

  • Rock: It’s not just a rock; it represents Jesus as the cornerstone of our faith. (Ephesians 2:20)
  • Piece of Bread: Think back to the Last Supper every time you find one. (Luke 22:19)
  • Small Cross: A powerful symbol of the Crucifixion. (John 19:17-18)
  • Empty Egg: Just like the empty tomb, it’s a sign of Jesus’ resurrection. (Mark 16:6)
  • White Cloth: This one stands for the miracle of the Resurrection. (John 20:5-7)

Feel free to put candy and other treats inside of the Easter Eggs. No need to be a total killjoy. Candy and treats and biblical teachings can coexist. You just need to make sure that you emphasize the biblical teachings, because that’s what tends to get overlooked at times like this.

9. Nativity Scene Scavenger Hunt 

Blend the thrill of a scavenger hunt with a meaningful exploration of the Nativity story, creating a festive and insightful experience for everyone.

Here’s a table of riddles and locations for your Nativity Scene Scavenger Hunt. Each riddle leads to a location where a symbolic item from the Nativity story can be found.

RiddleItemSuggested Location
“Underneath the brightest light, find the star that shone so bright.”Small StarNear the church’s main light fixture or a spotlight.
“Where you rest when songs are sung, find where the Christ Child was among.”Tiny MangerIn a pew or near the choir area.
“High above where choirs sing, an angel spreads its heavenly wing.”Angel FigurineOn a high shelf or window sill in the choir area.
“Among the flock in a quiet stance, find the tool of a shepherd’s glance.”Shepherd’s StaffNear a picture or statue of sheep in the church.
“Where wise words are often heard, find three gifts of ancient worth.”Gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and MyrrhNear the pulpit or a place where they can be displayed

Spicing Up Your Church Scavenger Hunt

So, you’ve got the fun job of creating scavenger hunt clues for your church event. Here’s the plan: mix a bit of laughs with learning.  

Make sure your clues aren’t just stepping stones from one church corner to another.

They’re more like fun little puzzles that get everyone thinking about the Bible in cool, new ways – you want to entertain AND enlighten.

Check out the table below for a lineup of clues that are smart, sound, and stay true to the spirit of a church scavenger hunt.

Clue TypeDescriptionExample
Biblical RiddlesRiddles based on scripture and characters.“I was swallowed by a great fish when I tried to run; find the place where singing praises has just begun.”
Historic PuzzlesClues involving church history and landmarks.“This tower of stone has seen many a year, seek its base to find what you hold dear.”
Reflection QuestionsPrompts that encourage introspection and discussion “Where in our church would you find a peaceful moment to ‘Be still, and know that I am God’? The next clue awaits you there.”
Action CluesTasks that involve performing an activity.“To advance you must first give back, find a way to brighten someone’s day within this holy track.”

Organizational Tips for a Smooth Running Event

You’ve got a grand vision – your church scavenger hunt is going to be epic, uplifting, and fun.

But to morph this dream into a day to remember, you’ve got to get yourself (AND this church scavenger hunt!) together.

As the adult leader, it’s up to you to make sure that your youth leaders and teams get a hefty dose of fun, order, and direction.

Here’s your game plan:

  1. Craft a Master Blueprint: Whip up a detailed plan that covers every step, from the first high-five at the meet-up to the final cheer at the celebration.
  2. Delegate with Pizzazz: Hand out tasks to your youth leaders like you’re doling out party favors. Make sure they know what they’re doing.
  3. Prep Like a Pro: Sort out all the nitty-gritty details way before D-Day. Pin down check-in spots, plan your routes, and get your gear ready ahead of time to dodge those pesky last-minute scrambles.
  4. Set the Stage: Lay down the rules and goals clearly before kick-off. 
  5. Stay Connected: Keep the lines of communication buzzing during the event. Regular check-ins are like your radar – they help you catch and fix any snags fast.

Get as many people to volunteer as you can.  Volun-TELL someone to help you if necessary. But, if you don’t get enough hands on deck, there’s no way you’re going to be able to pull this off.

Prizes for Your Church Scavenger Hunt


Let’s talk treasure! While planning your church’s scavenger hunt, you’ll want to think about what kind of loot will get your teams crazy with excitement.

Here’s some prize ideas that’ll add an extra sprinkle of excitement and friendly competition to your scavenger hunt:

  1. Gift Card Gold: For the team that hits the jackpot, how about gift cards to local eateries or shops? They’re like a universal ‘thank you’ note that suits everyone, from the little to the young at heart.
  2. Awards for Awesomeness: Spot the most outside-the-box thinkers and high-fivers? Did they show that they can really work together? Reward their creativity and team spirit with custom trophies or medals. 
  3. Church Swag Surprises: Think about dishing out church-themed swag like cool t-shirts, hats, or tote bags – wearable memories of a great day.
  4. Exclusive Hangout Passes: Unlocking the church youth room for a movie or gaming night as a prize?
  5. Pick-a-Prize Table: Set a table where everyone, not just the winners, can grab a little something to remember the day by.  You may want to keep a couple of extra tokens tucked away – like candy and other trinkets.

Over to You

Which scavenger hunt do you think you’d like to try for your next event?  Let me know in the comments below.

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