10 Fun Easter Icebreaker Games to Get Rid of Party Awkwardness

If your Easter gatherings need a little extra zest or you’re simply on the hunt for fun ways to bring everyone together, you’re in luck. 

I dove deep into the rabbit hole (pun absolutely intended) to bring you 10 awesome Easter icebreakers for your family, co-workers, or friends that promise to be more hit than miss.

So, grab your notepad, keep your skepticism at bay, and let’s hop (I can’t help myself) into making this Easter one for the books.

Because let’s face it, we all need a little more fun and a lot less awkward silence staring down a table full of deviled eggs.

1. Easter Icebreaker Questions: Crack Open the Fun!


Uncover who really believes in the Easter Bunny and who’s in it for the chocolate. No judgment, just jelly beans.

Objective: Get everyone chatting, laughing, and maybe even blushing a little with a series of Easter-themed questions. 


  • A list of Easter icebreaker questions (Feel free to get creative here or use these Easter icebreaker questions that I made up)
  • A sense of humor (mandatory)
  • Optional: A microphone to really get into the hosting vibe

Setup: Gather everyone around in a circleโ€”yes, even that cousin who’s glued to their phone (but cuz won’t be glued to their phone for long once this game starts). Explain the rules.

Gameplay: Read out the questions one by one, letting each person answer in turn. Encourage honesty, embellishment, and wild stories. The more dramatic, the better.


The key to winning (e.g. having the most fun) at Easter Icebreaker Questions? Be bold, be brave, and maybe share that story about the time you thought it was a good idea to dye the dog green for Easter. Spoiler: It wasn’t.

Creative Variations:

  1. Easter Egg Truth or Dare: Write questions on slips of paper and stuff them inside plastic Easter eggs. Mix in a few “dares” like “Do your best bunny hop” or “Sing ‘Here Comes Peter Cottontail’ with gusto.” It’s like Russian roulette, but with more hopping and less risk.
  2. The Great Easter Debate: After a question is asked, divide the group into two and let them debate their stance. Example: “Is it acceptable to eat Easter candy for breakfast?” Watch as the room divides into Team Chocolate for Breakfast and Team Reasonable Breakfast Choices.
  3. Easter Confessions: This one’s for the brave. After answering a question, you have to confess an Easter-related sin, like the time you secretly ate the head off every chocolate bunny in the house. Confession is good for the soul, and great for laughs.

After every three questions, throw in a wildcard challenge where participants must tell a two-sentence story related to their answer. It could be true, it could be false, but it has to be entertaining.

2. The Great Candy Pass: A Sweet Way to Break the Ice

Bond over butterscotch and friendships forged in chocolate. Just let the candy wrappers tell the story of your night.

Objective: Discover quirky, fun facts about each other while passing around some delicious treats. The aim? To end up with the most candies in your hand by the end of the game.


  • A BIG bowl of wrapped candies (think mints, Hershey Kisses, or any small, wrapped sweet) for each table. Aim for at least two candies per person.
  • A printed list of light-hearted, revealing questions.

Setup: Gather your group into circles, either seated or standing, making sure everyone is within easy reach of the candy bowl.


  1. Each player grabs two pieces of candy from the bowl and passes it along.
  2. The facilitator reads out a question. If your answer is “yes,” pass a candy to your right. If “no,” you get to hold onto your sweets, but be prepared to possibly receive more from your left.
  3. After all questions are asked, everyone counts their candies. The person with the most wins!

Make It More Fun: Conversational Challenges

  • Story Time: If you pass a candy, share a quick story or fact related to the question. It adds depth to the game and a lot of laughs.
  • Candy Swap: Allow players to trade candies based on flavors or colors after each question for added strategy and interaction.
  • Double Trouble: If a question particularly resonates with you, you can choose to pass two candies instead of one, doubling your chances to win (or lose).

Creative Variations

  1. Themed Questions: Tailor your questions to fit the Easter theme or any other occasion. For example, “Have you ever found an Easter egg a week after Easter?”
  2. Candy Types: Use different types of candies for “yes” and “no” answers. This could add a layer of strategy based on people’s candy preferences. For example, maybe Hershey’s kisses are passed for “yes” answers, but mints are passed for “no” answers.
  3. Speed Round: Introduce a speed round where questions are fired off quickly, and players need to pass candies at a rapid pace. Adds excitement and a bit of chaos to the mix.

Make sure that none of your guests are allergic to any of the candies that you’re using for the icebreakers.

Hold up! It’s the “Steal-a-Sweet” Easter game you never knew you needed!


Dive into the spirit of Easter with a twist! Sign up now for the SWAP, STEAL, OPEN: Easter Egg Exchange Dice Game. Don’t miss out on the chance to roll, swap, and open your way to laughter and surprises. Plus, you get to join my nifty newsletter of fun party tips and tricks. Are you ready to crack open the fun?

Here’s a list of questions that you can use for the Great Candy Pass Easter Icebreakers.  You can always add more to the list – especially if you have a larger group, but this should be enough to get you started:

  1. Have you ever been on a disastrous Easter egg hunt where you found absolutely nothing?
  2. Ever pulled off a perfect Easter prank on someone?
  3. Do you have a go-to Easter dish that you absolutely nail every time?
  4. Have you ever worn a ridiculously oversized Easter bonnet just for laughs?
  5. Ever gotten lost on the way to an Easter event or dinner?
  6. Do you have a tradition of watching a specific movie or show every Easter?
  7. Have you ever tried to make your own Easter eggs and ended up with a kitchen disaster?
  8. Do you secretly enjoy Peeps, even if everyone else seems to hate them?
  9. Ever been caught eating the Easter candy meant for kids?
  10. Have you successfully hosted an Easter gathering without any hiccups?
  11. Do you and your significant other have a special Easter tradition just for the two of you?
  12. Ever forgotten where you hid an Easter egg and found it months later?
  13. Have you ever won an Easter egg decorating contest?
  14. Do you look forward to Easter more for the food than the actual holiday?
  15. Ever had an Easter outfit that matched with someone else’s without planning it?
  16. Have you tried an Easter recipe from another culture that turned out amazingly well?
  17. Ever had to attend an Easter event with someone you just started dating?
  18. Do you have a favorite Easter candy that you could eat year-round?
  19. Have you ever gone to a sunrise service on Easter morning?
  20. Ever participated in an Easter activity that was completely new to you and loved it?
  21. Have you ever made a homemade Easter basket and it turned out better than store-bought ones?
  22. Do you have an Easter photo fail where everything went hilariously wrong?
  23. Have you ever tried to dye eggs with natural ingredients and ended up with some unexpected colors?
  24. Ever been part of an Easter parade or march in your community?
  25. Have you ever found an Easter egg from a previous year while doing spring cleaning?

The Great Candy Pass Game works best for smaller groups.  So, if you have 10 or more people at your Easter party, you should split them up into groups.  Smaller sizes allow for more interaction and conversation.  Feel free to have 2 to 3 individuals switch groups mid-game, just so everyone has a chance to get to know everyone else.

Want More?

Tick, tock, it’s time for Easter fun that races against the clock! Sprint over to “40 Awesome Minute to Win it Easter Game Ideas You Need Now ” and find out how you can add excitement and friendly competition to your holiday.

3. Creating an Easter Story: The Ultimate Group Mad-Lib

A family-snuggling-on-the-couch-with-happy-expressions-as-they-share-an-easter-icebreaker-game,-with-a-caption-that-jokes-about-their-Mad-Lib-where-'explosions'-and-'chocolate'-combine-to-create-a-story,-labeled-as-the-'best-easter-ever.

Crafting a saga where marshmallow chicks save Easter from a villainous vacuum cleaner. Plot twist: the vacuum is allergic to sugar.

Objective: To collaboratively create the most bizarre, yet somehow coherent, Easter story ever told. The goal? To have fun and maybe, just maybe, create a masterpiece thatโ€™s half as memorable as that time I tried to fry an egg on the sidewalk (spoiler: it was a messy, uncooked disaster).


  • A hat (or something else to hold pieces of paper)
  • Pieces of paper or 3×5 cards
  • Pens (for that one person whoโ€™ll inevitably ask for one)


  1. The game host (that’s you!) will write down a mix of Easter-related words and utterly random phrases on your cards. Yes, โ€œexplosionโ€ and โ€œspaceshipโ€ are fair game. Think of it as seasoning your story with a bit of unexpected spice.
  2. Sit everyone in a circle, hand out two cards per person, and make them promise on their honor not to peek. We all know that one person whoโ€™s as trustworthy as I am with a chocolate cake (i.e., not at all).


  1. Start the story off with something simple, like โ€œOnce upon an Easter…โ€ and then pass the torch to the person on your left to add two sentences. Theyโ€™ll craft one sentence from their imagination and another incorporating the word from one of their cards.
  2. Go around the circle, unraveling this tapestry of tales until all the cards are used up. Expect plot twists that not even M. Night Shyamalan could predict.

 Introduce a โ€œwild cardโ€ rule. At any point, someone can shout โ€œWild Bunny!โ€ and swap a word with someone else, unseen. This is your chance to ditch that tricky word or, you know, sabotage a neighbor’s easy ride.

Creative Variations

  1. Genre Twist: Before starting, decide on a genre for your story. Horror, sci-fi, romance? Watch as โ€œchocolateโ€ takes on a new meaning in a sci-fi Easter epic.
  2. Musical Chairs Storytelling: While the music plays, walk around the circle. When it stops, where you’re standing, you add to the story. Adds a bit of physical comedy, especially for those of us who move as gracefully as a newborn giraffe.
  3. The Unreliable Narrator: At any point, someone can play the โ€œUnreliable Narratorโ€ card, reversing the last person’s contribution. โ€œAnd then the spaceship landedโ€ becomes โ€œOr so they thought, but it was just Uncle Bob with his new drone.โ€

4. Easter Trivia

Itโ€™s the only time of year when knowing the exact species of the Easter Bunny (Lepus chocolatus) pays off.

Objective: Teams will battle it out to see who knows the most about Easter traditions, history, and random facts. It’s a game of strategy, luck, and a bit of Easter magic.


  • A set of Easter trivia cards (hint: you’ll find a bunch of Easter trivia cards ready to print right here)
  • A timer (because we all love a little pressure)
  • A way to keep score (a whiteboard, a piece of paper, or even a smartphone app)


  1. Divide your group into teams. Any number works, but 3-4 people per team is a sweet spot.
  2. Print out the trivia cards from the link provided or create your own if you’re feeling extra creative.
  3. Decide on a game moderator or let each team take turns asking questions from the trivia cards.


  1. Teams take turns drawing a trivia card and attempting to answer the question within a set time limit (30 seconds to a minute works well).
  2. If the team answers correctly, they earn a point. If not, no sweat! The fun is in the guessing.
  3. The game continues until all questions are answered or until everyone decides it’s time to raid the Easter candy stash. The team with the most points at the end wins.

Teamwork makes the dream work! Discuss quickly and don’t be afraid to throw out wild guesses. Sometimes, the craziest answer is the right one. And remember, it’s all about having fun and learning something new.

Creative Variations

  1. Easter Egg Hot Potato: Mix in a physical element by passing around an Easter egg while answering questions. When the timer goes off, the team holding the egg must answer the next question. Adds a delightful layer of chaos and laughter.
  2. Easter Basket Challenge: For every correct answer, add a small Easter treat to the team’s basket. The team with the most treats at the end gets a special prize, like the first pick of the Easter egg hunt.
  3. Costume Craze: Encourage teams to dress up in Easter-themed costumes. Award extra points for the best-dressed team or the most creative costume. It’s a great way to see who can channel their inner Easter Bunny or spring chicken!

5. Who’s Most Like the Easter Bunny?

This game is like being in a lineup, but instead of identifying a suspect, you’re finding out who’s most likely to hoard all the chocolate.

Objective: The goal is simple: to discover who among you shares the most traits with the Easter Bunny. Are you a champion chocolate hider? Or maybe you’ve got a hop in your step that rivals Peter Cottontail himself? This game will settle it once and for all.


  • A list of lighthearted, bunny-themed questions like the ones on this printable
  • A way to keep score (Notepad, whiteboard, or anything handy)


  1. Gather your group in a cozy circle where everyone can see each other.
  2. Appoint a game leader to read out the questions. This can rotate to keep things interesting.


  1. The game leader reads a question aloud, like “Who’s most likely to eat all their Easter candy in one sitting?”
  2. Everyone points to the person they think fits the bill best.
  3. The person with the most votes for each question gets a point.
  4. After all the questions have been asked, the person with the most points is crowned “Most Like the Easter Bunny.”

Want More?

Ready to elevate your Easter gathering from memorable to unforgettable? Dive into our ultimate guide, ” 20 Must-Try Plastic Easter Egg Game Ideas for All Ages” and “120+ Springtastic Easter Icebreaker Questions for Your Next Gathering“. These resources are packed with ideas and games to make sure your get together is the talk of the town – and not in a bad way.

6. Easter Would You Rather?


Prepare for giggles, “hmmms,” and the occasional existential crisis over choosing between eating peeps or jelly beans for the rest of your life.

Objective: To laugh, ponder, and maybe squirm a bit as you decide between two hilariously tough Easter scenarios. It’s all about fun and getting to know each other’s quirky sides.


  • A list of “Would You Rather” questions, Easter edition (Feel free to get as creative and silly as you like)
  • Optionally, cards with questions written on them for a more interactive experience


There’s hardly any setup required โ€“ just have your list of questions ready, or your cards if you’re using them, and gather your group.


  1. Players take turns reading a “Would You Rather” question to the group.
  2. Everyone shares their choice and a brief explanation of why they chose it.
  3. Laughter ensues. Rinse and repeat.

Creative Variations

  1. Easter Debate Club: After everyone has made their choice, have a mini-debate on why one option is better than the other. It’s a fun way to dive deeper into the silliness.
  2. Costume Dilemma: Incorporate an element where players must answer in a costume or accessory related to their choice. Think bunny ears, chicken hats, or even a carrot necklace!
  3. Easter Consequences: For a more interactive twist, the group can decide on a light-hearted consequence for anyone who chooses the less popular option. Maybe they have to do the bunny hop or sing a verse of “Here Comes Peter Cottontail.”

There’s no winning or losing in this game, but you can “win” by being the most entertaining and thoughtful with your explanations. The more creative and crazy, the better.

7. Easter Line Ups Icebreakers

Silent communication at its finest โ€“ who knew you could say so much with just a pointed finger and an exaggerated shrug?

Objective: To see which team can line themselves up the fastest based on answers to some Easter-themed, numerical questionsโ€”all without saying a word. Silent disco meets organized chaos.


  • Just some space where you can all spread out and line up without tripping over each other or the furniture.
  • A bunch of Easter-themed questions that’ll have you all scratching your heads and trying to mime out your answers.
  • Some yummy chocolate bunnies or any Easter treats, really, for the winning team because who doesn’t love a little incentive?


  1. First up, split into teams. Feel free to get creative with those team names โ€“ “The Eggstraordinaries,” anyone?
  2. Pick out the first question that’s going to get everyone thinking (and gesturing like crazy).
  3. Rules of the game: No talking, just good old-fashioned body language and maybe some dramatic pointing.


  1. At “go,” you all start figuring out where you stand โ€“ literally โ€“ in answer to the question, all by arranging yourselves in order without making a peep.
  2. The team that gets their lineup right first and signals they’re done (maybe sit down together or throw those hands up) wins the round.
  3. Keep things spicy by throwing in different questions. The more rounds, the merrier, and everyone gets a shot at being the lineup champ.

I know, I know, it gets super exciting, and you’re all rushing to get in line and win those chocolate bunnies. But let’s not turn it into a game of bumper cars, alright? Keep an eye on your surroundings, give each other some space, and let’s avoid any collisions. We’re here for a good time, not a trip to the ER or a chat with the furniture repair guy.

8. One Word Method (Easter Edition)

Discover the adventure of an egg named Bob, whose only dream was to be dyed blue. Plot twist: Bob is colorblind.

Objective: You’ll team up to build sentences on a certain theme or figure out a puzzle, but here’s the twist: you can only throw in one word at a time.

Materials: None! That’s the beauty of it. Just bring your imagination and your voice.


  1. Where? Anywhere you like. No special gear needed.
  2. Who? Best with 4-8 people.
  3. Who’s It For? Everyone’s welcome, but if you’re into creativity and wordplay, you’ll probably love this.
  4. Prep Work? Just pick a theme or a problem to tackle together.


  1. Kick off by sharing the theme or problem with the group.
  2. Person one starts with a single word that’s on theme.
  3. Move in order, with the next person adding a word that tags onto the first.
  4. Keep it going around the group, each person adding one word, until you end up with a sentence that’s either completely logical or hilariously out there.

Pay attention to what’s been said and think about where it’s heading. Success is all about creatively building on what’s been laid down before you. It’s a chill game, so no rush. It’s more about the right word than getting it out fast.

Here’s 10 Easter-themed scenarios to get you started:

  • Finding the Best Hiding Spot for Easter Eggs: Where’s the most ingenious place to hide an Easter egg that no one will ever find?
  • The Easter Bunny’s Missing Basket: Imagine the Easter Bunny wakes up to find his basket of eggs has vanished. What happened?
  • Creating the Ultimate Easter Egg Design: What’s the most creative, never-before-seen design for decorating an Easter egg?
  • Planning an Epic Easter Egg Hunt: How would you organize the most memorable Easter egg hunt in the neighborhood?
  • Inventing a New Easter Treat: Chocolate eggs and bunnies are classic, but what’s the next big hit in Easter treats?
  • The Great Easter Parade Float: If you were in charge, what incredible, show-stopping float would you create for the Easter parade?
  • Easter Bunny’s Day Off: The Easter Bunny decides to take a day off. Who takes over, and what do they do differently?
  • A Mysterious Easter Egg Discovery: You find an ancient Easter egg hidden away in your attic. What’s inside, and where did it come from?
  • The Easter Egg that Wouldn’t Dye: No matter what you do, this one egg won’t take any color. Why is it so special?
  • Saving Easter from a Chocolate Meltdown: It’s the warmest Easter on record, and all the chocolate is at risk of melting. How do you save the day?

9. Easter People Bingo

Find the person who’s been secretly practicing their bunny hop in the mirror. Award for best hop gets a carrot (or maybe just a high five).

Objective: The goal is to break the ice and get guests to mingle by finding people who match the descriptions on their bingo cards. The first to fill a row, column, or diagonal shouts “Bingo!” and wins.


  • Bingo cards (Create cards with different traits or actions that fit your guests, like “Wearing bunny ears” or “Can name three Easter candies.”)
  • Pens or markers for each player


  1. Before the event, prepare the bingo cards. Each square should have a unique characteristic or action that might apply to your guests.
  2. As guests arrive, hand each one a bingo card and a pen.


  1. Guests mingle and talk to each other to find someone who matches each description on their card.
  2. When a guest finds a match, they mark off that square on their card. The person matching the description can only sign off on one bingo card per round to keep things fair.
  3. The first person to get five in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) shouts “Bingo!” and wins.

Pay close attention to the conversations around you. Sometimes, you can pick up clues that will help you find the people you need without having to ask everyone directly.

10. Easter Doodle Drama Icebreaker Game


A game of quick decisions, quicker sketches, and the quickest mimes. Will your rendition of “Easter brunch” be a hit or a miss?

Objective: Guess what your teammate’s trying to show you, whether by drawing or acting. The twist? You won’t know which method they’ll use until they pick a card. It’s all about quick thinking, team vibes, and heaps of guesses.


  • Something to draw on like a chalkboard, a dry erase board, or just a plain old pad and pen.
  • Cards with Easter-themed words and phrases to act out (DRAMA) or to draw (DOODLE)
  • A bag or something to toss those slips in.
  • A timer or your phone to keep track of guessing time.
  • Drawing stuff: like a whiteboard and Expo markers


  1. Break into two teams. Anything from 6 to 24 people makes for an awesome game.
  2. Get those cards printed on some sturdy paper and cut them out. Chuck them into your bag, hat or whatever you’re using.
  3. Make sure your drawing or acting spot is ready to go where everyone can see.


  1. Teams take turns pulling a slip from the bag.
  2. Whichever player’s up will either draw or act out what’s on the card, based on the card’s orders.
  3. Their team has 45 seconds to guess what’s being shown. If they’re stumped, the other team gets a quick 15-second chance to steal the point.
  4. Keep score as you go. Each correct guess scores a point. Once you’re out of cards, the team with the most points wins.

To nail this game, stick to easy-to-get clues and play to your team’s strengths. Some folks might be better at drawing, others at acting. Use that to your advantage.

Keep things fresh and even more fun with these ideas:

  1. Theme Nights: Go wild with the blank cards and come up with your own themes, like movies, famous people, or even internet jokes. Anything goes.
  2. Combo Challenge: Mix it up by having to act first then draw, or vice versa, mid-way through your turn. It’s a fun twist and really mixes things up.
  3. Silent Movie Mode: For drawing, no words or letters, just pictures. For acting, no sounds, just silent movie-style miming. It’s a cool challenge and sparks some serious creativity!

Here’s some Drama and Doodle suggestions for your next game:

Drama CardsDoodle Cards
1. Bunny hop race1. Chocolate bunny
2. Egg painting without hands2. Easter egg basket
3. Hiding chocolate eggs3. Spring flowers
4. Miming eating a giant chocolate bunny4. Peeps in a row
5. Acting out waking up as the Easter Bunny5. Easter bonnet with all the frills
6. Pretending to be a chick hatching6. Jelly beans trail
7. Finding an egg in an unexpected place7. Cross
8. The great peep joust8. Lamb
9. Wearing an oversized Easter bonnet9. Easter sunrise service
10. Basket weaving race10. Hot cross buns
11. Juggling Easter eggs11. Easter parade
12. Balancing a spoon with an egg in your mouth12. Butterfly
13. Building a human pyramid to reach high-hanging Easter decor13. Easter egg tree
14. Miming being stuck in a giant Easter egg14. Carrot cake
15. Acting out an Easter parade mishap15. Duckling
16. Pretending to be a flower blooming16. Bunny footprints
17. Dressing up as the Easter Bunny’s assistant17. Easter lily
18. Reenacting an Easter egg hunt blindfolded18. Chick breaking out of egg
19. Performing an Easter-themed magic trick19. Easter candle
20. Acting out eating too much Easter candy and getting a tummy ache20. Decorated Easter egg
These cards are your ticket to becoming the Picasso or Meryl Streep of Easter.

11. Four Corners: The Easter Icebreaker Edition

Discover who in your group believes “The Notebook” is a cinematic masterpiece and who’s more of a “Die Hard” for Easter type. Judgment-free zone… sort of.

Objective: To see how many people secretly prefer soda over water (don’t worry, your secret’s safe here) and who would rather watch chick-flicks than read a book (I mean, depends on the book, right?).


  • Four pieces of paper because we’re fancy like that. Write 1, 2, 3, and 4 on them. This is high-tech stuff.
  • Tape โ€“ because we’re not animals, we’re going to hang these signs up properly.
  • A list of super deep, philosophical categories (kidding โ€“ it’s stuff like what’s your go-to fast food).
  • A microphone or just your loudest “I’m trying to get everyone’s attention at a party” voice.
  • Enough space so you don’t accidentally elbow someone when sprinting to your corner. Safety first.

Setup: Slap those numbers in each corner of the room. Make ’em big, so even those of you who refuse to wear oyur glasses can see them.


  1. Whoever is the game master shout outs something from our list โ€“ like, what’s your emergency comfort food? 1. Roast Beef 2. Meat Loaf  3. Chicken Noodle Soup  4. Mashed Potatoes; and you’ll pick a corner that matches your answer.
  2. No dilly-dallying in the middle of the room. Indecision is not your friend here.
  3. Go through as many of these life-altering questions as you can before everyone needs a snack break.

Everyone shouts their answer, and then everyone rushes to the corners. Last one there has to sing their favorite “oldie”. Yes, “Baby Shark” counts as an oldie now.

Categories List:

  1. Easter Egg Dye Color: 1 – Vibrant Violet, 2 – Sunny Yellow, 3 – Sky Blue, 4 – Grass Green
  2. Easter Treats: 1 – Chocolate Bunnies, 2 – Jelly Beans, 3 – Peeps, 4 – Cadbury Eggs
  3. Easter Sunday Outfit: 1 – Fancy Hat, 2 – Bow Tie, 3 – Spring Dress, 4 – Bunny Ears
  4. Easter Activity: 1 – Egg Hunting, 2 – Baking Cookies, 3 – Attending Church, 4 – Crafting Decorations
  5. Spring Flower: 1 – Tulips, 2 – Daffodils, 3 – Hyacinths, 4 – Lily of the Valley
  6. Easter Basket Stuffer: 1 – Stuffed Bunny, 2 – Coloring Books, 3 – Toy Cars, 4 – Bubble Wands
  7. Easter Brunch Dish: 1 – Quiche, 2 – Hot Cross Buns, 3 – Pancakes, 4 – Deviled Eggs
  8. Type of Chocolate: 1 – Milk Chocolate, 2 – Dark Chocolate, 3 – White Chocolate, 4 – Ruby Chocolate
  9. Easter Movie: 1 – Hop, 2 – Peter Rabbit, 3 – Rise of the Guardians, 4 – Easter Parade
  10. Spring Activity: 1 – Picnicking, 2 – Gardening, 3 – Flying Kites, 4 – Bird Watching
  11. Easter Parade Location: 1 – New York City, 2 – Paris, 3 – London, 4 – Your Hometown
  12. Egg Decoration Style: 1 – Glitter Eggs, 2 – Painted Eggs, 3 – Sticker Eggs, 4 – Natural Dye Eggs
  13. Favorite Jelly Bean Flavor: 1 – Cherry, 2 – Lemon, 3 – Licorice, 4 – Watermelon
  14. Easter Candy Shape: 1 – Egg, 2 – Bunny, 3 – Carrot, 4 – Chick
  15. Spring Scent: 1 – Fresh Cut Grass, 2 – Rain, 3 – Blooming Flowers, 4 – Earth After Rain
  16. Picnic Spot: 1 – Beach, 2 – Park, 3 – Backyard, 4 – Forest
  17. Easter Card Recipient: 1 – Parents, 2 – Friend, 3 – Sibling, 4 – Significant Other
  18. Easter Breakfast: 1 – Cinnamon Rolls, 2 – French Toast, 3 – Omelette, 4 – Bagels and Lox
  19. Easter Egg Filling: 1 – Candy, 2 – Money, 3 – Toys, 4 – Confetti
  20. Easter Hat Style: 1 – Bonnet, 2 – Fedora, 3 – Sun Hat, 4 – Baseball Cap

Before You Go! Donโ€™t Forget Your Free Super Easter Egg Exchange Dice Game

  1. Grab this free, fun Easter gameโ€œSwap, Steal, Open: Easter Egg Exchange Dice Gameโ€. Youโ€™ll receive the printable, plus join my weekly newsletter filled with more fun ideas! Just click here to download and subscribe.
  2. Print. Any type of paper works, but card stock and laminating makes it extra durable.
  3. Display your game guide somewhere everyone can see, like on the living room wall or door, ready for your Easter game day. Or just get everyone their own copy. Whatever works.

Your Turn

If you could only pick one, would you rather wear bunny ears every day for a month or only communicate through chicken clucks for a week? Bonus points if you demonstrate your choice in a video reply (chicken dance, anyone?).

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