The Only Mother’s Day Candy Dice Game You’ll Ever Need

I know, I know, you’re probably thinking, “Great, another cheesy Mother’s Day activity.” But trust me, this Mother’s Day candy dice game is the real deal.

It’s easy, fun, and perfect for moms who need a little laughter and little sugar rush to get through the day (aka all of us).

So, put down that laundry basket, grab some candy, and let’s get ready to roll!

Mama Needs a Candy Break: A Mother’s Day Candy Dice Game


Let’s break down the essentials of what you need to rock out this fun Mother’s Day Candy Dice game – starting with:

Objective: The goal of this Mother’s Day dice game is simple: roll the dice, collect candy, and try not to eat it all before the game ends.

How Many Players: This game candy dice game can be played with as few as 2 players or as many as your heart desires.

But let’s be real – the more people involved (moms, dads, grandmas, aunts, kids) the more fun the experience’ll be.

About 6 to 8 players is ideal. Any more than that and you might want to split into smaller groups.

  • The “Dynamic Duo” Option (for larger groups 8+ players) : Play in teams of two (and split the loot)
  • The “Solo Survivor” Challenge: Brave souls can play alone.
  • Get creative with team names relating to moms or candy – e.g. “Sugar Mamas”, “Chocolate Champs”, etc. It’ll add an extra dose of laughter!

Make sure you have a variety of candies on hand to cater to different tastes. And if you’re feeling extra generous, throw in some sugar-free options for the health-conscious mamas out there.

Materials: To play this Mother’s Day candy dice game, you’ll need:

  • Printable Mama Needs a Candy Break: Mother’s Day Candy Dice game board (provided at the end of the article)
  • One standard, 6-sided die (preferably not the kind your toddler has chewed on)
  • Candy (lots and lots of candy; have a happy variety and make sure you have some of mom’s favorites in there, too)
  • A sense of humor (because motherhood)


  1. Print out the game rules on some heavy cardstock or laminate them for long-lasting fun.
  2. Gather your candy stash and pour it into a central pile or bowl within reach of all players. You’ll need at least 30 to 40 extra candies.
  3. Give each player their own bowl or bag to collect candies in as they play. Everyone should start off with 5 candies.
  4. Cut out the challenge strips. Put them in a bowl or jar nearby.
  5. Read over the rules together (or have one dramatic friend do a reading).
  6. Figure out who goes first by having a rock-paper-scissors battle royale OR let mom go first OR have the youngest go first. Whatever works bets for your group.

How to Play:

  1. The gameplay is delightfully simple, which is perfect for when you have a mix of kids and adults playing. The first player rolls the dice. Depending on their roll, they follow the instructions on the game rules card. This could mean taking candies, giving candies away, or doing a silly challenge.
  2. Play continues clockwise, with each player taking a turn to roll and following the corresponding instructions.
  3. After each round (when everyone has had a turn), everyone has to choose a challenge slip and do it. Be careful! Some challenge slips are solo events and some require full group participation 😏.
  4. The game continues until everyone’s had at least 3 turns or until a predetermined time has run out. The winner is the person with the most candy. But, EVERYONE gets to enjoy their loot in the end.
mom’s day freebie

Want a Mother’s Day Game That’s Anything But Ordinary?

Tired of the same old Mother’s Day games?This Mother’s Day, let’s put your ‘lefts‘ and ‘rights‘ to the test (no, not a driving test). Perfect for groups of 6 or more, our Left Right Story game will have gifts zigzagging like a confused GPS. Download our freebie and enjoy the chaos – it’s like musical chairs, but with presents!

Twists and Treats for Your Candy Dice Game


Want to add some extra flavor to your Mother’s Day candy dice game? Try these tasty twists:

  1. The “Mystery Candy” Challenge: Wrap the candy in foil or paper and label them with silly names like “Mama’s Meltdown” or “Toddler Tantrum.” Players have to guess what candy they’ve won at the end of the game
  2. The “Sugar Swap” Rule: When the game is over, let players to trade candies with each other. Let the negotiations begin!
  3. The “Adults Only” Twist: For an adult/mature crowd, you can substitute some of the candy with small bottles or cans of Mom’s favorite beverages (you know, for when the kids are finally asleep or away at the sitter’s).

How to Make Sure Everyone’s Included


One of the best parts of this game is that it works for all ages and abilities. This game knows no age.

Whether you’re 6 or 60, there’s a place for you (and your sweet tooth).

Little ones can have just as much fun as the adults, and you can easily adapt it for players who have difficulty with mobility, vision, or dexterity.

  • For kids who can’t read yet, an older child or adult can read the instructions out loud on their turn.
  • For players with physical limitations, you can have them roll the dice or follow instructions verbally while someone moves the candies for them.
  • Make sure to check if anyone has food allergies or dietary restrictions before buying the candy. No need for emergency room visits on Mother’s Day

Mama Needs a Candy Break: Mother’s Day Candy Dice Game at-a-Glance

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My Motto? Parties shouldn’t require a week’s worth of prep (or cleanup).

If your idea of party planning is more “wing it with style” than “schedule every second”, you’re my kind of people. Come for the laughs and good times, but stay for the goodies that make party planning a breeze (or at least less of a hurricane).


Hold On! Snag Your FREE Mother’s Day Candy Dice Game


Transform any gathering, from intimate family fun to larger community or church events, into a Mother’s Day celebration of joy and candy.

Quick Setup for Endless Fun:

  1. Download & Sign Up: Secure your free printable [via this magical link] and subscribe for our smile-inducing weekly newsletter.
  2. Print & Preserve: Opt for card stock for durability. This dice game is going to be your new favorite Mother’s Day get-together accessory.
  3. Display & Play: Keep it visible. Fridge or planner, it’s ready for action whenever you are.

Why You’ll Love It:

  • Instant Fun Generator: Say goodbye to smartphone zombies. This game brings everyone together, laughing and vying for candy treasures.
  • Boredom? What’s That?: Perfect for any age, it turns dull moments into highlights of fun.
  • Just Because: No occasion needed. It’s all about creating joyful memories.

Dive Into the Fun:

Download your FREE Mother’s Day Candy Dice game now and customize it for your group.

Tailor the laughs, challenges, and candy rewards to suit any gathering size. Ready to roll into the fun zone?

Want More?


Make Mother’s Day unforgettable with these fun activities:

Let’s Wrap Up

So there you have it, a Mother’s Day filled with laughter, candy, and dice rolling.

Sure, it’s not the traditional flowers and breakfast in bed, but if you ask me, it’s way more fun.

Plus, you get to eat candy, which is always a win in my book.


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