Three or More (A Simple, Fun Dice Game for Family Night)

Wellll, what can I say about the dice game Three or More?

It’s simple, fun, and just the right amount of competitive to make you question your alliancesβ€”perfect for families, frenemies, and that overly competitive uncle.

Let’s face it, everyone needs a little dice-throwing drama in their lives, right?

Strap in and prepare for a rollercoaster of dice-throwing madness. Let’s get started!

How to Play Three or More (Step-By-Step)


Can’t have you slaying this game without even knowing how to play the game, now can we?

Keep reading to get the lowdown on how to play Three or More:


Here’s what you need to do. Score the most points by the end of the agreed-upon number of rounds. In my experience, ten rounds is the sweet spot for a good balance of fun and friendly trash-talking.


  • 5 dice (I once played with oversized foam dice, and let’s just say my aim was a bit off that day!)
  • 2 or more players (the more, the merrier… and the more chances to blame your losses on someone else)


Gather your crew, grab those dice, and find a flat surface to roll on. If you’re feeling extra fancy, you can even use a dice tray to keep those little cubes from escaping.


  1. Players take turns rolling all 5 dice, aiming for at least 3 of a kind.
  2. If your roll comes up empty, tough luck! Your score is zero, and your turn is over. Time to pass the dice and hope for better luck next time.
  3. If you’re blessed with 3 or more of a kind, congratulations! Record your score and pass the dice to the next player.
  4. Now, if you roll 2 of a kind, you’ve got a second chance. Re-roll those remaining three dice and cross your fingers. If you still can’t muster up 3 of a kind, your score is zero. But if you manage to get 3, 4, or 5 of a kind, record that score with pride!



Let’s break down the scoring options for Three or More in a way that’s easy to understand and remember.

Check out this handy-dandy table:

3 of a kind3 points“Hey, not bad! You’re on the board!”
4 of a kind6 points“Whoa, look at you go! That’s some serious dice mojo.”
5 of a kind12 points“Holy smokes! You just hit the jackpot! Time for a victory dance!”
Pretty straighforward, right?

Remember, the key to racking up points is to cross your fingers and hope for those matching numbers.

And if you’re lucky enough to score a 5 of a kind, feel free to do a little celebration jig – at least that’s what I do.

But don’t get too cocky if you’re on a hot streak.

In Three or More, fortunes can change faster than you can say “snake eyes.” Watch yourself.


Don’t get too greedy! If you’ve got a decent score, it might be wise to pass the dice and secure your points. Trust me, I’ve learned this the hard way.

Making the Game Easier:

  1. Allow re-rolls for any number of matching dice, not just 2 of a kind.
  2. Reduce the number of rounds to keep the game short and sweet.

Making the Game Harder:

  1. Require a minimum score to record points each turn (e.g., must score at least 6 points).
  2. Introduce a “bust” rule: if you roll three times without scoring, you lose points!

Creative Variations:

  1. “Wild Dice”: designate one die as wild, allowing it to count as any number.
  2. “High Stakes”: double the points for 4 and 5 of a kind.
  3. “Combo Bonus”: award extra points for consecutive scoring turns.
  4. “Team Play”: pair up and combine scores for a collaborative twist.
  5. “Dice Poker”: introduce poker-style hands like full houses and straights.

Wait! You Need These 5 Addictive Dice Games in Your Life!

Want to have fun on the go (or even a game night) WITHOUT 3 hours of prep and a minor emotional breakdown? Grab some dice and SNAG the No-Fuss Fun Dice Game cheatsheet to play easy-to-learn, FUN dice games whenever boredom strikes. Your sanity (and your hair) will thank you!

Top 5 Ways to Make Dice Games More Fun

  1. Bring in a Wild Dice: Throw in a wild dice that counts as any number. Secret weapon up my sleeve? Yes, please!
  2. Double Trouble Points: How about doubling the points on some rolls? Oh, the drama when those high-stake rolls come upβ€”total game-changer!
  3. Tag-Team It: Team up with a buddy for some of your rolls.
  4. Race Against the Clock: Set a timer for each player’s turn. Nothing pumps up the adrenaline like the tick-tock of the clock counting down.
  5. Extra Goals for Extra Fun: Add some quirky side challenges or achievements. Like, who can manage to lose a round with style, or maybe a prize for the first person to score exactly 7 points in a round.

An Example of How a Round of Threes or More Could Be Played


Alright, let’s see how a typical round of “Three or More” might unfold with Kandi Apple and Kenya Dewit:

  1. Kandi rolls two 3s and various other numbers. She rerolls the three mismatched dice and luckily gets another 3, scoring 3 points.
  2. Kenya rolls two 4s along with other numbers. She rerolls the three remaining dice, snags another 4, and also scores 3 points. This round ends, because both players have completed their turns.
  3. New round! Kandi rolls four 2s and a 5 on her first attempt, immediately earning 6 points for the four of a kind without needing a reroll.
  4. Kenya, focusing on two 5s, rerolls the other dice but fails to get another 5, scoring zero this round.
  5. Rinse and repeat.

In this game, players weigh the risk of rerolling against the potential for a higher score, making each turn both a strategic and a luck-based challenge.


Wait! You Need These 5 Addictive Dice Games in Your Life!

Want to have fun on the go (or even a game night) WITHOUT 3 hours of prep and a minor emotional breakdown? Grab some dice and SNAG the No-Fuss Fun Dice Game cheatsheet to play easy-to-learn, FUN dice games whenever boredom strikes. Your sanity (and your hair) will thank you!

Pros and Cons of Three or More


Even the best games have their drawbacks. And, yes, that includes Three or More. Take a look at the table to see what they are. I mean, it’s better to know what you’re getting into, right?

ObjectiveThe goal is super straightforward: just rack up the most points over ten rounds.It might get a bit samey if everyone keeps using the same tactics to win.
MaterialsYou only need 5 dice and some buddies to play.Those oversized dice can be a handfulβ€”literally! They’re fun but can mess up your game.
SetupSetting up is a breeze: just round up the gang and find a place to roll.You’ll need enough room to roll those dice without knocking over your drink!
GameplayEach turn’s a mix of nerve-wracking and exciting as you try to roll the right numbers.Zero points for a bad roll can really bum you out.
ScoringThe scoring’s got a nice kick to itβ€”the riskier your play, the higher the score.Sometimes, luck takes the driver’s seat, which might not sit well if you’ve planned your moves.
Game DurationFlexible game lengthβ€”you can decide how long you play by setting the number of rounds.Long games might feel dragged out, especially if the energy isn’t high.
FlexibilityYou can tweak the rules to make the game easier or tougher, or just more fun.Tweaking rules means everyone needs to agree, which can be a hassle.
Social AspectGreat for sparking banter and having a laugh with friends.Watch out, thoughβ€”things can get a bit heated if competition gets too intense!

Secret Handicap: If you want to spice up your game of Three or More give the Secret Handicap a try. Before the game starts, have each player write down a secret handicap for themselves on a piece of paper (like “can only score with even numbers” or “must roll a 1 before scoring can start”). Reveal these handicaps at the end of the game! It adds an unexpected twist and plenty of laughs as players try to guess each other’s secret challenges throughout the game. This is only for seasoned players, though.

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Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

Want a Few More Fun Dice Game Options for Your Game Night Stack?

Check out some of these options:

  • Bunco: Team up and roll dice to match the round number (1-6). Score points for matches and shout “Bunco!” for three of a kind. Perfect for large groups!
  • Farkle: Roll six dice for scoring combos like 1s, 5s, or triples. Push your luck for more points, but risk losing them all with a “Farkle” if you score nothing.
  • Martinetti: Race against others to roll numbers 1 through 12 in sequence on your dice. First to hit 12 and return to 1 wins in this fast-paced game.
  • Slam Dice: All players roll simultaneously to match their dice with target cards. Grab the card if your dice match first. Speed and accuracy rule this game.
  • Chicago: Roll two dice over 11 rounds, aiming for specific goals like rolling a 7 or doubles each round. Gather points and aim for the highest score to win.

Each game offers a unique twist on rolling dice, so choose one that matches your group’s vibe and start rolling


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