Sevens Dice Game (Fun & Easy for All Ages)

Looking for a game that’s easy to pick up but impossible to put down? TheΒ Sevens Dice GameΒ is your answer.

It’s aΒ classic challengeΒ that requires justΒ six diceΒ and at least two eager players (preferably more!)β€”perfect for those moments when you’re trying to turn boredom into competition (summer break boredom buster, anyone?).

So, I’ll walk you through the ropes of mastering this game, giving you the upper hand at your nextΒ family or adult game night.

Let’s do this!

Step-By-Step Instructions on How to Play the Sevens Dice Game


The game that’s deceptively simple and absurdly fun. It’s just me, the dice, and a whole bunch of hope.

So, you grab two dice because, honestly, that’s all you need to dive into this madness.Β 


In Sevens, your goal is to earn the most points by the end of a agreed amount number of rounds. Here’s the catch: rolling any dice combination of seven means you can’t keep those points.

You only keep the points that DON’T equal 7.

Since the first player can roll of total of three times (more on that in Rules and Rolling the Dice: A Dance with Chance) you have to carefully choose which dice to roll and keep. 

You need a sprinkle of luck, a dash of strategy, and a whole lot of “please, not seven!” vibes. 

What You’ll Need:

Alright, let’s dive into the world of Sevens, a dice game that promises heaps of fun and a touch of “Did I really just roll that?” moments. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Six dice: Because playing Sevens without dice would be like trying to swim without water.
  • A flat surface: Trust me, rolling dice on a lumpy couch is the quickest path to losing friends on a game night.
  • Scorecard or just a scrap of paper: Because my memory is about as reliable as a chocolate teapot, and I bet yours is too.
  • 2 or more players: But, shoot for more.  Bigger groups mean bigger fun…typically.

I’ve been around the dice a few times, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s to always double-check you’ve actually got six dice. There’s nothing like starting a game only to realize one’s decided to take an impromptu vacation under the couch.

How to Get Started: Setup in a Snap 🎲 

Objective: The goal is pretty simple — score as high as possible after a set number of rounds by NOT rolling numbers (hopefully) that equal the number 7.

Setting up Sevens is easier than finding a reason to eat cake (and who needs a reason for cake, right?):

  • Choose the first player: Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock, or just yell “Not it!” last.
  • Gather ’round: Make sure everyone can reach the “arena” because stretching over for a dice roll could count as a workout, and we’re here to relax, right?
  • Rotate the start player: Keep things fair. Remember, nobody likes a dice hog.

“Assign a “dice wrangler” for the evening to chase down those rogue rollers. In my family, it’s usually the youngest of the group.Β  Promise him (or her) a dollar or extra snacks at the end of the night.Β  You’ll thank me later.” – Aquita, Fun Party Tips

Rules and Rolling the Dice: A Dance with Chance

This game is a super sneaky way to sneak in extra math practice with your kids. Just sayin’!

Each player gets their moment, rolling the dice, hoping not to see them add up to that dreaded seven. It’s a rollercoaster, really.

Here’s what you need to know to start playing this addictive little dice game:

  1. On your turn, grab all six dice and give them a good roll. Take a look at what you’ve got and remove any dice that add up to seven when combined. For instance, if you roll a 2-5-4-3-5-1, you’d remove the 2 and 5. That equals 7. You’d also have to remove the 3 and 4, which also equal 7.
  2. After taking out the “seven” dice, you’ve got two options. You can either stop and keep the score of the remaining dice (in the example above, your score would be 5+1=6), or you can push your luck and roll again to try and get an even higher score with the two dice you have left!
  3. If you choose to roll again, the same rule applies – remove any dice that add up to seven. Let’s say your second roll is 4-2. That means your final score for the turn is 6. But watch out! If you roll a combination like 3-4, both dice get removed, and your score for the turn is 0. I LOVE that there’s a hint of choice and strategy involved.  Wanna roll again? Fine.  But, you could end up with NOTHING. 
  4. As the first player, you can roll the dice up to three times (your initial roll plus two re-rolls). Once you’ve recorded your score, pass the dice clockwise to the next player.
  5. Here’s the catch – all the other players can only roll the dice the same number of times as the first player. So, if you only rolled twice, they can only roll up to two times as well.

Seems easy enough, right?Β 

Ending a Round

  • Once every player has had their turn rolling the dice and racking up points, it’s time to call it a round.
  • Jot down everyone’s scores (or if you’re like me, just snap a quick pic with your phone – gotta love technology!).
  • And the player sitting to the left of the one who started the previous round gets to kick off the next one. 
RoundsTarget Score
Short gameFirst to 50
Medium gameFirst to 100
Long gameFirst to 150 or more

Winning the Game (Where’s That Crown?)

  • Before you start playing, make sure everyone agrees on how many rounds you’ll go for. Trust me, it saves a lot of arguing later!
  • Once you’ve played all the rounds, it’s time to tally up those scores and see who comes out on top.
  • If you’re feeling extra competitive, you can also set a target score (like 50 or 100) and play until someone reaches it.

“I know what you’re thinking: “Isn’t it all just luck?” Well, yes and no. While luck definitely plays a part, there’s alsoΒ room for strategy when it comes to deciding whether to reroll those dice. It’s this extra layer of depth that makes each round of Sevens so unpredictable and fun.Β  But, honestly, I like playing games that are all about luck, too.Β  Those kinds of games even the playing field are excellent when playing with mixed age groups.” – Aquita, Fun Party Tips

Variations of Sevens Dice Game for Extra Fun


Sevens is already the life of the party, but who says we can’t crank up the fun a notch?

Let’s spice things up with variations that keep everyone on their toes.

I’ve had my fair share of laughs and gasps playing these versionsβ€”trust me, they add a whole new level of fun. Here’s how you can too:

  • Mix Up the Math: Ever thought about aiming for eights or, dare I say, sixes? It sounds simple until you’re halfway through a game, and suddenly, it’s not just sevens anymore. I tried switching to eights mid-game once. Let’s just say, there was more scratching of heads than rolling of dice. A true brain bender!
  • Add in Challenges: This one’s for the thrill-seekers. Roll double threes? Drop and give me five push-ups. Someone lands all sixes? Pause for an impromptu freeze dance. The possibilities are endless, and so is the laughter.
  • Roll Thrice for Charm: Giving everyone up to three rolls per turn? Now that’s how you dial up the suspense. Picture this: It’s my final roll, I’m going for broke… and I end up with zilch. Yep, my luck’s that good.
  • Keep Score Creatively: Who said scoring has to be boring? Roll certain combos, and bam, you’ve got powers like making someone skip their turn. It’s like Sevens meets wizardry.
  • Play in Teams: Teaming up adds a whole layer of strategy and, well, blame when things go south. “Remember when you talked me into rerolling our winning hand?” Yeah, friendships have been tested.

Remember, the beauty of Sevens is that you can make up your own rules and variations.

Want to play with eight dice instead of six? Go for it! Want to assign silly nicknames to certain rolls? Be my guest!

The key is to have fun and enjoy the company of your fellow players.


AlwaysΒ clarify rulesΒ before starting, especially with new variations. It stop arguments in their tracks. Plus it makes sure that everyone’s on the same page.

Diving Into Sevens: Pros and Cons


Think of Sevens as that old friend who’s super easy to get along with but sometimes drives you up the wall.

Let’s break it down, shall we?

Pros of SevensCons of Sevens
Educational Benefits: Math becomes a game, not a chore. Kids and adults alike sharpen their addition skills without even realizing it.Can Be Too Simple: For the strategy game aficionados out there, Sevens might seem a little too straightforward.
No Need for Electronics: It’s all about going back to basics. This game is proof that fun doesn’t require a screen.Limited Player Interaction: Sometimes, the game gets so intense, we forget to socialize. We miss out on the banter that other games naturally encourage.
Boosts Strategic Thinking: Every roll is a new puzzle, sparking those neurons into action as you plan your next move.Potential for Repetitiveness: Ever have one of those nights where the dice seem stuck on repeat? Yeah, Sevens can have those moments.
Flexible and Creative Game Variations: Making up new rules (like the infamous “Dice Disco”) keeps the game fresh and hilariously unpredictable.Can Be Luck-Dependent: Ever feel like the dice are conspiring against you? In Sevens, luck plays a big part, which can be a bit of a downer if yours isn’t in.

To keep things exciting, try introducing a “wild card” rule! For example, rolling double sixes could allow you to steal points from another player. It adds an element of surprise and keeps everyone engaged.

In the grand scheme of things, Sevens is a bit like pizza – even when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.

It’s easy to pick up, a blast to play, and every round is a chance to either triumph gloriously or fail with style.

Plus, nothing beats the look on someone’s face when they roll exactly what they didn’t need. Priceless.


Why You Should Give Sevens a Shot

  • It’s a blast to play with friends and family. The laughter, the groans, the friendly competition – it’s all part of the Sevens experience.
  • You can play it anywhere, anytime. I’ve played in living rooms, at picnics, and even during a power outage by flashlight. All you need is a flat surface and some dice.
  • It’s a great way to sharpen your mental math skills. Quickly calculating combinations and strategizing your next move will give your brain a fun workout.
  • The variations are endless! Add challenges, team up with a partner, or create your own house rules. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Your Turn

What’s your go-to victory dance move after a winning roll?Β I’ve been told my “Dice Disco” could use some work. Looking for inspirationβ€”or should I say, competition?


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