How to Play the Run for It Dice Game (A Game Night Favorite!)

Run for It is a neat, little dice game that challenges players to create consecutive runs (1-2-3-4-5-6, for example) using six dice. You want to be first player to reach 100 points by strategically rolling the dice and pushing your luck. 

If you’re looking for a game night hit that appeals to all ages, you’ve stumbled upon a gold mine.

I think I’ve played this game more times than I’ve lost my keys (and that’s saying something).

With every roll a gamble, strategy becomes your best friend, or your worst enemy if you throw caution to the wind.

So, if you’re itching for a little dice-rolling drama without risking your furniture, stick around for more nuggets of wisdom on conquering “Run for It”.

Brainy Bites

  • Players try to score 100 points by creating ordered runs (numbers in sequences) from dice rolls.
  • Set aside dice to form a straight starting with 1 (e.g. 1-2-3 or 1-2-3-4-5). Each die in the straight is worth 5 points.
  • A roll without a 1 but with a three of a kind offers a second chance.
  • Multiple runs can be made in a turn, optimizing points and strategies.
  • The first player to reach 100 points wins the game.

Run for It Dice Game Basics Unveiled (Step-By-Step)


Diving into a new game can feel like learning a foreign language. Don’t sweat it. This game is as easy as tripping over a flat surface (which I may or may not have experience with). 

So, before you start tossing those dice like you’re making a salad, let’s get a grip on the essentials: scorekeeping, prepping for the game, and rolling with a strategy that doesn’t just rely on wishing on a star.

Game Goals

The goal of “Run for It” is to be the first player to reach 100 points by creating consecutive runs with the six dice. A run is a sequence of numbers in order, such as 1-2-3 or 1-2-3-4-5-6. The longer the run (the amount of digits in numerical order), the more points you’ll score.

What You Need to Play the Run for It Dice Game:

DiceSix of them. 
ScorecardTo keep track of the chaos and triumphs.
Players2 to 6. The more, the merrier, and the noisier.
See? Easy Peasy!

That’s it. I told you it was an easy dice game to get rolling. The fact that you only need dice and paper to play Run for It perfect for travel too – I typically pack a bag of dice for family vacations and bust it out in the hotel room at night.

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If your idea of party planning is more “wing it with style” than “schedule every second”, you’re my kind of people. Come for the laughs and good times, but stay for the goodies that make party planning a breeze (or at least less of a hurricane).


Initial Game Setup

Gather your dice and friends, as setting up Run For It involves a simple yet strategic initiation to determine who leads the game.

The turn order selection kicks off with everyone rolling dice, turning the start into a mini-competition before the main event.

How Run For It Game Is Played


Diving into the heart of Run For It, you’ll aim to outmaneuver your opponents by building the highest-scoring straight from your dice rolls each turn.

It’s all about walking the tightrope between bold risk assessment and savvy strategic decisions. Think of it as playing chicken with probability.

  1. On your turn, roll all 6 dice.
  2. If you rolled any 1s, set them aside and continue rolling. If you didn’t roll any 1s, your turn ends and you score 0 points (womp womp).
  3. After setting aside your 1s, check if you made a straight starting with 1 (like 1-2, 1-2-3, 1-2-3-4, etc).
  4. If you made a straight, score points based on its length (see the table below to see the breakdown of points)
  5. After scoring your straight, decide to either end your turn and keep your points, or risk it all and roll again to try and extend your straight and score more points.
  6. If you choose to keep rolling, you must use all remaining dice and roll the next number needed to continue your straight.
  7. If you succeed in rolling the next number, add those points and decide again whether to stop or keep rolling.
  8. If you fail to roll the next number, your turn ends and you lose all points scored so far. Risky business!
  9. The first player to reach 100 total points wins the game.

You can have MORE THAN ONE SEQUENCE in a roll. Let’s just say you ended up with 1-2-1-2-5-5. You’d still bank 20 points. Because you have 2 sequences (1-2) of 2. Or maybe you roll 1-2-3-1-2-3, you’d bank 30 points.


If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, put your finger on the table below and swipe to the left (or right) to see the full table.

Straight LengthPoints Scored
1 5
1-2-3-4-5-630 (JACKPOT BABY!)

On your first roll, if you don’t get any 1s but do roll three-of-a-kind of any other number, you get one re-roll to try and start a straight. So if your first roll is 2-2-2-3-4-6, scoop up those dice and try again.  If you don’t have a three of a kind.  You lose your turn and play continues with the next player.


If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, put your finger on the table below and swipe to the left (or right) to see the full table.

What’s UpCool StuffNot So Cool StuffJust a Heads UpWho’s Gonna Love It?
Run for It Dice Game– Easy to learn rules
– Fast-paced gameplay
– Portable and travel-friendly
– Allows for fun trash talking
– Relies a bit on luck with dice rolls
– Can be over quickly if someone gets on a roll
– Potential for arguments over scoring
– Dice can go flying if rolled too aggressively
– Ages 8+
– Families looking for a game night activity
– People who enjoy light strategy games
– Fans of games like Yahtzee or Farkle
– Competitive players who like a little friendly rivalry

Wait! You Need These 5 Addictive Dice Games in Your Life!

Want to have fun on the go (or even a game night) WITHOUT 3 hours of prep and a minor emotional breakdown? Grab some dice and SNAG the No-Fuss Fun Dice Game cheatsheet to play easy-to-learn, FUN dice games whenever boredom strikes. Your sanity (and your hair) will thank you!

Example of How a Round of the Run for It Dice Game Would Be Played


Let’s walk through a sample round to see how the game plays out:

It’s Anne’s turn. She rolls all 6 dice and gets: 1-2-2-4-5-6.

  • Anne sets the 1 aside and checks her remaining dice for a straight. She has 1-2, so scores 10 points.
  • Anne decides to be bold and re-rolls the remaining 2-4-5-6, hoping to extend her straight.
  • Her next roll is 2-3-4-6. Luck is on her side! She adds the 3 and the 4 to her straight for 1-2-3-4 scoring 10 more points for a total of 20.
  • Anne pushes her luck and rolls the 2 and 6, needing a 5 to continue the straight.
  • She rolls a 5-1, extending her straight to 1-2-3-4-5 for another 5 points. Anne’s scored 25 points so far this turn.
  • With only one die left, Anne decides to end her turn and keep her 25 points instead of rolling the last die and going for a 6 to extend her straight. Probably wise!

Straightitude (noun): The state of having a perfect sequence of numbers, often accompanied by a sense of smugness.

Rookie Run for It Rolling Blunders to Avoid


When you’re first learning how to play Run for It, it’s easy to make a few rookie mistakes. Trust me, I’ve been there! Here are some common blunders to avoid:

  • Forgetting to roll a 1 to start your turn (I once got so excited I just started rolling for points right away – oops!)
  • Not setting aside your scoring dice and pushing your luck too far (the gambler’s fallacy is real, folks)
  • Accidentally counting a die twice in your straight (in my defense, I was distracted by the delicious snacks)

If you’re playing with kids or new players, consider adding a “mulligan rule” where everyone gets one do-over per game. It helps keep things light and fun.

Spicing Up the Track: Custom Twists and Track Rules for Run for It


One of the best things about Run for It is how easy it is to customize. Want to mix things up? Try these track twists:

Lucky 7sWhen you have 2 die that you’re rolling, rolling a sum of 7 earns a bonus roll
Snake EyesRolling double 1s lets you steal 5 points from any player
LeapfrogIf you roll a straight, add the value of the straight to your next turn’s roll, too.

We (me and my game night crew) added a “wager” rule one game night- players could bet points on who would roll the longest straight each round. 

It added a fun layer of risk and reward! J

ust be careful not to get too carried away, or you might end up like me – wagering all my points and then rolling a measly 1-2.


Wait! You Need These 5 Addictive Dice Games in Your Life!

Want to have fun on the go (or even a game night) WITHOUT 3 hours of prep and a minor emotional breakdown? Grab some dice and SNAG the No-Fuss Fun Dice Game cheatsheet to play easy-to-learn, FUN dice games whenever boredom strikes. Your sanity (and your hair) will thank you!

Picking the Perfect Pace: Tailored Tiers for Every Runner in Run for It

Like many dice games, “Run for It” is great because it’s easily adaptable for different skill levels and ages. Here’s how you can tailor the game:

  • For younger kids, try using fewer dice or only counting straights up to 3 or 4
  • For more advanced players, raise the target score to 150 or 200 or add a scoring handicap to begin the game
  • For a quicker game, remove the “three of a kind” re-roll rule or lower the target score

“I love the thrill of pushing my luck and seeing how many points I can score in a single turn. It’s like a mini adrenaline rush every time I roll the dice!” – Aquita, Run for It dice game adrenaline junkie

Quick Peek: Run for It Race Recap


If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, put your finger on the table below and swipe to the left (or right) to see the full table.

ElementDetails“Why am I like this?” Commentary
ObjectiveBe the first to reach 100 points by rolling consecutive number sequences, all while trying not to get too dizzy from all the dice spinning.It’s like chasing a numerical rainbow, but with the potential for a serious case of vertigo.
Players2-6 players, because the more the merrier when it comes to friendly competition and collective dice-rolling anxiety.Gather your crew and prepare for some serious bonding over the shared trauma of missed straights.
Dice/Components6 standard dice that hold the power to make or break your dreams of glory. Oh, and a scorecard to document the emotional rollercoaster.These little cubes of fate will have you questioning your life choices and your ability to count.
GameplayRoll the dice, create straights, score points, and repeat until someone reaches the promised land of 100 points or a mental breakdown, whichever comes first.It’s a delicate dance of strategy and luck, where one wrong move can send you tumbling back to square one.
ScoringThe longer your straight, the more points you score. It’s like a numerical stairway to heaven, but with plenty of opportunities to trip and fall flat on your face.Victory has never felt so close yet so far away. Prepare to experience the full spectrum of human emotion.
TurnsOn your turn, you roll the dice and decide whether to keep pushing your luck or play it safe. It’s a high-stakes game of “Should I Stay or Should I Go?”The pressure is on, and your decision-making skills will be put to the ultimate test. May the odds be ever in your favor.
StrategyTry to create multiple straights in a single turn for maximum point potential. But be warned: greed is a dangerous game.It’s all about finding that sweet spot between calculated risk and reckless abandon. Good luck with that.
WinningBe the first to reach 100 points, and bask in the glory of your numerical superiority. Just don’t let it go to your head.You’ve conquered the game, but at what cost? Your sanity? Your relationships? Your belief in the fundamental laws of probability?

Life is like a game of Run for It: You never know what you’re gonna roll.

In the end, Run for It is a thrilling ride of ups and downs, where hope and despair dance a delicate tango with every roll of the dice.  Embrace the chaos.

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Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.


Other Fun, Family Friendly Dice Games to Spice Up Game Night

If you can’t get enough of Run for It, there’s plenty of other exciting dice games to explore. Here’s a few of my favorites:

  1. Ship, Captain, & Crew Dice Game: In this game, you’ll need 5 dice and a sense of adventure. Your goal is to roll a 6 (the ship), a 5 (the captain), and a 4 (the crew) in one roll. The first player to successfully assemble their ship, captain, and crew wins the game.
  2. 10000 Dice Game: Ready to aim high? Grab 6 dice and race to reach a score of 10,000 point.! On each turn, roll the dice and score points based on the values rolled. 
  3. Going to Boston Dice Game: So, layers take turns rolling 3 dice, aiming to score points based on the combinations rolled. You can earn points for rolling three-of-a-kind, a straight (1-2-3 or 4-5-6), or even a single 1 or 5. The first player to reach the predetermined score (usually 100 or 200 points) wins the game!
  4. Tenzi : Fast-paced fun for everyone! Each player gets 10 dice and races to roll them all to the same number. On your turn, roll all your dice at once, then set aside any dice showing the number you’re aiming for. Keep rolling the remaining dice until all 10 show the same number. The first player to achieve this wins the round!
  5. Drop Dead: A game of luck and strategy! Players take turns rolling 6 dice, trying to score points and avoid “dying.” You can score points by rolling 1s, 5s, and three-of-a-kind. But watch out for the “death die” (usually a different color) – if you roll a 2 or 5 on it, you lose all your points for that turn. The first player to reach the agreed-upon score wins the game.

Here’s a cool twist to game night. Organize a dice game tournament with friends or family, featuring a variety of games. Keep track of scores across multiple games to crown an overall champion.

Your Turn

If you could create a custom “house rule” for Run for It, what would it be? Maybe something like a “dance of shame” for the player with the lowest score each round, or a bonus points for rolling with your non-dominant hand?

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