Mafia Dice: The Game Night Hit That’s Not What It Seems

Okay, so the game’s not as bad as it sounds.  Seriously. 

It’s a fun, little family-friend game that you’re gonna love. 

Grab 5 dice and at least two fellow mobsters, uhhh, players to start the game. The goal is to be the last wise one standing with your chips by rolling smart and rolling lucky *fingers crossed*.

Kick off by rolling your dice, keeping an eye on 6s to pass to rivals and ditching 1s. 

Roll with intention and maybe, just maybe, you’ll outwit ’em all. Stick around, and you’ll discover even more tips to rule the game.

Become the Last Player Standing: Mafia Dice Explained


Yep, game night. It’s that magical time when friends and family gather together to test the limits of their relationships with competitive spirit and, let’s be honest, a healthy dose of betrayal.

Let’s dive into the world of Mafia Dice, a game where the thrill of the chase to become the last player standing is as exciting as accidentally finding a twenty in your pocket.

What’s Your Goal

The goal of Mafia? Simple. Be the last player with any poker chips left.

How Many Players?

Now, you might be wondering, “How many players do I need for this game of deceit and betrayal?”

Well, technically, you could play Mafia Dice with just two people, but where’s the fun in that? More people makes for a delightfully more chaotic game (which is typically my preference). 

Ideally, you’ll want at least three players, but the game truly shines with a larger group. Just make sure you have enough dice for everyone, or things could get ugly (and confusing) fast.


Wait! You Need These 5 Addictive Dice Games in Your Life!

Want to have fun on the go (or even a game night) WITHOUT 3 hours of prep and a minor emotional breakdown? Grab some dice and SNAG the No-Fuss Fun Dice Game cheatsheet to play easy-to-learn, FUN dice games whenever boredom strikes. Your sanity (and your hair) will thank you!

Gear Up: What You’ll Need to Play

To play Mafia Dice, you’ll need a few essential items:

  1. Five dice for each player: If you don’t have enough dice, you might have to resort to using candy or small rocks. Just don’t eat the dice or throw the rocks at your opponents, okay?
  2. Five poker chips, counters, tokens (whatever) for each player
  3. scorekeeping system: You can use poker chipspaper and pencil, or even just your memory (if you’re a brave soul).
  4. A sense of humor: Trust me; you’ll need it when your best friend ruthlessly eliminates you from the game.

Setting the Stage

Before you dive into the game, you’ll need to set up a few things:

  1. Decide who goes first: You can either have everyone roll a single die, with the highest roll going first, or settle it the old-fashioned way with Rock-Paper-Scissors. Best 2 out of 3!
  2. Make sure everyone has their five dice: It’s like dealing cards, but with more clacking sounds.
  3. Pass out the chips evenly among the players: If you’re using poker chips, try not to let the power go to your head. 

Here’s five more ways to decide who goes first in a game, with a mix of silly and more straightforward methods:

  1. Rock, Paper, Scissors: This classic game of chance is a quick and easy way to determine who starts. Best two out of three rounds for added suspense!
  2. Roll the Dice: If your game includes dice, have each player roll them. The person with the highest total gets to go first. It’s a simple and fair way to kick things off.
  3. The Memory Master: The group selects a category, like animals or cities. Players take turns naming items in that category without repeating any. The last person to successfully name an item wins the right to start the game. It’s a fun way to get everyone’s brain gears turning!
  4. The Coin Toss: Assign “heads” or “tails” to each player, then flip a coin. The player whose side lands face-up gets to begin the game. It’s a tried-and-true method that’s been settling disputes for ages.
  5. The Age-Old Adage: The oldest player gets to start the game. This method is a nod to the wisdom and experience that comes with age, and it’s a respectful way to give the most senior player the first turn.

The Mafia Dice Dance: Game Play Revealed


Now, let’s break down the rules step by step:

  1. Player 1 rolls all 5 dicepasses any 6s to the player on his leftremoves any 1s from play, and keeps the remaining dice.
  2. Player 2 rolls all 5 dice plus any dice passed to her, passes any 6s to the player on her leftremoves any 1s from play, and keeps the remaining dice.
  3. Player 3 does the same thing as the previous players, and so on.
  4. Play continues until one player has no remaining dice, making them the winner of the round (WHICH MEANS THAT PERSON GETS TO KEEP THEIR POKER CHIPS, yay!).  But, the rest of the players?  Well…

Once a player has won a round, the remaining players all roll one die.

The player with the highest roll loses a chip.

If there’s a tie for the highest roll, the tied players roll again until a loser is determined. It’s like a mini-game within the game, just to keep you on your toes.

After a round ends, everyone starts fresh with five dice again. The player to the left of the previous starting player begins the new round. It’s a never-ending cycle of betrayal and redemption, all wrapped up in a dice game.


Wait! You Need These 5 Addictive Dice Games in Your Life!

Want to have fun on the go (or even a game night) WITHOUT 3 hours of prep and a minor emotional breakdown? Grab some dice and SNAG the No-Fuss Fun Dice Game cheatsheet to play easy-to-learn, FUN dice games whenever boredom strikes. Your sanity (and your hair) will thank you!

How Do You Know Who’s Won?

The game continues until only one player has any chips left, crowning them the ultimate victor.

If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, put your finger on the table below and swipe to the left (or right) to see the full table.

What’s UpCool StuffNot So Cool StuffJust a Heads UpWho’s Gonna Love It?
Mafia DicePros: It’s like being in a movie, minus the danger. All about clever moves and tricking your friends.Cons: Can cause a bit of drama. Also, luck matters a lot, which might bug some people. And if you’re not into games where chance plays a big part, this might not be your cup of tea.Watch Out: You might accidentally start a mini-war with your best friend. Also, dice disappear.Who? People who love a good challenge and can laugh when things get a bit crazy. Ages: Pretty much anyone who’s up for a game night. Likes: Strategy and surprises
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Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

House Rules to Suit Your Crew’s Tastes


To make Mafia Dice fit your crew’s style, you can tweak the rules, like changing the number of rounds or points needed to win. Here are some exciting ways to mix things up:

  1. Add penalties or rewards for specific dice combos to keep everyone on their toes.
  2. Allow for strategic alliances between players, but watch your back for any Brutus-style betrayals!
  3. Encourage custom rule variations that match your group’s vibe, like themed nights or challenges.
  4. Incorporate high-stakes gambles, like betting chips on the outcome of a round, to keep the adrenaline pumping.
  5. Keep communication open to ensure all new rules are clear and fair, making the game enjoyable for everyone.

The 411 on Mafia Dice: A Cheat Sheet for Quickstarts

ElementDetailWhy am I like this?
ObjectiveBe the last player standing with dice in hand, outlasting your opponents in this game of luck and strategy…and organized crime?Because sometimes, it’s fun to pretend you’re a mob boss without the actual risk of jail time.
Players2+ players, but the more, the merrier! The perfect game for bringing together friends, family, and even that second cousin you only see once a year.The more players, the more chances to blame your loss on someone else. Plus, it’s an excellent opportunity to bond over shared frustration.
Dice/Components5 dice per player, because apparently, the mafia has a thing for the number five.Rolling dice is like a mini adrenaline rush. Will you get lucky, or will you be sleeping with the fishes? The anticipation is half the fun!
GameplayRoll your dice, pass the 6s, and ditch the 1s. It’s like a game of hot potato, but with tiny numbered cubes.Because who doesn’t love the thrill of frantically passing dice while trying to keep track of your own? It’s a perfect recipe for chaos and laughter.
ScoringThe winner of each round gets to keep their dignity (and their poker chips), while the losers have to part with a precious poker chip. Last player with chips wins!Losing chips is like watching your hopes and dreams slowly slip away. But hey, at least you’re not losing real money, right?
TurnsTake turns rolling dice and hope that you have some good rolls.  Don’t forget to keep an eye on your opponents’ dice too!It’s all about balance – focusing on your own dice while also trying to sabotage your opponents. It’s like patting your head and rubbing your stomach, but with more backstabbing.
StrategyUmmm….there’s really not much strategy in this game.  Good luck!Just be prepared to trash-talk, no matter if you’re winning or losing
WinningEmerge victorious as the last player with chips, basking in the glory of your triumph. Just don’t let it go to your head, as the next game is always right around the corner.Winning is like a brief moment of sunshine in a dark and stormy world. Enjoy it while it lasts, because in Mafia Dice, your reign at the top can be short-lived.

Other Dice Games to Keep You Hustling and Having Fun

  • Chuck-a-Luck:  Mini-casino fun in a birdcage. Bet, roll, cheerβ€”hope your number shows. Perfect for a luck-based game night.
  • Zanzibar: Get rid of those chips.  Don’t have the lowest scoring pair of dice at the end of the round.  That way you can give your chips to the loser!
  • Passage: Your dice steer the journey in this adventure. Strategy and luck decide if you reach your destination.
  • Farkle: A risk-taking dice game with the chance to score big or fizzle. Roll six dice; push your luck or play it safe.Great for thrill-seekers and comeback kings.

Hold On! Snag Your FREE No-Fuss Fun Dice Game Cheatsheet: 5 Easy Dice Games for All Ages Now!


Stuck in a rut and clueless on how to turn the day around? Let’s shake things up with our No-Fuss Fun Dice Cheatsheet: 5 Easy Games for All Ages.

Quick steps to fun:

  1. Hit up this link for your free cheatsheet + join our weekly good-vibes newsletter.
  2. Print itβ€”regular paper works, but card stock feels oh-so-nice (and lasts longer)
  3. Stick it somewhere you’ll see it often, like that VIP spot on the fridge or carry it in your purse to keep it handy for on-the-go fun.

Why You’ll Love It:

  • Impromptu Game Night: Staring at a sea of bored faces? Whip out your cheatsheet and watch the room transform from snoozeville to the fun zone in no time.
  • Kids Claiming They’re Bored? Not on your watch! Show them how spontaneity is done with a quick dice game that’ll have them forgetting they ever uttered the “b” word.
  • Just Because Fun: Who says you need a reason? Challenge your partner to a quick game after dinner, or roll some dice with the kids to decide who picks the movie tonight. It’s all about making the mundane magical.

Don’t wait, DOWNLOAD your FREE No-Fuss Fun Dice Game Cheatsheet and enjoy non-stop fun with easy-to-place dice games.

Your Turn

Got any hilarious house rules that turned Mafia Dice (or any other game night favorite, for that matter) into absolute chaos? Let’s hear the wildest ones – the more bizarre, the better.  Let me know in the comments below.

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