How to Play Knock Out Dice Game: Easy Fun for Kids and Adults

Struggling to find the perfect game for family game night? You’re not alone. Every family reaches a point where Uno and Monopoly just don’t cut it anymore.

Enter the Knock Out dice game, an exciting alternative that’s easy to learn and fun for both kids and adults.

Let me tell you about this dice game—it’s a blast and a half, especially when you’re chilling with family or friends.

It’s one of the go-to games at our house, super simple to pick up, but boy, does it get competitive.

Let me give you the all the info how to play this fun, fast-paced dice game:

Rolling Through the Rules: A Step-by-Step Knock Out Dice Game Guide



Be the player with the highest score at the end of the game by rolling the dice and avoiding the “knock out” number.

If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, put your finger on the table below and swipe to the left (or right) to see the full table.

Alternate NamesNot as many aliases as a spy, but sometimes you’ll hear it called “9 Out” or “6 Out,” depending on what knockout number you’re using.
Similarity to Other GamesShares a family resemblance with “Pig” or “Tenzi” in that you’re rolling dice and praying to the board game gods. But here, it’s all about not hitting that dreaded knockout number.
Notoriety“Knock Out” is the under-the-radar, chill friend who shows up at game night and unexpectedly steals the show. It’s straightforward, quick, and has that “just one more round” appeal. It’s especially a hit when you need a break from the brain-burners and just want to roll some dice and have a good laugh.


  • 2 standard six-sided dice
  • Paper and pencil for keeping score


Setting up is a breeze. Just decide on a “knock out” number—typically something between 6 and 9, since those numbers love to show up.

Then, figure out how many rounds you wanna go for.

I’d say somewhere between 5 and 10 rounds keeps things spicy WITHOUT being overwhelming.

We usually go for 10 rounds in my house. Pop everyone’s name down on that score sheet, and you’re golden.

Some variants of Knock Out allow each player to choose a different “knock-out” number.  I HIGHLY suggest you post each player’s number of a whiteboard or a scoresheet to prevent any mid-roll knock-out number changes (hey, it happens).  And if you’re playing with younger kids, seniors, or people that are new to the game, I suggestion just keeping the same “knock-out” number for everyone.  It just makes things simpler.– Aquita, Fun Party Tips



So, you’re ready to dive into the Knock Out Dice Game? Awesome! Let’s break it down with some easy steps:

  1. Roll both dice, add up the dots ( for example, rolling a 3 and 5 = 8 points.) and if that total isn’t the “knock out” number, boom, you jot down your score. 
  2. But, if the sum of the dice is the knock out number, you’re scoring a big fat zero for the round.
  3. Pass the dice clockwise, rinse and repeat. 
  4. Whoever’s sitting pretty with the highest score at the end of how many rounds you’re playing takes the crown!

I still laugh thinking about the time my husband managed to roll our knock out number three times in a row.

His score was just obliterated but he was being such a goofball about it, we were all cracking up. 

Classic Knock Out moment.


Shaking Things Up: Custom Twists and House Rules for Knock Out

  1. Choose Your Own Adventure
    Okay, so you know how in the regular game you can only pick 6, 7, 8, or 9 as your “knock out” number? Boring! In this version, go wild and let everyone choose any number they want from 2 to 12. It adds a bit of strategy to the mix because some numbers are going to come up way more often than others. Will you play it safe or take a risk? The choice is yours!
  2. Level Up!
    This one’s perfect for keeping everyone on their toes. You start off easy with a knock out number of 2. But after each round, that number goes up by 1. So it gets harder and harder to avoid getting knocked out as the game goes on. It’s like a race against time…or in this case, a race against math? I don’t know, but it’s fun!
  3. Knock Out Besties
    Want to add a little extra spice to the game? Assign everyone a “buddy” knock out number along with their own. So if you roll your number OR your buddy’s number, you’re out for that round. You can make it random each game to keep things interesting. It’s like having a secret ally…but also a secret enemy. Dun dun dun!
  4. Second Chance
    Picture this: you roll your knock out number and you’re about to lose all your points. But wait! In this version, you get one more shot. If you roll anything else on your second try, you’re safe for that round. It’s like a little glimmer of hope in the face of certain doom. Will the dice gods be on your side? Only one way to find out!
  5. Opposite Day
    You know how in regular Knock Out, rolling your number is bad? Well, in this topsy-turvy version, rolling your number is the ONLY way to stay in. You score a point for each roll until you get knocked out by rolling something else. The player with the most points at the end is the winner. It’s like Knock Out…but backwards! Mind blown, right?

So there you have it – five ways to shake up your Knock Out game and keep everyone guessing.  

Just be ready for the agony of defeat when your score gets wiped out on the very…last…roll! I’m still a bit traumatized whenever it happens to me.

facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

Integrating Knock Out Dice into Educational Play and Family Time


This simple dice game has been a staple in my household ever since my daughter hit kindergarten.

It’s one of those go-to activities I pull out when she’s bored and I’m too tired to come up with something creative.

Trust me, as a parent you need a few simple dice games like this in your back pocket.

Educational Benefits of Playing Dice Games with Kids

Now, I know what you’re thinking. How can a silly little dice game be educational? Well let me tell you! In addition to practicing basic addition facts, Knock Out also teaches kids:

  • Number recognition (for the little ones just learning their numbers)
  • Probability (hmm…what are the odds of rolling my knock out number?)
  • Risk-taking and decision-making (do I choose 6 or 9 as my knock out?)
  • Social skills like taking turns and being a good sport

Not bad for a game that takes 2 minutes to learn and provides hours of fun! And playing dice games in general has even more benefits:

  • Develops fine motor skills through manipulating the small dice
  • Promotes hand-eye coordination
  • Enhances mental math abilities

So the next time you feel guilty about playing a game instead of doing a worksheet, remember all the valuable skills your child is building.

You’re basically being an educational rockstar.


Why Dice Games are Perfect for Family Game Nights


Dice games are awesome for family game nights.

It’s tough finding something everyone likes and can do together, especially with different ages and attention spans.

At my place, trying to pick a game can end up in an argument – or just us not playing at all.

But games like Knock Out hit the spot.

They’re easy enough for the little ones but still fun for adults (especially if you throw in a few twists), thanks to the luck factor.

Plus, they’re quick, so everyone gets a chance to win.

I’ve had some epic times playing Knock Out with my daughter and her grandparents.

It’s wild seeing everyone, from young to old, really getting into it—without any screens.

Teaching Life Skills Through Play: Patience and Fair Play

While the academic perks of playing dice games are awesome, I think the real gold lies in the life skills kids pick up along the way.

And two of the biggest?

Patience and fair play, of course.

If you’ve ever played with little kids, you know waiting for their turn is torture. But dice games like Knock Out? They’re like a crash course in patience!

  • Kids get tons of chances to practice this crucial skill
  • They learn that good things come to those who wait
  • I once played with my nephew, and after a few rounds, he went from grabbing the dice to cheering me on during my turns.

And let’s not forget about being a good sport. No matter how much you want to win, the dice are in charge.

It’s a valuable lesson:

  1. You can’t always get what you want
  2. You get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit
  3. Trust me, I’ve heard plenty of dramatic wails when someone loses all their points!

But after a couple of rounds, the disappointment fades, and what matters most is having a blast together, win or lose.

And THAT’s the real victory!


To make sure everyone has a good time, set some clear rules and expectations before you start playing. Encourage players to take turns, be honest about their rolls, and give each other high-fives for their successes. By showing good sportsmanship, you’ll help create a positive and fun atmosphere for everyone involved.

Group Play: Adapting Knock Out Dice for Larger Families or Classroom Fun

The beauty of Knock Out is that it’s easy to adapt for larger groups. All you need is a pair of dice for each player (or team) and something to keep score with.

I like using a big whiteboard so everyone can see the running totals. Trust me, there WILL be trash talk.

To play with teams, just have each team select a “roller” for each round. The roller scores points for their team by rolling anything other than the dreaded knock out number.

But if they roll the knock out number, their team’s points get wiped out and they have to start from zero.

The first team to reach an agreed upon point total wins!

This is a great way to use Knock Out in a classroom, too.

Divide the class into teams and let the math mayhem begin.

Kids’ll be practicing their addition facts without even realizing it. Sneaky teacher trick for the win.

Family Game Night: Bringing Everyone Together with the Knock Out Dice Game


In my house, family game night is a sacred tradition. It’s a chance to unplug, bond, and engage in some friendly competition.

And Knock Out dice is always a crowd pleaser.

What I love about this game is how it levels the playing field. Unlike some strategy games that favor older players, Knock Out gives everyone a fair shot.

Sure, there’s some math involved.

But ultimately, it comes down to the roll of the dice.

And that means even the youngest players have a chance to win.

Knock Out Dice Game is Perfect for Anywhere

The beauty of Knock Out is you just need dice and a way to keep score, so it’s great to break out anywhere – road trips, restaurants, you name it.

In fact, we play it so much, I finally got smart and put a little travel Knock Out kit together with dice and a mini notebook.

It’s come in handy so many times when we’re out and about and need a quick game to keep everyone happy.

Knock Out Dice Game: The Quick Overview

ElementDetail“Why am I like this?” Commentary
ObjectiveBe the player with the highest score at the end of all the rounds by rolling dice and avoiding the “knock out” number.Aiming for glory without hitting that one unlucky number. It’s like life’s little gamble.
Alternate Names9 Out, 6 Out, depending on the chosen knock out number.Because why stick to one name when you can spice things up a bit?
Similarity to Other GamesIt’s like the distant cousin of “Pig” or “Tenzi” where dice rolling is key, minus the piggy bank-breaking tension.Every roll’s a prayer not to land on that one number that’s the bane of your existence.
NotorietyThe game that sneaks up on game night and becomes the unexpected hit, known for its straightforward, quick rounds that have everyone begging for “just one more game.”It’s the underdog that ends up being the life of the party.
Materials2 standard six-sided dice, paper and pencil for scorekeeping.The essentials: less about the gear, more about the cheer (and jeer).
SetupDecide on a “knock out” number (typically 6-9), determine the number of rounds (5-10 is spicy), and jot down everyone’s names.Setup’s so easy, you could do it in your sleep. But don’t sleep on choosing that knock out number!
GameplayRoll both dice, add ’em up, and hope you don’t hit the knock out number. Score zero if you do.It’s a rollercoaster of emotions with each toss of the dice.
VariantsEach player can choose a different “knock-out” number, or keep it uniform for simplicity, especially with newbies or kids.Keeping everyone on the same page, or not—because sometimes chaos is a ladder.
ScoringHighest total score at the end wins. Landing on the knock out number scores you a zero for that round.It’s all fun and games until someone hits the knock out number three times in a row—sorry, honey.
facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

Discover More Dice Adventures: Fast, Fun Games for Dice Devotees

GameHow to PlayFun Fact
BeetleRoll a die to collect beetle parts in a specific order: 6-body, 5-head, 4-wing (x2), 3-leg (x6), 2-antenna (x2), 1-eye (x2). First to complete their beetle wins!Gets the family giggling as beetles take shape.
Liar’s DiceEach player has 5 dice. Bid on the total number of a certain face showing. Call “liar” to challenge a bid. Losers lose a die. Last one with dice wins.A tense game of bluffing.
MexicoRoll 2 dice aiming for the highest combo. Avoid the lowest total to not pay into the pot. 21 “Mexico”, doubles, and higher rolls win.A fast, push-your-luck party game.
TenziEveryone rolls 10 dice, aiming to get all dice on the same number first. Call “Tenzi!” when done. Can be played solo or in teams.A loud, real-time race that’s great for fast addition.
PigRoll a die for points, but roll a 1 and lose them all. “Hold” to bank points. First to 100 wins, needing an exact roll.A quick, high-energy game that’s easy to learn but tricky to master.

Wait! Snag Your FREE No-Fuss Fun Dice Game Cheatsheet: 5 Easy Dice Games for All Ages Now!


Stuck in a rut and clueless on how to turn the day around? Let’s shake things up with our No-Fuss Fun Dice Cheatsheet: 5 Easy Games for All Ages.

Quick steps to fun:

  1. Hit up this link for your free cheatsheet + join our weekly good-vibes newsletter.
  2. Print it—regular paper works, but card stock feels oh-so-nice (and lasts longer)
  3. Stick it somewhere you’ll see it often, like that VIP spot on the fridge or carry it in your purse to keep it handy for on-the-go fun.

Don’t wait, DOWNLOAD your FREE No-Fuss Fun Dice Game Cheatsheet and enjoy non-stop fun with easy-to-place dice games.

Your Turn

If you could create your own ultimate “house rule” for Knock Out, what would it be?

Maybe rolling doubles lets you steal points from other players or rolling a 7 means everyone has to switch seats? The crazier, the better.  At least in my world.  Let me know in the comments below.

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