Zombie Buffet: A Halloween Mystery Box (Or Bowl) Experience

I’ve got a game that’s equal parts fun and fabulously gross. Ever felt the urge to dip your hands into something squishy and guess what it might be? No? Just me?

Brace yourselves for “Zombie Buffett,” the game that’s going to have everyone guessing (and gagging) in delight.

It’s like Fear Factor but in your living room, and no one has to eat anything—promise!

Trust me, your guests will be talking about this one for ages – maybe because of the trauma they’re going to have.

The Yucky Lowdown on How to Play Zombie Buffett


Objective: Dip your hands into the unknown! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to guess the gory goods in each bowl. Most correct guesses? You’re the winner.

Setup Instructions: Prepare to gross out and guess with these disgustingly delightful dishes:

  • Brains: Squishy Jello that’ll make your skin crawl or even cold Spaghettios will work perfectly
  • Worms: Slippery spaghetti, cold and clammy.
  • Zombie Vomit: Chunky pudding with corn—don’t think too hard about this one.
  • Zombie Eyes: Slimy peeled grapes, eerily eyeball-esque.
  • Zombie Blood & Guts: Gooey canned tomatoes that’ll drip through fingers.
  • Zombie Teeth: Crunchy canned corn, minus the crunch.
  • Zombie Skin: Oily cabbage leaves, creepily close to peeling skin.
  • Spider Legs: Pipe Cleaners

Each bowl gets a cryptic label—hidden from sight, of course. Cover them up with a piece of cloth to keep the mystery alive. And to keep everyone sufficiently grossed out.


You can also use tissue boxes instead of bowls – if you’re worried about people peeking inside the bowls. Just make sure you slide some sort of small plastic container inside of them to hold all the gross stuff. I tend to just stick to bowls with a cloth covering them up.

Playing Instructions:

  1. Blindfold of Terror:
    • Players get blindfolded to enhance the scare and the “ick” factor.
  2. Grope & Guess:
    • Let each player grope around in a bowl for a few seconds, then guess the ghastly contents. No peeking, or it’s the witch’s cauldron for you!
  3. Score or Snore:
    • Collect the guesses, reveal the true horrors, and see who’s the ghoul of the hour with the most right answers.

Game Overview

What’s UpCool StuffNot So Cool StuffJust a Heads UpWho’s Gonna Love It?
Zombie BuffetHands-on fun, hilarious reactions, easy setupCan get messy, not for the squeamishPossible spillage, allergies need checkingAll ages (with adaptations), lovers of gross-out humor, tactile players

Game Variations

  • Speed Round: Turn up the tempo with timed guessing to add that adrenaline rush.
  • Team Terror: Group players into teams for a collaborative creep-out session. Best team score takes the trophy.

Top 5 Tips for Hosting a Memorable Gross-Out Game for Halloween Fun

  1. Keep the Surprise
    Crank up the suspense by keeping the gross goodies under wraps until the very last second. Use cloths or blindfolds to cover the items, letting the mystery linger until the big reveal.
  2. Allergy Check
    No one wants a night of fun to turn into a medical emergency. Make sure everyone’s in the know about what’s in each dish to avoid any allergic reactions.
  3. Setup and Cleanup Zones
    Save yourself some stress by designating specific areas for the messy mayhem and the cleanup aftermath. Stock up on towels, wipes and hand sanitizer to keep the chaos under control.
  4. Encourage Team Play
    Pair up your players into teams for some collaborative (and hysterical) guesswork. It’s all about those laugh-out-loud moments and unforgettable teamwork.
  5. Capture the Reactions
    Don’t miss out on the priceless expressions! Have a camera ready to snap the shock, horror, and laughter. These moments will make for a hilarious recap and great memories.

Game Adaptations for Everyone


For the Little Monsters (Kids): Lighten up the descriptions and maybe swap out anything too creepy for funnier, less nightmare-inducing items.

For the Super Seniors: Make surethe items are easy to touch without too much stooping or bending. Keep it light-hearted and not too gross to maintain the fun without the yuck.

Keep it creepy, keep it sassy, and remember—it’s all in good fun… or is it? Enjoy stirring up some frightful fun at your next Halloween bash!

Want More?

If you need a few more Halloween games to perk up your parties this season, you might want to check out:

Your Turn

Which of the Zombie Buffett dishes would you absolutely refuse to touch? Tell us which one gives you the heebie-jeebies!


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