10 Best Dice Games for Large Groups for Game Night Fun

Let’s be real, hosting a party for a big group of people ain’t easyโ€”but you know what is?

Bringing the fun with some killer dice games – especially if you have a big group of people at your party.

Dice games and large groups go together like peanut butter and jelly, or like me and my couch on a Friday night. 

The beauty of these games lies in their simplicityโ€”no PhD required, just a bunch of dice and a willingness to let loose. 

So, let’s get started!

Why You Should Totally Trust My Advice About Dice Games


So, you’re thinking, “Why should I listen to this random internet guru about dice games?”

  1. I’m not a guru. I promise!
  2. I’ve hosted more game nights than I’ve had hot dinners, and let’s just say, not all of them ended without someone flipping a table. 

But hey, you live, you roll, you learn, right?

Hereโ€™s the scoop: Iโ€™ve seen it all. 

From the Bunco bonanzas that ended in an all-out war over the last slice of pizza, to the Farkle fiascos where we couldn’t find the dice after someone (okay, it was me) threw them a bit too enthusiastically.

So, if you’re looking to spice up your next gathering without causing a family feud *fingers crossed*, stick with me.

Top 10 Dice Games That Wonโ€™t Make Your Large Group of Guests Fall Asleep

Letโ€™s face it, nobody wants their party to be the one where guests are checking their watches and faking emergencies to leave early.

I’ve got a few dice games that are guaranteed to keep everyone wide awake, engaged, and possibly plotting revenge.

Hereโ€™s the rundown on ten dice games that are perfect for when youโ€™ve got more friends than couch space.

1. Bunco


“Roll the dice, ring the bell, and keep the party rolling with Bunco, where chaos meets scoring!” Dive deeper into the Bunco Bonanza.

Objective: Score points by rolling three-of-a-kind based on the round number. 

Materials: Lots of dice, a bell, and score sheets. 

Setup: Players are divided into groups of four, try to make it even! 

How to Play: Players take turns rolling three dice, aiming to roll the same number as the round (e.g., ones in the first round, twos in the second). Ring the bell when you score! 


Keep the drinks flowing, but maybe not too muchโ€”Bunco can get wild, and you donโ€™t want to turn it into Drunko.


Wait! You Need These 5 Addictive Dice Games in Your Life!

Want to have fun on the go (or even a game night) WITHOUT 3 hours of prep and a minor emotional breakdown? Grab some dice and SNAG the No-Fuss Fun Dice Game cheatsheet to play easy-to-learn, FUN dice games whenever boredom strikes. Your sanity (and your hair) will thank you!

2. Liar’s Dice

“Bluff your way to victory or call out your friends’ fibs; it’s all fair game in Liar’s Dice!” Uncover the art of deception with Liar’s Dice

Objective: Be the last player standing by successfully deceiving your opponents or calling their bluffs. 

Materials: Five dice per player and a cup for shaking. 

Setup: Each player rolls their dice under their cup, peeking to see what they rolled.

How to Play: Players make bids on the total number of a certain die face showing under all cups. Challenge others if you think theyโ€™re bluffing.

Pro Tip: Perfect your poker face. In Liar’s Dice, a good bluff can save your skin.

3. Left Center Right (LCR)


“Toss your chips left, right, or center, but be the last one holding to win at LCR!” Grab the full scoop on surviving LCR.

Objective: Be the last player with chips. 

Materials: Three LCR dice, chips. 

Setup: Each player starts with three chips. 

How to Play: Roll the dice and pass chips left, right, or to the center pot based on the dice results. Last player with chips wins.


Donโ€™t get too attached to your chips; theyโ€™ll be moving faster than gossip at a family reunion.

4. Farkle

 “Push your luck or crash and burn; Farkle is the thrill-seeker’s paradise in dice form!” Learn all the strategic twists of Farkle.

Objective: Score points by rolling specific combinations, and reach 10,000 points first. 

Materials: Six dice, a score sheet. 

Setup: Players take turns rolling all six dice. 

How to Play: Set aside scoring dice (1s, 5s, triples, etc.) and decide whether to risk rolling remaining dice for additional points. 


Know when to stop. Greed can lead to a farkle (no points that turn), and nobody likes a farkler.

5. Tenzi


“It’s a race to the finish with dice. Fast, furious, and not for the slow-thumbed.” Speed your way through Tenzi here.

Objective: Be the first to get all ten of your dice to show the same number. 

Materials: Ten dice per player.

 Setup: Everyone grabs ten dice. 

How to Play: All players roll simultaneously, quickly setting aside dice of one number and re-rolling the rest until all dice show the same number. 


Speed is key. Donโ€™t overthink it, just roll!

6. Ship, Captain, and Crew


“First, find your crew, then plunder the points.” Set sail with Ship, Captain, and Crew here.

Objective: Roll a 6 (ship), a 5 (captain), and a 4 (crew) in that order, then score as many points as possible with the remaining two dice. 

Materials: Five dice, a cup, and score sheets. 

Setup: Players take turns rolling all five dice. 

How to Play: You must roll and set aside a 6, 5, and 4 before you can score with the remaining dice. 

facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

7. Qwixx

“It’s like Yahtzee’s cooler, quicker cousin that doesn’t drag on like family reunions.” Quick-start your Qwixx game here.

Objective: Score points by crossing out numbers on your score sheet based on your dice rolls. 

Materials: Six dice (different colors), score sheets. 

Setup: Each player gets a score sheet. 

How to Play: Roll dice, choose combinations, and cross out corresponding numbers. Other players can also use the numbers you roll.


Keep an eye on other players’ sheetsโ€”itโ€™s not just about your rolls!

8. Yahtzee


“The OG of dice games. Roll for the elusive Yahtzee like it’s the last piece of pizza at the party.” Strategize your way to Yahtzee here.

Objective: Score points by rolling dice combinations and filling out your score sheet. 

Materials: Five dice, score sheets. 

Setup: Players take turns rolling the dice up to three times per turn. 

How to Play: Choose which dice to keep and which to re-roll to make combinations like full house, straight, or YAHTZEE (five of a kind). 


Strategy is key. Plan your rolls according to the score sheet categories.

9. Chicago

“A marathon of dice rolling where stamina meets strategy. May the most persistent roller win.” Roll your way through the Chicago dice game here and snag a snazzy, FREE scoresheet, too!

Objective: Win rounds by rolling combinations from 1 to 6, then score high on the “Chicago” roll. 

Materials: Two dice, a scoring sheet, paper and pencil

Setup: Simpleโ€”just grab the dice. 

How to Play: Players take turns rolling for each number, 1 through 6, then roll for the highest possible combination. 


Itโ€™s a marathon, not a sprint. Focus on winning the rounds that count.

10. Zilch


“A game of high risk, high reward, and high chances of shouting ‘Zilch!’ at inopportune moments.” Master the art of scoring (not zilching) in Zilch.

Objective: Score points without rolling a Zilch (no scoring dice).

Materials: Six dice. 

Setup: Players take turns rolling all six dice. 

How to Play: Score with specific combinations, decide to bank your points or risk rolling the remaining dice.


Itโ€™s all about risk management. Know when to bank your points and when to push your luck.


Wait! You Need These 5 Addictive Dice Games in Your Life!

Want to have fun on the go (or even a game night) WITHOUT 3 hours of prep and a minor emotional breakdown? Grab some dice and SNAG the No-Fuss Fun Dice Game cheatsheet to play easy-to-learn, FUN dice games whenever boredom strikes. Your sanity (and your hair) will thank you!

Game Night Table of Truth

What’s UpCool StuffNot So Cool StuffJust a Heads UpWho’s Gonna Love It?
BuncoEasy, socialCan get loudDrinks might spillParty animals, social butterflies
Liar’s DiceIntense bluffingLosers might sulkAccusations flyPoker faces, strategists
LCRQuick, simpleLuck-basedChips everywhereCasual gamers, all ages
FarkleHigh risk and rewardPotential zero scoresDice may flyGamblers, thrill-seekers
TenziFast-pacedChaos incarnateDice collisionsSpeed demons, competitive souls
Ship, Captain, and CrewNautical funRelies on luckPossible mutinyDreamers, patient players
QwixxInteractive, strategicNeeds quick thinkingScore sheet snafusSharp minds, number crunchers
YahtzeeClassic, strategicSlow at timesDecision paralysisOld-school gamers, planners
ChicagoRounds for redemptionSlow buildupLong game nightsPersistent players, tacticians
ZilchExciting risk-takingHigh chance of zilchScore envyDaredevils, risk-takers

There you have itโ€”a guide to turning your next large group gathering from flat to fabulous with just a handful of dice.

Remember, itโ€™s not about winning or losing; itโ€™s about making sure everyone has a blast.

And maybe also about not letting your competitive cousin win every time. Just sayin’.

facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

That’s All, Folks: How Not to Lose Your Dice (or Your Mind)

So here we are at the end of our dice-rolling saga. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, don’t sweat it. Remember, the best game nights are the ones where the rules are more like guidelines anyway.


Keep a cheat sheet for each game. But when in doubt, just make it up and call it a “special edition” rule. It’s your party, after all.

Rolling Out the Red Carpet for Your Dice Debut


Now that you’re equipped with a treasure trove of dice games, it’s time to step up and roll out. Whether your game night ends in triumph or with you on a solo mission to retrieve dice from under the fridge, remember:

  • Success is measured in laughs, not points.
  • Backup plan: Always have a distraction ready. Pizza is not just food; it’s a strategic peace offering.
  • Blame the dice: They’re small, they’re sneaky, and they’re the perfect scapegoat for when things go south.

So, gather your dice, rally your friends, and dive into the chaos.

And hey, if you end up inventing a new game by accident, you just might become the next big thing in the dice game world.


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