9 Outrageously Fun Minute to Win It Balloon Games

So glad you’re here, my friend. I know you’re looking for a way to inject some excitement into your next gathering.

Whelp, look no further than these balloon-based minute to win it games!

Yes, seriously!

They’re perfect for players of all ages, the games are a breeze to set up (minus feelin’ like you’re about to collapse a lung from blowing up so many balloons, that is). And they guarantee a great time for everyone.

So, get your balloons ready and prepare for an unforgettable party experience that’ll have everyone talking long after the last balloon pops!

Let’s get started!

So, What Exactly is a Minute to Win It Game?


Well, imagine a game that’s fast, exciting, and tests your skills in just 60 seconds. That’s a Minute to Win It game in a nutshell!

These games are super simple but really fun. You use everyday items you can find around the house, like balloons, cups, or even tissues.

The whole idea is to complete a specific task or challenge within that one-minute time limit.

It all started with a popular game show called “Minute to Win It,” where contestants would take on a bunch of these quick challenges using household objects.

Here’s some key things about Minute to Win It games:

  1. They’re quick! You only have 60 seconds to finish, so it’s a race against the clock.
  2. The rules are easy to understand. Anyone can jump in and play, no matter their age.
  3. You use common items from around the house. No need for fancy equipment!
  4. It gets competitive! Players go head-to-head to see who can finish the task the fastest, which makes it really fun and exciting.

1. Balloon Pyramid Game

Objective: Build a pyramid out of cups using only a balloon in your mouth—no hands!

Materials: Balloons, 6 cups per player/team, table or flat surface for each team

Gamplay: Each player starts with a stack of 6 cups and a deflated balloon. Place a balloon into the first cup, inflate it to secure the cup, and then carry it to the table using only your mouth. Build a pyramid by strategically placing and stacking the cups.

What’s Up?Cool Stuff & Not Cool StuffJust a Heads Up
Build a cup pyramid using only a balloon in your mouth. No hands!Totally unique challenge!; Hilarious to watch Requires focus & coordination, Laughing = disasterCups might go flying; Possible dizziness from blowing up balloons; Inevitable giggle fits

Coordination and a steady breath are your best friends here. And remember, laughing while holding a balloon in your mouth ends in disaster—I learned that the hard way!

2. Balloon Cup Game


Objective: The goal is to knock over as many cups as possible using a balloon within a minute. It’s like being a gentle bull in a china shop.

Materials: 10 plastic cups, enough balloons for each player

Gameplay: Line up the cups on a table or the floor in a straight line or a pattern. Inflate your balloon and then use the air coming from the balloon itself to topple those cups.


  1. Color Code: Assign different points to cups based on their color.
  2. Obstacle Course: Set up obstacles that you must shoot the balloon over or around.
  3. Team Relay: Make it a relay where each team member has to knock over a cup before tagging the next player.
What’s Up?Cool Stuff & Not Cool StuffJust a Heads Up
Knock over cups using a balloon. It’s like being a gentle bull in a china shop!Satisfying cup destruction (yay!); Variations keep it fresh; Can be played solo or in teams•Cups could go everywhere; Balloons might pop unexpectedly; Overenthusiastic players might get rowdy

3. Balloon Stomp Game

Image 1 Alt Text: Four-kids-with-hands-raised-playing-minute-to-win-it-balloon-relay-races-as-a-fun-teamwork-game. Image 2 Alt Text: Black-circle-with-white-text-saying-pushing-and-shoving-during-a-balloon-stomp-game-what-could-go-wrong-said-no-one-ever-surrounded-by-colorful-balloons.

Objective: Be the quickest to stomp and pop as many of the opposing team’s balloons as possible in one minute.

Materials: string, two balloons per player

Gameplay: This is sort of a Battle Royale Style Minute to Win it. Each player has a balloon tied to their ankles with a short piece of string. The balloons should be able to easily touch the ground.

When the timer starts, chase down your opponents and stomp those balloons into oblivion.


  1. Glitter Balloons: Use balloons filled with glitter for a spectacular pop.
  2. Nighttime Ninja: Play at night with glow-in-the-dark balloons.
  3. Color Hunt: Each player must pop only their assigned color.

Establish some rules before you play like: “No touching the balloons” or “no pushing and shoving”. Stuff like that.

What’s Up?Cool Stuff & Not Cool StuffJust a Heads Up
Battle Royale style! Stomp and pop opponents’ ankle-tied balloons.Fast-paced and thrilling; Variations add excitement; Spectacular balloon popsEstablish ground rules to avoid roughhousing; Balloon pieces might be slippery; Ankle knots could come undone

4. Keep It Up

Objective: Keep four balloons in the air for as long as possible without letting any touch the ground. It’s like juggling, but with more panic.

Materials: 4 balloons per player or team

Gameplay: Stand in an open space, ideally where a falling balloon won’t knock over your prized vase. Toss the balloons up and keep them floating, using any part of your body. Coordination is key, and so is not running into each other.

What’s Up?Cool Stuff & Not Cool StuffJust a Heads Up
Juggling meets panic! Keep 4 balloons in the air without letting them touch the ground.Improves coordination; Addictive “one more try” factor; Can be played solo or in teams; Arm workout!Balloons might drift away; Potential for collisions; Furniture & decor hazards

5. Balloon Tower Game


Objective: Build the tallest freestanding tower using balloons within 1 minute. Think of it as a squishy skyscraper competition.

Materials: Inflated balloons (lots!), masking tape for stability

Gameplay: Gather your materials and mark out spaces where each team or player will build. Make your tower using only balloons. If you’re using tape or string, only use a little bit of it to add a bit of challenge.

What’s Up?Cool Stuff & Not Cool StuffJust a Heads Up
Build the tallest freestanding balloon tower in a set time. Squishy skyscraper competition!Encourages creative building; Impressive finished towers; Can adjust difficulty level; Balloons might pop unexpectedlyMake sure you have enough space for towers; Possible debates over “freestanding” definition

Wanna make it harder? Don’t give the teams / players inflated balloons. Let them do it themselves.

6. Pass the Balloon Game

Objective: Pass a balloon down a line of teammates without using your hands. It’s like hot potato, but with more body contact.

Materials: one balloon for each team

Gameplay: Line up team members side by side. Pass the balloon along the line using any part of your body except your hands. Chests, backs, and heads are fair game.

If the balloon falls to the ground, then it has to go back to the first player. The team that gets the balloon passed to the end of their line first wins.

If no one gets there, then the team that gets the balloon the farthest down the line wins.

What’s Up?Cool Stuff & Not Cool StuffJust a Heads Up
Hot potato meets balloon! Pass it down the line without using hands.Silly & active; Encourages teamwork; Customizable rules & variations; Could get a bit awkward (know your audience before you play!)Agree on body part rules beforehand; Laughter might lead to dropped balloons; Potential for personal space invasion

Communication is sooo important! Plus, a bit of practice goes a long way—I still remember when we accidentally turned it into a game of “keep the balloon from touching the ground” during a particularly chaotic round.

7. Balloon Partner Pop Game

Objective: Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to pop as many balloons as possible with your partner in just one minute.

Materials: A heap of balloons, ready for popping

Gameplay: Stand facing your partner, balloon at the ready in whatever creative spot you choose (under chins, between bellies, etc.)

When the clock starts ticking, squish, squeeze, and smoosh that balloon until it pops. Then, grab another and repeat! The team with the most balloons popped after a minute wins.

What’s Up?Cool Stuff & Not Cool StuffJust a Heads Up
Pop as many balloons as possible with a partner in one minute using creative body positions.Highly interactive & silly; Encourages creative thinking; Satisfying balloon pops; Might feel a bit awkwardAgree on balloon placement boundaries; Balloon pieces might be slippery; Noise level could get intense

8. Balloon Relay Race Game


Objective: Race across a distance while keeping a balloon securely between your knees. Drop it, and you might just lose the lead!

Materials: Balloons (enough for each team)

Setup: Line up teams at the starting point, each racer with a balloon between their knees.

Gameplay: Hobble, waddle, or shuffle your way to the other end of the room and back to the next teammate without dropping the balloon. If you drop it, you have to go back to the starting point.

When you get to your teammate, pass the balloon on. Yep, you can use your hands. Then your teammate repeats what you just did.

The team that have the most players that are able to complete this task is the winner.


Wanna make it harder? Use HUGE balloon or teeny tiny balloons thare are harder for players to keep in place.


  1. Costume Relay: Wear funny costumes while racing.
  2. Reverse Race: Race backwards.
  3. Tag Team Twist: Add a task at the halfway point before passing the balloon.
  4. Water Balloon Version: Use water balloons for extra risk (and a potential splash!).
  5. Hurdle Hop: Include small hurdles to jump over during the race.
What’s Up?Cool Stuff & Not Cool StuffJust a Heads Up
Race across a distance with a balloon between your knees. Drop it and start over!Hilarious to watch & play; Variations keep it exciting; Encourages teamwork; Can be physically challengingMake space for racing paths; Balloon drops might frustrate some; Potential for collisions & falls

9. Laundry Day, Balloon Relay


Objective: Stand back to back with a partner (with a balloon in between you) and transport as many balloons as you can into a laundry basket across the room

Materials: lots of balloons, 1 laundry basket per team (rectangular baskets work best!)

Gameplay: Figure out a starting line and set up laundry baskets 15 to 20 feet away. Each pair has to stand back to back with a balloon in between and walk, shuffle, make their way to the laundry basket. Then somehow drop the balloon into the laundry basket.

If the balloon drops on the floor, the pair has to go back to start. The team with the most balloons in the laundry basket at the end of the minute wins.

What’s Up?Cool Stuff & Not Cool StuffJust a Heads Up
Partners stand back-to-back with a balloon between them, transporting it to a laundry basket.Ridiculous & entertaining; Promotes cooperation; Unique twist on relays; Might be tricky to balance balloonFigure out “drop rules”; Baskets could tip over; Possible debates over “successful” drops

Want More?

If you’d love to do some more minute to win it games. Check out the article: 15 Hilarious Minute to Win It Games Using Cups You’ll Love.

You’ll find lots of great ideas for minute to win it games (using cup!) in that article. And you might want to mix and match a few to really make your get-together as fun as possible.

Your Turn

What’s your favorite Minute to Win It activity above? Which one do you think your crew will like the best? Let me know in the comments below.


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