Bunco: A Fun, Simple Dice Game for Large Groups of People

If you’ve got a big group looking for an awesome way to spend a game night, a family reunion, a party together, you’ve got to try playing Bunco.

This classic dice game is amazing game to play with a crowd. You just need 12 people who are ready to laugh, compete, and maybe talk a little friendly trash.

Bonus? It’s super easy to learn, so even if you’ve never played before you’ll be rolling the dice like a pro in no time.

It’s the perfect excuse to get all your favorite people in one place for a night of fun and games.

Ready to learn how to play? Let’s get into it!

Bunco Basics: A Quick Dive into Dice Delight


Before you dive into Bunco, let’s make sure you’ve got all the goods and that you actually know what you’re doing:


So, the whole point of Bunco is pretty simple: you just want to roll the dice and try to match the number for whatever round you’re playing. Like, if it’s the first round, you’re trying to roll ones.

Every time you roll the right number, you score points. The main goal? Rack up the most points by nailing those rolls, snagging Buncos (that’s when you roll three of the same number that matches the round), and winning rounds.

Equipment Needed

  • 12 players (or multiples of four, if you’re feeling extra social 😉)
  • Three tables with four players each (labeled as Head Table, Middle Table, and Bottom Table – fancy!)
  • Three dice per table (so, nine dice total)
  • Score sheets and pencils for each player (gotta keep track of those wins somehow)
  • bell at the Head Table (for those dramatic moments)
  • fuzzy dice or any marker to keep track of rounds (because who doesn’t love fuzzy dice?)


  1. Divide Players: Split into three tables of four players each. Teams at each table can be formed by drawing numbers or any random method (or just go with your gut and pick your faves 😜).
  2. Pass Out Materials: Each table gets three dice, score sheets, and a pencil (you know, the essentials).
  3. Assign the Fuzzy Dice: This marks the start of the game’s rounds (and adds a touch of pizzazz 🌟).

How to Play


Bunco is played in sets of rounds. Each round corresponds to a number on the dice (from 1 to 6). Here’s how it goes down:

  1. Starting the Game: The game starts at the Head Table by ringing the bell (ding ding ding! 🔔).
  2. Rolling the Dice: Players at each table take turns rolling all three dice. You want to roll dice matching the number of the current round. For example, in the first round, you try to roll ones.
  3. Scoring: Here’s where it gets interesting!
Each die that shows the number of the current round1 point
Three of a kind of the correct number (like three ones in round one) – a “Bunco”21 points (jackpot! 🎰)
Three of a kind of any number other than the round number5 points (not too shabby)
See? Easy peasy!

  1. Rotation: Play continues until a team at the Head Table scores 21 points or more. They ring the bell to signal the round’s end (time to switch it up!).

    Players then switch tables: Winners at each table move up to the next higher table, and the losing teams move down (it’s like musical chairs, but with dice 🎲). Partners also rotate within the tables (keeps things spicy).
  2. Progress Through Rounds: The game continues through rounds 1-6, following the same format (rinse and repeat, baby!).

Wait! You Need These 5 Addictive Dice Games in Your Life!

Want to have fun on the go (or even a game night) WITHOUT 3 hours of prep and a minor emotional breakdown? Grab some dice and SNAG the No-Fuss Fun Dice Game cheatsheet to play easy-to-learn, FUN dice games whenever boredom strikes. Your sanity (and your hair) will thank you!

Winning the Game

After completing six rounds, the game typically ends (though some play up to 12 rounds, repeating 1-6 twice, if you’re feeling extra competitive).

Players tally their scores from all rounds. The player with the highest total score wins (bragging rights included).

Awards can be given for the most Buncos, wins, losses, etc. (more on that later).

facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

Socializing and Other Fun Stuff

Bunco is less about strategy and more about socializing and having fun (because who needs strategy when you’ve got luck on your side?).

There’s a lot of cheering and excitement, especially when someone rolls a Bunco (cue the confetti! 🎊).

The frequent table changes keep things from getting boring and makes sure everyone interacts with different players throughout the game (because variety is the spice of life, right?).

See, I wasn’t kidding? Bunco is straightforward, making it an excellent choice for large gatherings and parties where the goal is casual fun (and maybe a little friendly competition 😉). 

5 Fun Ways to Split People Into Teams for Bunco


Kicking off your Bunco night by splitting everyone into teams can be a blast! Here’s five easy and fun ways to divide up the group:

  1. Color-Coded Cards: Grab some cards in different colors, one for each team. Mix them up and have everyone pick a card from a hat or bowl when they arrive. The color they pick is their team. It’s a simple and fun way to group up, plus you can match the colors to any party theme.
  2. Birthday Months: How about grouping everyone by their birth month? It’s a fun mix and a great conversation starter. People can chat about their zodiac signs or share some quirky facts about their birthday month.
  3. Numbered Dice: Give everyone a die at the door. They roll it, and the number they get decides their team. For example, rolling a 1 or 2 might put them on team one, and so on. It keeps the dice theme going and gets everyone involved right from the start.
  4. Random Objects: Find some small items like buttons, coins, or shells and mark them secretly to represent different teams. Pop them into a bag and let each player draw one to see which team they’re on. This can also be a great icebreaker, as players might guess what their item represents.
  5. Theme-Based Questions: Ask a fun question that fits your theme, like, “If you could travel to any country, where would you go?” Then, group people by their answers. For instance, anyone who picks a beachy place could be one team, while those who choose cold countries form another. It sparks conversation and helps players connect right away.

These methods make teaming up part of the fun and help get the laughs and chatter going even before the game starts.


If push comes to shove, it never hurts to let people pick their own teams. Sometimes that’s less labor intensive for you. In my family, we usually do it by age – an older person/kid with a younger one. Just to keep things fair. If it’s all adults, we just pick our own teams.

Bunco Night with a Twist (Happy Variations)


There are a bunch of cool twists you can add to the classic Bunco game to keep it interesting, especially if you play a lot. Here are some fun variations:

  • Bunco Babble: Here, everyone has to say a special phrase every time they roll the dice. If you forget to say it before passing the dice, you don’t get any points for that roll. It’s a hilarious way to distract each other.
  • Room Bunco: Instead of just sitting around tables, you move from room to room in the house. Each room is a different level or challenge. It’s perfect for parties and adds a bit of action as everyone moves around.
  • Ghost Bunco: If you’re short on players, you use a “ghost” to fill in. The player sitting diagonal to the empty seat rolls for the ghost. The ghost can score points, helping or hurting the team, just like a real player. This keeps the game running smoothly even if you don’t have even teams.
  • Theme Bunco: This one’s all about vibes. You pick a theme—like a holiday, season, or color—and everyone dresses up. Decorations and snacks match the theme too, making each game night special and different.
  • Reverse Bunco: This one flips the scoring. You try not to roll the number that matches the round. If you do, you end up giving points to others. It’s a cool twist that changes up the strategy and has everyone rooting for different outcomes.

You can mix these variations up or tweak them to better fit your group’s taste, making every Bunco game night a fresh adventure.

Winner’s Circle: Scoring and Celebrating Success

Here’s a fun idea to spice up your next Bunco night: hand out some quirky awards! These awards are all about celebrating everyone’s unique style and personality while they play:

Award NameCriteria for WinningDescription
Bunco Queen (or King)Most Buncos rolled during the gameAwarded to the player who rolls the most Buncos, celebrating their dice-rolling luck.
Social ButterflyMost enthusiastic or sociable playerGiven to the player who adds sparkle to the game with their vibrant personality.
Luckiest LoserPlayer with the most losses but still in good spiritsCelebrates the player who may not always win, but always enjoys the game.
Rolling StoneMoves tables the most due to game dynamicsFor the player who’s always on the move, bringing fun wherever they go.
Stealthy StrategistBest tactical play or surprising comebackAcknowledges a player’s clever strategies or unexpected turnarounds in scoring.
Mover and ShakerFirst to finish each roundFor the player who consistently finishes their rolls quickly, keeping the game lively.

These awards aren’t just for kicks—they make the game night more engaging and give everyone something extra to look forward to.

Plus, they’re a hilarious way to highlight all the different vibes people bring to the table!

Oh, and here’s a few suggestions for actual prizes if, you know, you feel like handing some out:

  • Gift Cards: Always a hit, pick from coffee shops, bookstores, or your favorite local eats.
  • Themed Merchandise: Grab some cool Bunco-themed gear like T-shirts, hats, or mugs with catchy sayings or cute dice prints.
  • Wine or Specialty Beer: A nice bottle of wine or some craft beer is perfect for adult game nights.
  • Gourmet Treats: Think boxes of chocolates, some fancy nuts, or delicious gourmet popcorn.
  • Personal Care Items: Treat someone with candles, bath bombs, or some fancy soaps to help them relax.
  • Fun Dice Sets: Cool, colorful dice sets or custom dice bags are perfect for Bunco lovers.
  • Home Decor Items: Cute little picture frames, decorative towels, or fun coasters.
  • Stationery Supplies: Great for the organizers—notebooks, pens, or cool desk stuff.
  • Kitchen Gadgets: Handy little tools like a fresh set of measuring spoons, a fun timer, or a quirky kitchen utensil.
  • DIY Kits: From craft kits to make-your-own food kits (like hot sauce) or cocktail mixing sets.

Wanna have gifts for your Bunco night? But, you don’t want to break your bank account open in the process? Ask for everyone to bring a small wrapped gift. Maybe $10 or less? Pile the presents up on a table as people come in. Then let the winners, pick a package from the table to open and enjoy.

facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

The Bigger, the Better: Adapting Bunco for Even Larger Crowds


If you’re looking to fit more than 12 players into a Bunco night, no worries—you can totally handle it with a few tweaks. Here’s what you can do to accommodate a larger group:

Option 1: Add More Tables

  • Expand the Number of Tables: Usually, Bunco works best with groups of four per table. If you’ve got more than 12 people, just add another table for every extra four players. So, if you have 16 players, you’d set up four tables.
  • Adjust Game Dynamics: With more tables in play, make sure everyone knows what’s going on, especially when a round ends. Clear communication is key!

Option 2: Play in Teams

  • Team Play: If you can’t add more tables—maybe because of space issues—think about having teams at each table. For instance, with 16 players and three tables, you could have teams of two at each table.
  • Score as Teams: Have team members combine their scores. This keeps everyone involved and can make the game move faster since more people are engaged each turn.

Option 3: Rotation and Substitution

  • Rotating Players: Set up a rotation system if you’re short on space or dice. Have some players sit out a round and then rotate in. This is a smooth way to manage a big group without needing more gear.
  • Substitutes: Introduce a ‘substitution’ rule where players swap out after each round, so everyone gets equal playtime throughout the night.

Logistics and Considerations

  • More Prizes and Awards: With more folks playing, think about throwing in more prizes or creating different award categories to keep the energy up and everyone pumped.
  • Longer Playing Time: More players usually mean a longer game. Plan for some extra time, or adjust the number of rounds to keep things on schedule.

Expanding your Bunco game for more players just adds to the fun and buzz, making it a super fun and exciting event for everyone.


Time Flies When You’re Having Fun: Remember, more players might mean a longer game. Maybe throw in a “speed round” to keep things zippy and exciting?


Wait! You Need These 5 Addictive Dice Games in Your Life!

Want to have fun on the go (or even a game night) WITHOUT 3 hours of prep and a minor emotional breakdown? Grab some dice and SNAG the No-Fuss Fun Dice Game cheatsheet to play easy-to-learn, FUN dice games whenever boredom strikes. Your sanity (and your hair) will thank you!

Sideline Fun: Keeping Substitutes Cheery and Busy

Not everyone rolls at the same time, so what do the folks sitting out do? Here’s some great ideas to keep everyone engaged and entertained, even when they’re not throwing dice.

  • Scorekeeping and Running the Show: Those sitting out can help keep track of scores or manage how the game flows. It keeps them involved and makes sure everything ticks along nicely.
  • Snack Squad: Put them in charge of snacks and drinks. They can make sure everyone at the tables is well-stocked and happy. It’s a great way to keep the good vibes rolling.
  • Cheer Squad: Let the substitutes be cheerleaders. They can root for their team, celebrate good dice rolls, and keep the energy up all night.
  • Setup Crew: The players on a break can get everything ready for the next round, like sorting out scorecards and making sure the dice are ready at each table, or even helping shuffle players as needed.
  • Mix and Mingle: This downtime is a perfect chance for everyone to chat and hang out with folks they haven’t caught up with much during the game. It’s awesome for keeping friendships strong or starting new ones.
  • Side Games Station: Why not set up a little area with other games, card decks, or puzzles? It keeps everyone in high spirits and involved, even when they’re not throwing dice in the main game.

Want More?

Don’t want the fun to stop? Check out some other fun dice games:

And if you have kids and you’re wanting to do a more educationally-inclined family fun night, check out this post: 10 Insanely Easy Math Dice Games for Kids (Simple & Fun!).


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