Drop Dead Dice Game 101: A Playbook for Non-Stop Family Fun

Don’t let the freakishly morbid name scare you – this addictive, easy-to-learn dice game is perfect for game nights, parties or even just a casual hangout with friends. 

With just five dice and a piece of paper, you’ll be ready to “roll” in no time!

The simple rules and fast-paced gameplay make it perfect for players of all ages – yep even the kids.

So gather your crew and get ready to drop dead (figuratively, of course)…once you’ve learned…

How to Play the Drop Dead Dice Game



The goal is simple: score the highest number of points by rolling five dice, by the end of 5 rounds or an agreed-upon target score, typically 100 or 150 points. But there’s a catch.

Some rolls will literally force you to “drop dead,” wiping out your hard-earned points. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions in the best possible way.


  • Five standard, 6-sided dice
  • A sturdy, flat surface (so those dice don’t end up under the couch)
  • Pen and paper to keep score
  • A good sense of humor (essential for when things go south)


  1. Give each player a score sheet or have one person track everyone’s scores.
  2. Determine the number of rounds or the target score to win. I suggest playing 3-5 rounds for a quick game.
  3. Decide who goes first by having each player roll one die – highest roll starts.


  1. The first player rolls all five dice.
  2. If the roll does NOT contain any 2s or 5s, the player scores points equal to the total sum of the dice. They can choose to roll again to add to their score.
  3. If the roll DOES contain any 2s or 5s, the player scores no points. They must remove the 2s and 5s from play, and roll only the remaining dice on their next turn.
  4. The player continues rolling (and potentially scoring) until all five dice have been eliminated by rolling 2s or 5s. This is called “dropping dead.”
  5. Play passes to the next player, who repeats steps 1-4.
  6. Once all players have taken a turn, the round is over. The player with the highest score for that round earns a bonus 5 points.
  7. Continue playing rounds until the predetermined number of rounds or target score is reached. The player with the highest total score wins!

Wait! You Need These 5 Addictive Dice Games in Your Life!

Want to have fun on the go (or even a game night) WITHOUT 3 hours of prep and a minor emotional breakdown? Grab some dice and SNAG the No-Fuss Fun Dice Game cheatsheet to play easy-to-learn, FUN dice games whenever boredom strikes. Your sanity (and your hair) will thank you!

Here’s a helpful scoring example:

Let’s take a look at how Drop Dead is played, courtesy of Amanda Hugnkiss:

  • Roll 1: The dice showed 3, 4, 2, 6, and 1. The 2 meant no points, and Amanda took the 2 out of the game.
  • Roll 2: Amanda rolled the four dice left. They showed 5, 4, 3, and 6. The 5 meant no points again, and she took out the 5 too.
  • Roll 3: With three dice, Amanda rolled a 4, 1, and 6. This gave her 11 points.
  • Roll 4: Amanda rolled the three dice once more. This time, she got 3, 5, and 6. The 5 made her lose the points from this roll, and she took the 5 out.
  • Roll 5: Amanda rolled the two dice still in play. She got a 4 and a 1, giving her 5 more points.
  • Roll 6: With one die left, Amanda rolled a 2. This ended her turn since she “dropped dead.”
  • In total, Amanda scored 16 points in the round by adding up her good rolls (11 + 5).

If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, put your finger on the table below and swipe to the left (or right) to see the full table.

What’s UpCool StuffNot So Cool StuffJust a Heads UpWho’s Gonna Love It?
Drop Dead Dice Game– Addictive and easy to learn
– Fast-paced gameplay
– Perfect for game nights, parties, or casual hangouts
– Only requires five dice and a piece of paper
– Leads to lots of laughter and friendly competition
– Some rolls can wipe out your hard-earned points
– The name might be a bit morbid for some folks
– Dice might end up under the couch if you’re not careful
– Emotions can run high when things don’t go your way
– Great for players of all ages, even kids
– Ideal for those who love a bit of luck-based excitement
– Perfect for people who enjoy simple, fast-paced games
– Awesome for folks who don’t mind a little friendly competition
join my faceook group!

My Motto? Parties shouldn’t require a week’s worth of prep (or cleanup).

If your idea of party planning is more “wing it with style” than “schedule every second”, you’re my kind of people. Come for the laughs and good times, but stay for the goodies that make party planning a breeze (or at least less of a hurricane).


Dodging Dice Disasters: Rookie Moves to Avoid in Drop Dead

While Drop Dead is a game of pure luck, there are a few pitfalls to watch out for:

  1. Forgetting to remove the 2s and 5s. Always set aside those pesky dice before rolling again! I’ve seen many newbies accidentally rack up huge scores before realizing their error.
  2. Not keeping track of scores: This might seem like a no-brainer, but in the heat of the moment, it’s surprisingly easy to forget. Keep that pen and paper handy, or better yet, appoint a dedicated scorekeeper. They might not thank you, but your future self will.
  3. Focusing too much on other players’ scores. It’s easy to get discouraged when an opponent scores a 30+ point turn. But remember, everyone will “drop dead” eventually! Stay positive and hope for some hot dice.

Dice Jails and Time-Outs: This one’s for when you’re playing with your own dice set (color-coded for the win!). If a particular die has been giving you nothing but 2s and 5s, give it a time-out. Yep, set it aside and declare it’s in dice jail for bad behavior. Swap it out with another die if you have spares, or just let it watch the game from the sidelines. It’s a silly, superstitious move, but it brings a whole new level of personality to the game. Plus, it’s oddly satisfying to punish the non-cooperative dice.


A Table of Wisdom: Quick Reference for Scoring

2 or 5Drop dead. Remove the die/dice, score zero.
1,3,4,6Score points equal to the face value.
All dice outYour turn ends. Total your score and pass the dice.

How Drop Dead Turns Game Night into Giggle Fest


If you have a large group of people who want to play Drop Dead, fear not! With a few simple tweaks, you can easily accommodate everyone:

  1. Divide into teams: Split players into teams of two or three. Each team will take turns rolling the dice, and their scores will be combined.
  2. Use multiple dice sets: If you have enough dice, provide each team or player with their own set of five dice. This will speed up gameplay and keep everyone engaged.
  3. Create a tournament bracket: For an extra competitive twist, create a tournament bracket and have teams or individuals face off against each other. The winner of each round advances until a champion is crowned!

If you’re playing with a particularly competitive group, make sure to establish some ground rules before starting the game. This can include things like what happens in the event of a tie, or how to handle disputes over scoring. Trust me, a little bit of preparation can go a long way in keeping the game running smoothly

Fun Variations and House Rules for the Drop Dead Dice Game

Left-image:-Joyful-boy-with-afro-celebrates-winning-drop-dead-dice-game,-confetti-around. Right-image:-Disappointed-boy-realizes-mistake-in-drop-dead-dice-game,-confetti-still-present.

Once you’ve mastered the basic rules of Drop Dead, try mixing things up with these fun variations:

  1. Lucky Sevens: In this version, 7s are also considered “dead” along with 2s and 5s. This adds an extra challenge and makes scoring points even tougher!
  2. High Roller: For a more strategic twist, allow players to choose whether they want to keep rolling or “bank” their points after each successful roll. But be careful – if you get too greedy and roll a 2 or 5, you’ll lose all the points from that turn!
  3. Team Relay: Divide players into two teams and have them line up on opposite sides of the table. The first player from each team rolls the dice simultaneously, trying to score as many points as possible before “dropping dead.” Once a player’s turn ends, they pass the dice to the next teammate in line. The first team to reach a predetermined score wins.

Keep a running tally of each player’s score on a whiteboard or large sheet of paper. This adds to the excitement and allows everyone to see who’s in the lead at a glance.

Quick Glance, High Chance: The Drop Dead Dice Game in a Nutshell

Game ElementDescriptionWhy am I like this?
Alternate Names– Stuck in the Mud
– Drop Dread
– Dice of Doom
Because one morbid name wasn’t enough. Gotta keep players on their toes with the nomenclature.
ObjectiveBe the last player standing with the highest score, while avoiding the dreaded 2s and 5s that can instantly kill your points.It’s like a dice-based survival horror game. Will you make it out alive (with points)?
Players2+ intrepid dice rollers ready to tempt fate.The more players, the more chances for schadenfreude when someone “drops dead.”
Dice/Components5 standard six-sided dice, preferably not cursed. Pen and paper for keeping score, and maybe a box of tissues for the losers.These innocent-looking cubes hold the power to giveth points and taketh away. The suspense is palpable.
GameplayRoll the dice, pray you don’t get 2s or 5s. Score points by adding up the other numbers. “Dead” dice are removed each round. Last player with dice wins.It’s a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute you’re on top of the world, the next you’ve “dropped dead.” Such is life.
ScoringScore the sum of the dice in each roll, unless a 2 or 5 appears, in which case you score a big fat zero. Ouch.The highs are high, but the lows are oh so low. It’s like the dice are mocking you.
TurnsRoll, score (maybe), remove dead dice, pass to the next victim…err, player. Repeat until someone emerges victorious or the dice stage a rebellion.Every turn is a mini-drama. Will you roll the dice of glory or the dice of doom? The anticipation is half the fun.
StrategyPray to the dice gods. Perform dice-rolling rituals. Threaten the dice with a stint in the time-out corner. Hope for the best.Let’s face it, you’re at the mercy of Lady Luck in this game. Embrace the chaos and enjoy the ride.
WinningAchieve the highest score at the end of 5 to 10 rounds – whatever was decided.  Be the last player with any “living” dice. Gloat accordingly, but remember, pride comes before a fall.Ah, the sweet taste of victory, made all the sweeter by the defeated looks on your opponents’ faces. Savor it…until the next game.

Drop Dead is a dice game that’s equal parts thrilling and exasperating. It’s like a suspense movie where the main characters are dice, and you never know who will survive to the end credits. 


Wait! You Need These 5 Addictive Dice Games in Your Life!

Want to have fun on the go (or even a game night) WITHOUT 3 hours of prep and a minor emotional breakdown? Grab some dice and SNAG the No-Fuss Fun Dice Game cheatsheet to play easy-to-learn, FUN dice games whenever boredom strikes. Your sanity (and your hair) will thank you!

Exploring the World of Quick and Quirky Dice Games

Here’s 5 other fun, family-friendly dice games that’ll be just as much fun as Drop Dead – if not more so:

GameHow to PlayFun Fact
BeetleRoll a die to collect beetle parts in a specific order: 6-body, 5-head, 4-wing (x2), 3-leg (x6), 2-antenna (x2), 1-eye (x2). First to complete their beetle wins!Gets the family giggling as beetles take shape.
Liar’s DiceEach player has 5 dice. Bid on the total number of a certain face showing. Call “liar” to challenge a bid. Losers lose a die. Last one with dice wins.A tense game of bluffing.
MexicoRoll 2 dice aiming for the highest combo. Avoid the lowest total to not pay into the pot. 21 “Mexico”, doubles, and higher rolls win.A fast, push-your-luck party game.
TenziEveryone rolls 10 dice, aiming to get all dice on the same number first. Call “Tenzi!” when done. Can be played solo or in teams.A loud, real-time race that’s great for fast addition.
PigRoll a die for points, but roll a 1 and lose them all. “Hold” to bank points. First to 100 wins, needing an exact roll.A quick, high-energy game that’s easy to learn but tricky to master.

Wait! Snag Your FREE No-Fuss Fun Dice Game Cheatsheet: 5 Easy Dice Games for All Ages Now!


Stuck in a mom rut and clueless on how to turn the day around? Let’s shake things up with the No-Fuss Fun Dice Cheatsheet: 5 Easy Games for All Ages.

Quick steps to fun:

  1. Hit up this link for your free cheatsheet + join our weekly good-vibes newsletter.
  2. Print it—regular paper works, but card stock feels oh-so-nice and lasts a good, long while.
  3. Stick it somewhere you’ll see it often, like that VIP spot on the fridge or stuff it in your bag for on-the-go dice game ideas (to keep your kids quiet at restaurant table while you’re waiting for food).

Why You’ll Love It:

  • “I’m bored!” Meltdowns? Not anymore. Whip out a game and watch those kids light up.
  • Need something cool for game night? Be a hero with your cheatsheet.
  • Just Because: Spice up your routine with a quick game here and there with a friend or partner—because why not?
join my faceook group!

My Motto? Parties shouldn’t require a week’s worth of prep (or cleanup).

If your idea of party planning is more “wing it with style” than “schedule every second”, you’re my kind of people. Come for the laughs and good times, but stay for the goodies that make party planning a breeze (or at least less of a hurricane).


Want More?

Ready to reimagine family game night? After all, why should kids have all the fun? Combine the thrill of “10000 Dice Game Rules and Scoring” with “7 Fun and Easy Dice Games for Senior Citizens” for a multigenerational game night that’s nothing short of epic.

Your Turn

Drop Dead seems to be a rollercoaster of emotions. Can you describe the most intense emotional turnaround you’ve experienced during a game?

From the highs of a perfect roll to the despair of dropping dead, share your story in the comments below.

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