Who Else Wants a Fun Easter Bunny Left Right Story Game? (Printable!)

Easter’s rolling around again, and if you’re anything like me, you’re already panicking about how to keep the horde entertained. Do like me. This year, up your game with something foolproof: the Easter Bunny Left-Right Story Game.

This article goes through all the ends and outs and fun twists to make sure you (and your guests) have an awesome time.

And since I’m all about making life easier (mostly because I’m still figuring out how to use my coffee machine), I’ve got a downloadable, print-ready version of the game below.

That’s right, no need to channel your inner Shakespeare unless you want to. Just download, print, and get ready for some serious fun.

Are you ready? Let’s get started.

What is the Easter Bunny Left Right Story Game?


The Easter Bunny Left-Right Story Game is a fun printable easter party game for kids and adults. In this mishmash of left-right storytelling and gift exchange, players pass around an Easter gift while taking turns reading a silly tale. 

As key words like “left” and “right” are read aloud, players pass the gift to the left or right. It’s an exciting easter egg exchange activity that brings laughter and surprises.

This easter left right game is perfect for classrooms, parties, and family gatherings.  It’s a party game, an easter game, and a printable easter extravaganza all rolled into one.

Here’s all the deets for how to play:

Objective: To follow the story’s directions, passing gifts to the left or right, and see who ends up with what gift by the end. It’s all about the surprise and excitement of not knowing which gift you’ll end up with.


  • A pre-written Easter-themed story with plenty of “lefts” and “rights” to dictate the game’s flow.
  • Small gifts for participants to pass around. These can be anything from Easter eggs to small toys or candies, all wrapped up to add to the surprise.


  1. Prepare the Story: Either find a pre-written story or get creative and write your own. Make sure it’s filled with lots of “left” and “right” cues.
  2. Wrap the Gifts: Keep the gifts small and simple. Everyone should start with one gift in hand.
  3. Gather in a Circle: Have everyone sit in a circle, each holding their wrapped gift.


  1. Start Reading the Story: Someone is the narrator, reading the story aloud. Whenever the story says “left”, everyone passes their gift to the left. When it says”‘right”, everyone passes to the right.
  2. Keep Up the Pace: The key is to listen closely and pass quickly. The game gets funnier and more chaotic as the story speeds up.
  3. End of the Story: When the story ends, whatever gift you’re holding is yours to keep.

Since the game is more about fun and less about competition, the best tip is to listen closely while the tale is told and enjoy the laughter. But, to keep things interesting, try to read the room and anticipate the next “left” or “right” to pass the gift smoothly and efficiently.

Hold up! It’s the “Steal-a-Sweet” Easter game you never knew you needed!


Dive into the spirit of Easter with a twist! Sign up now for the SWAP, STEAL, OPEN: Easter Egg Exchange Dice Game. Don’t miss out on the chance to roll, swap, and open your way to laughter and surprises. Plus, you get to join my nifty newsletter of fun party tips and tricks. Are you ready to crack open the fun?

Clever Variations for Playing the Easter Bunny Left-Right Game (Without Making It Feel Like a Chore)


Alright, folks, let’s jazz up the Easter Bunny Left-Right Story Game before everyone starts checking their phones under the table. Here’s how to keep things more unpredictable than my last attempt at baking:

  1. Musical Interlude (Or How to Get Everyone Moving Without Actually Exercising): Every time someone drops the word “Easter” into the story, halt the gift-passing parade. It’s time for everyone to play a round of musical chairs, minus the chairs and the music. Just leave your gift shuffle around with the elegance of a bunny on a caffeine rush until you land in a new spot. People fighting over a spot?  Settle it with a round of Rock, Paper Scissors.
  2. Gift Swap Chaos (Or How to Confuse Everyone in 3 Seconds Flat): Wait for the magic word – let’s go with “bunny” because creativity is clearly my middle name. When you hear it, it’s time for everyone to swap gifts with the person across the circle. It’s like playing hot potato, but the potatoes are potentially less desirable gifts. This twist ensures the game’s ending is more unpredictable than the status of the Easter dinner I cook every year – and trust me, that’s saying something.
  3. Mystery Gift Unveil (Because Everyone Loves a Surprise…Right?): Halfway through the game, throw in a curveball. Everyone must unwrap their gift and then continue the game exchanging unwrapped gifts. It’s like revealing your secret talent at a party, only to find out it’s not so secret or, frankly, not much of a talent. Expect reactions ranging from delight to the kind of polite confusion that mirrors people’s response to my husband’s cooking.
facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

VariationProsConsCautionary Tips
Musical InterludeAdds a dynamic physical element to keep players engaged.Can lead to confusion or delays in large or cramped spaces.Ensure ample space and prep participants to avoid vase casualties and puzzled looks.
Mystery Gift UnveilInjects a level of unpredictability and excitement, like finding an extra fry at the bottom of the bag.Potential disappointment with unwrapped giftsOnly have gifts that are universally appealing, like my attempts at humor.
Gift Swap ChaosInjects unpredictability and excitement, making the game memorable.Can create confusion or slight chaos if not well managed.Choose a clear trigger word and ensure everyone knows their opposite player to avoid gift-swap mix-ups.

And if you’re reading the story, throw in some dramatic pauses, silly voices, or unexpected twists. Your goal is to make people forget they’re adults worrying about taxes and remember they’re here have a good time.

3 Ways to Gather Gifts for the Easter Left-Right Story Game WITHOUT Going Broke


Gathering gifts for the Easter Bunny Left-Right Story Game shouldn’t feel like you’re on a treasure hunt without a map, especially if you’re like me, someone who can lose their glasses while they’re still on their face.

Let’s dive into some foolproof (and budget-friendly) ways to stockpile those presents without needing to sell a kidney.

  1. The Potluck of Gifts: Ask every guest to bring 1 or 2 small gifts. Yes, it’s like telling your friends, “Come to my party, but please bring your own fun.” It’s genius, really. You get a smorgasbord of surprises without emptying your piggy bank, and everyone gets to pat themselves on the back for their contribution to the collective joy. Just make sure Uncle Bob knows that his weird, re-gifted items from 1995 don’t count.
  2. Thrift Store Treasures: Venture into the world of thrift stores, where you can find hidden gems among the…well, let’s call it “pre-loved chaos.” It’s like a scavenger hunt, but instead of looking for clues, you’re sifting through aisles of vintage goodies that can become the highlight of your Easter game. Maybe someone’s “last season” could be a fantastic game-winning gift?
  3. End-of-Season Sales: Hit up those after-Christmas or post-Valentine’s Day sales where Easter-related items might already be popping up. It’s the retail world’s version of a sequel – coming out before you’ve fully digested the last holiday. Grab those discounted chocolates, Easter bunnies, and decorations. Your wallet will thank you, unlike when I impulsively bought a gym membership in January.

If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, put your finger on the table below and swipe to the left (or right) to see the full table.

Age GroupPrize IdeasWhy It’s a Great Choice
Toddlers (1-3)Stuffed animals, Bubble makers, Board booksSoft, safe, and sensory-stimulating items are perfect for this age group.
Kids (4-7)Action figures, Dolls, Craft kitsEncourages play and creativity, plus they’re just at the right age to really appreciate the magic of Easter.
Tweens (8-12)Puzzle games, DIY science kits, Graphic novelsOffers a bit of a challenge, feeds curiosity, and keeps them engaged.
Teens (13-17)Gift cards, Bluetooth speakers, Trendy accessoriesGives them the freedom to choose or something that aligns with their growing interests.
Adults (18+)Gourmet chocolates, Coffee or Tea samplers, Novelty socksBecause who doesn’t love food? And let’s be honest, you can never have enough novelty socks.

Wait! Before You Bolt, Snag My FREE Easter Bunny Left-Right Game (No Assembly Required)


So, we’ve been chatting about the Easter Bunny Left-Right Game, and it hit meβ€”I can’t just hype up this game and not let you in on the action.

That’d be like inviting you to a dinner party and then forgetting to serve dinner (not that I’ve ever done that… last Easter was an anomaly, I swear).

Here’s how to get in on this fun without spending a dime or, dare I say, much effort (my favorite kind of project):

  1. Get Your Hands on the Game: Download the FREE Easter Bunny Left-Right game here.  It’s ready for the takingβ€”no strings attached, just like my commitment to gym memberships.
  2. The Magic Word – Print: Once you’ve downloaded the game, it’s time to print it out. If your printer gives you the silent treatment (mine’s on a first-name basis with the recycling bin), just coax it back to life with promises of a less jammy future.
  3. Rally the Troops and the Gifts: Call up your gangβ€”friends, family, or anyone who’s up for a good laugh and a mild workout (left, right, left, right… it’s practically an exercise routine).  And make sure you have enough gifts for each player.  And it wouldn’t hurt to have 2 or 3 extras for Easter party crashers.
  4. Circle Up: Have everyone take a seat in a circle and arm them with a gift. If you forgot to mention the bring-a-gift part, fear not. That semi-alive houseplant? Fair play. The five-pack of socks from last Christmas? Gold. The mystery novel you’ve read enough to recite? Ideal.
  5. Let the Games Begin: Dive into reading the story. Whenever “left” or “right” makes an appearance, everyone follows suit, passing their gift in the corresponding direction. Aim not to end up with your original gift, unless it’s one of those too-good-to-give-away deals.

Seriously, don’t wait. Download your FREE Easter left-right story printable now.


If you’re the narrator of the story, keep a glass of water nearby. Not for hydration (though important), but for dramatic pauses. Nothing builds suspense like a well-timed sip of water before dropping another “left” or “right” into the mix. Plus, it gives you a moment to enjoy the chaos unfolding.

Want a Few More Large Group Easter Games and Icebreakers?

Easter gatherings getting as predictable as finding chocolate in your Easter egg? Shake things up with a trifecta of fun that’ll leave your guests hopping for joy!

Start with “25 Amazing Easter Egg Hunt Ideas for Large Groups You Need” because let’s face it, everyone loves a good huntβ€”except maybe when it’s for your keys. Then, level up your game with “20 Best Easter Games for Large Groups (A New Spin on Fun)” to make sure even Grandpa Joe finds his inner party animal.

And because no one enjoys an awkward silence more than a solo cricket on stage, “10 Fun Easter Icebreaker Games to Get Rid of Party Awkwardness” will have your guests bonding over more than just their shared fear of the Easter Bunny’s uncanny valley. Hint: Start with some of these activities. 

Make this Easter one for the booksβ€”assuming anyone still reads those.

facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

Your Turn

If you could choose anyone in the world to play the Easter Bunny Left Right Story Game with, who would it be and why? Imagine passing a gift to your favorite celebrity or fictional characterβ€”tell us about your dream game circle in the comments below.

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