15+ Hilarious Peeps Games Your Family and Friends Will Love

Snoozing through another humdrum Easter or family game night?

Let’s face it – the classic egg hunts and candy binges get old fast. You’ve dyed eggs so many ways they should have their own rainbow by now.

This year, shake things up with Peeptastic games that turn marshmallowy sweetness into hours of sticky entertainment.

No more ho-hum holidays!

I’ve gathered the best-of-the-Peeps activities to transform boring into dazzling.

Prepare for sugar-fueled fun.

1. Peeps Posing Scavenger Hunt


“This is the only time it’s socially acceptable to take a Peep into the bathroom for a photoshoot.”

Objective: Complete as many photo challenges as possible, featuring the player’s assigned Peep in various activities and locations.

Materials: a list of photo challenges, a Peep for each player

Setup: Havea diverse list of photo challenges printed out for each player (or team), ranging from simple tasks to more adventurous ones. Assign a Peep to each player, which they will use as their companion for the photos.


  • Players attempt to complete as many challenges as possible within a set timeframe.
  • Each completed challenge must be documented with a photo of the Peep in the scenario described.

Variations for More Fun:

  1. Themed Hunts: Make each scavenger hunt follow a specific theme, like holidays, movie genres, or decades.
  2. Digital Twist: Use photo editing apps to place your Peep in impossible or hilarious situations digitally.
  3. Partner Up: Pair each player with a buddy (human or another Peep) to complete challenges that require teamwork or interaction.

Plan your route and activities to maximize the number of challenges you can complete. Creativity and humor in your photos might also sway judges in your favor.

2. Who Ate the Peeps?


The only sport I’ll go pro in involves eating Peeps without hands.”

Objective: to be the first player to completely eat a Peep candy with your hands behind your back.

Materials: 1 box of Peeps, plates

Setup: Give each player one Peep candy and place on plates in front of them. All players must put their hands behind their backs before starting


  • On the count of 3, players attempt to fully eat their Peep without using their hands
  • The first player to completely finish their Peep wins


  • Peep Race: Give each player 3-5 Peeps and see who can eat them the fastest in 1 minute
  • Blindfolded: Blindfold players to make it even more challenging
  • Team Peeps: Break into teams and have players take turns eating Peeps to see which team finishes first

Hold up! It’s the “Steal-a-Sweet” Easter game you never knew you needed!


Dive into the spirit of Easter with a twist! Sign up now for the SWAP, STEAL, OPEN: Easter Egg Exchange Dice Game. Don’t miss out on the chance to roll, swap, and open your way to laughter and surprises. Plus, you get to join my nifty newsletter of fun party tips and tricks. Are you ready to crack open the fun?

3. Peeps War


“In the game of Peeps, you win or you dye (your fingers with sugar).”

Objective: Line up marshmallow Peeps and use plastic eggs as projectiles to knock them off tables. Be the last one with an upright Peep to win this sweet battle.

Materials Needed: at leastt 7 Marshmallow Peeps for each player, plastic Easter eggs

Set Up: Stand Peeps along the edges of tables in front of players. Give each player 3-5 plastic eggs to throw.

Gameplay: On β€œGo!” toss your plastic eggs, aiming to knock opponent’s Peeps over the edge one by one. If your Peep gets hit and falls, you’re out! Quick throws and sharp aim will win.

Want More?

4. Pile of Peeps Game

“Finally, a socially acceptable way to play with your food.”

Objective: Players take turns adding Peeps to a central pile without causing the pile to collapse. The person who causes the collapse is out.

Materials: flat bunny Peeps (easier to stack than the chick variants), a coaster for the base of the pile

Setup: Place the coaster in the middle of the table as the starting point of the pile. Make sure there’s enough there’s enough Peeps for all players.


  • Players take turns placing a Peep on top of the pile, carefully trying not to disturb the existing structure.
  • The game continues until the pile collapses.
  • The player who causes the collapse is out, and the game restarts with the remaining players, until there’s only one player left.


  1. Blindfold Challenge: Players must add their Peep to the pile while blindfolded, relying on memory and spatial awareness.
  2. Time Trial: Introduce a timer or stopwatch for each turn, forcing players to act quickly, which adds pressure and increases the difficulty.
  3. Element of Chance: Use a dice roll to determine from what height the player must drop their Peep onto the pile, adding unpredictability to each turn.

5. Peeps Face

a-row-of-colorful-marshmallow-Peeps-with-a-quote-about-the Peep-Face- easter-game-being-a-physical-challenge

“Face yoga: Peeps edition.”

Objective: Move a marshmallow Peep from your forehead to your mouth using only your facial muscles and head movements.

Materials: Marshmallow Peeps (preferably the flat, chick-shaped ones for easier handling)

Setup: Each player gets one marshmallow Peep. Make sure players are seated or standing in a clear area to avoid injuries from potential slipping or falling.


  1. Position the Peep: The player places the marshmallow Peep on their forehead. The position should be such that the Peep is flat against the skin, right above the eyebrows.
  2. Start the Timer: On the word “Go,” start the one-minute timer. This is when the player begins attempting to move the Peep.
  3. Move the Peep: Without using their hands, the player must use their facial muscles, such as raising eyebrows, scrunching the forehead, or tilting the head back, to slide the Peep down their face towards their mouth.
  4. No Hands Allowed: Players are not allowed to touch the Peep with their hands at any point during the attempt. If the Peep falls off the face, the player must place it back on the forehead and start over.
  5. Winning: The goal is to get the Peep into the mouth and eat it within one minute. The player must not use any part of their hands to aid in this process.

6. Peeps Basket Toss


“Aiming for the basket, landing in my mouth. Close enough.”

Objective: The aim is to score as many points as possible by tossing marshmallow Peeps into baskets or cups of various sizes, with smaller targets scoring higher points.

Materials: a pack of Peeps, a paddle or similar tossing tool (you could probably use a sturdy paper plate in a pinch), baskets or smaller weighted cups of different sizes for scoring

Setup: arrange the baskets or cups at varying distances, assigning point values based on their size and difficulty to target, mark a tossing line 10 feet away from the targets, ech player gets 5 Peeps to play with.


  • Players take turns standing behind the tossing line, using the paddle to launch their Peeps toward the baskets.
  • Each player tries to get their Peeps into the targets within a set time limit or using a designated number of Peeps.
  • Points are tallied based on the difficulty of the baskets the Peeps land in.

Variations for More Fun:

  1. Night Mode: Play the game in the evening with glow-in-the-dark Peeps or baskets to add a visually exciting challenge.
  2. Obstacle Course: Set up obstacles between the tossing line and the baskets that players have to toss their Peeps over or around.
  3. Team Relay: Make it a team effort where each player tosses one Peep and then passes the paddle to the next teammate, racing against the clock for a cumulative score.

Practice your tossing technique to get a feel for how the Peeps fly. Aim for consistency in your throw to better target the higher-scoring baskets.

7. Peeps Pop a Squat


“Fitness goal: Be able to squat without losing my Peeps.”

Objective: Show off your balance and flexibility by picking up Peeps from the floor without dropping the one balanced on your head.

Materials: marshmallow Peeps, open space


  • Place one Peep on the floor by your feet for each participant.
  • Participants start with another Peep balanced on their head.


  1. When the game starts, you’ve got to squat down and pick up the Peep from the floor. Sounds easy? Well, you’ve got to do this without letting the Peep on your head fall off.
  2. Once you’ve picked up the floor Peep, stand back up and add it to the one already on your head. Now, balance both!
  3. Keep repeating this action. Each time, add the newly picked Peep to the ones on your head.

Keep your head as level as possible as you squat.  Keep your chin up.

8. Peep ‘n Point

“Marshmallow mumbles: the new secret language.”

Objective: Stuff your mouth with Peeps and try to say another player’s name clearly enough so that the others can guess who you’re naming.

Materials: a bunch of marshmallow Peeps, a big group of people to play

Setup: everyone sits or stands in a circle, facing each other.


  1. The first brave soul shoves Peeps into their mouthβ€”one after anotherβ€”until they’re cheek-puffed and bursting with Peeps.
  2. Then, they attempt to say another player’s name. It’s not as easy as it sounds with a mouthful of marshmallow!
  3. On the count of three, everyone else points to who they think was named.
  4. If you point to the wrong person, you’re out. If you guess right, you stay in for the next round.
  5. Keep going clockwise, with each player taking turns to stuff and say, until only one winner remains.


  1. Peep Charades: Instead of saying names, the stuffed-mouth player quotes a movie phrase for others to guess.
  2. Peep Whisper: Turn it into a silent game where the player with Peeps tries to mouth the name without making a sound, adding a lip-reading challenge.

Focus on articulation. It’s all about moving your mouth as much as possible to get that name out.

9. Peeps Posing Diorama

“Where marshmallows meet art history.”

Objective: Teams compete to create the most elaborate and creative dioramas using Peeps, depicting scenes from movies, historical events, or other imaginative settings.

Materials: shoeboxes, packs of Peeps, crafting supplies (e.g., construction paper, glue, markers)

Setup: provide each team with a shoebox, multiple packs of Peeps, and access to a variety of crafting materials.


  • Teams brainstorm and decide on a scene to recreate using their Peeps and materials.
  • They have a set amount of time to construct their diorama inside the shoebox.
  • At the end, a judge or panel of judges evaluates the dioramas based on creativity, execution, and adherence to the theme.


  1. Stop Motion Stories: Use the dioramas as sets for creating short stop-motion films with the Peeps.
  2. Live Action: Incorporate elements that move or add interactive parts to the diorama, like pull-tabs or light-up components.
  3. Global Challenge: Instead of historical or movie scenes, focus on creating dioramas of famous landmarks or cultural festivals from around the world.

Focus on detail and originality. Think outside the box to use Peeps in unique ways.

10. Peeps Unicorn


“Stacking Peeps on your forehead: the new definition of multitasking.”

Objective: Time to stack squishy Peeps…on your forehead! See who can balance the tallest tower of 10 marshmallowy treats in 60 seconds.

Materials Needed: 10+ Marshmallow Peeps per player, timer

Set Up: Make sure each player has at least 10 Peeps ready to stack. Set a timer for 1 minute.

Gameplay: On β€œGo”, carefully start stacking sticky Peeps on foreheads. Keep building up without any toppling over until the timer buzzes. Tallest upright tower wins. For teams, have all players stack at once.

11. Peeps Stack Game 

“Who needs blocks when you have Peeps?”

Objective: Players compete to stack as many Peeps as possible on a plate within one minute. The goal is not only to stack them high but to do so strategically to prevent the stack from toppling over.

Materials: a pack of Peeps, a plate for stacking, a timer, printable score sheet (optional for recording scores)

Setup: Each player gets a plate placed in front of them on a flat surface. Open the box of Peeps so they’re ready for stacking. Set the timer to one minute.


  • When the timer starts, players begin stacking their Peeps on the plate.
  • The aim is to create the tallest stack possible within the time limit.
  • Players may need to “engineer” their stack, thinking about how to stagger the Peeps for maximum height and stability.
  • Once the time is up, the stacks are measured to determine who built the highest.


  1. Theme Stacks: Challenge players to stack their Peeps according to specific themes or patterns (e.g., color-coded stacks or shape patterns).
  2. Blindfolded Stacking: Players must attempt to stack their Peeps while blindfolded, relying on touch and spatial awareness.
  3. Team Relay: Make it a team effort where players take turns adding a Peep to the stack within the time limit, passing the plate to the next player after each turn.

12. Showercap Peeps

“Aiming for the cap, hoping for the best, prepared for the mess.”

Objective: Toss as many marshmallow Peeps as possible onto a shaving cream-covered shower cap worn by a teammate within one minute.

Materials Needed: a pack ofarshmallow Peeps, a shower cap for each team, shaving cream (lots), a timer

Setup: Divide players into teams of two. One team member puts on the shower cap, and the top of the cap is then covered with shaving cream. Mark a line 3-5 feet away from where the cap-wearing player will stand.


  • The player not wearing the cap stands behind the line and tosses Peeps, trying to get them to stick to the shaving cream on the cap.
  • Each team has one minute to get as many Peeps to stick as possible.
  • The team with the most Peeps stuck to the cap at the end of the minute wins.


  1. Distance Challenge: Increase the distance between the thrower and the cap-wearer after each successful toss, testing accuracy over longer distances.
  2. Obstacle Course: Introduce obstacles between the thrower and the cap-wearer, requiring players to get creative with their throwing angles and techniques.
  3. Blindfolded Thrower: Add a blindfold to the mix, so the thrower has to rely on verbal guidance from the cap-wearer to aim their tosses, adding a layer of communication and hilarity.

Aim for spots on the cap where the shaving cream seems to be the thickest, as Peeps are more likely to stick there.

13. Bobbing for Peeps


“Bobbing for Peeps: Because dignity has no place here.”

Objective: Be the first to eat your Peep, which dangles from a string -without using your hands. It’s a twist on the classic game of bobbing for apples, but with a sweet, marshmallow twist!

Materials: Marshmallow Peeps, string, a branch or something similar to hang the Peeps from (or someone willing to hold the string)

Setup: Loop the string around each Peep and tie it securely. Tie the other end of the string to a branch or have someone hold it so the Peep hangs at a height just above the player’s mouth. Make sure the players have enough space to comfortably stand and move without touching their Peeps with their hands.


  • Players stand with their hands tied behind their backs under the hanging Peeps.
  • At the start signal, everyone tries to eat their Peep as quickly as possible without using their hands.
  • The first person to finish eating their Peep wins the game.

14. Peep and Seek

“Peep and Seek: Because finding hidden candy is a life skill.”

Objective: For one blindfolded player to find Peeps candy using only verbal clues from the other players on whether they are getting “hotter” or “colder”

Materials: 1 package of Peeps candy (this game can also be played with plastic Easter eggs), blindfold, a big outdoor or indoor play space.

Setup: Split the group into two teams. Each teams chooses one player to be the Seeker, the others will be the Clue Givers.  The opposing team hides 5 different Peeps anywhere in the designated play space while the Seeker for the opposite team leaves the room.

Game Play:

  • The Seeker attempts to locate the hidden egg while the Clue Givers give hints of “hot” when the Seeker gets closer and “cold” when moving farther away.
  • The last clue can be “you’re on fire!” when extremely close to the hidden egg.
  • When the Seeker finds the egg, they win that round and claim the Peeps candy prize.


  1. Peep Points: Customize the point values for different colored Peeps (pink Peeps = 5 points, yellow Peeps = 10 points etc.)
  2. Showdown: Have teams takes turns hiding and seeking in multiple rounds and tally points.
  3. Hoppin’ Hunt: Add obstacle courses the blindfolded seeker must navigate with teammate guidance
  4. Dizzy Dash: Seekers could be spinning in circles or hopping on one foot to disorient before seeking

“If your sense of direction is a hot mess. Don’t play Peep and Seek. Litearlly, I’m blindfolded and stumbling around, guided by the hot and cold shouts of friends. I’m getting ‘”warmer”, they say, but all I’m finding is furniture.” – Aquita, Fun Party Tips

15. Peeps Jousting Game

“Microwave: The arena. Peeps: The gladiators.”

Objective: Watch two marshmallow Peeps “joust” in the microwave. The Peep whose toothpick pops the other Peep first is the winner. It’s a fun and simple game that combines science with a bit of competitive spirit.

Materials: a pack of Peeps (one for each participant), toothpicks, icrowave-safe plate, microwave

Setup: Give each Peep a jousting stick by inserting a toothpick into the front of it. Position two Peeps facing each other on a microwave-safe plate, with their toothpicks pointing forward like jousting lances. Make sure there’s a small gap between the two Peeps to allow them to expand towards each other.


  • Place the plate with the Peeps in the microwave.
  • Set the microwave for a short time (usually 20-30 seconds should suffice, but keep an eye on them).
  • Start the microwave and watch the Peeps puff up and “joust.” The game ends when one Peep’s toothpick makes contact with and deflates the other Peep.
  • The Peep left standing or less damaged is declared the winner.

Hold up! It’s the “Steal-a-Sweet” Easter game you never knew you needed!


Dive into the spirit of Easter with a twist! Sign up now for the SWAP, STEAL, OPEN: Easter Egg Exchange Dice Game. Don’t miss out on the chance to roll, swap, and open your way to laughter and surprises. Plus, you get to join my nifty newsletter of fun party tips and tricks. Are you ready to crack open the fun?

16. Peeps Flinging Frenzy a.k.a Peeps Catapault

“Catapulting Peeps: Because physics class never covered this…and it really should have.”

Peeps Catapult is great for anyone who likes building things, working as a team, or friendly competition. Even if you don’t like being in the spotlight, you can help build the catapult or keep score.

Objective: Launch Peeps into Easter baskets to earn points, using a homemade catapult and skill.

Materials: craft sticks or popsicle sticks to build catapults, a pack of Peeps candy, 3-4 Easter baskets or buckets as targets, index cards and marker for scoring

Setup: Make a simple catapult from craft sticks or get creative. Place Easter baskets at varying distances as targets. Use scorecards to assign points, with more points for farther baskets.

Gameplay: Take turns using the catapult to launch Peeps and score points by landing them in baskets. Play several rounds, then add up scores. The player with the most points wins.


  • Peeps Pit Crew: offer jobs like building, decorating, keeping score
  • Fling King Awards: Give awards for creativity, distance, or teamwork – not just top score
  • Peepsonalities: Customize the game by adding flair. Give the Peeps names and a backstory – the sillier the better!

Find Your Perfect Match: Peeps Game Guide at-a-Glance: Pick, Plan, Play!

Boost your Easter party or family night with a breeze through our Peeps game table.

It’s packed with at-a-glance game ideas mentions above.  They’ll suit any vibe, from think-fast challenges to creative showcases.

This guide is your best bet for a quick pick, so your next gathering is effortlessly entertaining. Let the Peeps lead the way to an easy win in party planning.

GameMess FactorWho Will Love ItWhat’s the Gist
Peeps Posing Scavenger HuntLowCreative adventurersMake your Peep the star of its own adventure. Snap those pics!
Who Ate the Peeps?LowCompetitive snackersFirst to gobble up their Peep without hands wins bragging rights.
Peeps WarMediumStrategy mastersIt’s all about that aim. May the best Peep fall last.
Pile of Peeps GameLowJenga enthusiastsStack ’em high, watch ’em not fall. That’s the plan, anyway.
Peep FaceLowFacial gymnastsGet that Peep from forehead to mouth, no hands! It’s harder than it sounds.
Peeps Basket TossLowSharpshootersToss those Peeps into baskets. Every shot counts.
Peeps Pop a SquatLowFitness buffsSquat, pick up, balance. Repeat. Who knew Peeps could be so athletic?
Peep ‘n PointLowChatty marshmallowsStuff, speak, point. If they guess who you’re naming, you’re doing it right.
Peeps Posing DioramaMediumCrafty creatorsCreate a mini-world where Peeps rule. Let your imagination run wild.
Peeps UnicornLowBalance mastersStack those Peeps on your forehead. It’s a skill, trust us.
Peeps Stack GameLowStrategic stackersHow high can you go before your Peep tower topples?
Showercap PeepsHighMess loversToss Peeps onto a shaving cream hat. It’s as fun as it sounds.
Bobbing for PeepsLowParty gamersBob for Peeps hanging on a string. No handsβ€”just your teeth!
Peep and SeekLowHide and seek fansFind those hidden Peeps. Hot, cold, or on fireβ€”listen for the clues.
Peeps Jousting GameLowMicrowave gladiatorsWatch Peeps battle it out in the microwave arena. Last Peep standing wins.
Peeps Flinging Frenzy a.k.a Peeps CatapultMediumTeam strategistsCatapult your Peep into targets. Aim well, score high.

Want More?

For more cool tips on fun, Easter party games, check out 20 Must Try Plastic Easter Egg Game Ideas for All Ages or 20 Best Easter Games for Large Groups (A New Spin on Fun)

Your Turn

Sometimes games don’t go as planned, and that’s where the fun really starts. Tell me about your hilarious Peep game fails or your most triumphant wins. Got pictures or videos? I’m all eyes and ears. Let me know in the comments below.

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