21 Fun Winter Minute to Win It Games for Families to Melt Away Boredom

So, you’ve decided to throw a winter party. Good for you! But now you’re staring at a room full of people who are one awkward silence away from checking their phones.

Enter Minute to Win It gamesβ€”the ultimate party saviors. These quick, hilarious challenges will have everyone laughing, competing, and forgetting about the cold outside. Seriously, these games are a lifesaver.

How to Play Winter Minute to Win It Games (Actual Any Sort of Minute to Win It Game) Without Losing Your Mind


Alright, let’s get down to business. Here’s how you can set up these games without pulling your hair out.

1. Player vs. Timer

  • Concept: Each player races against the clock to complete a task in under a minute.
  • Pro Tip: Keep a timer handy. I once used my phone and missed half the fun because I was too busy watching the seconds tick by.

2. Player vs. Player

  • Concept: Two players go head-to-head to see who can finish the task first.
  • Pro Tip: Have a tie-breaker game ready. Trust me, nothing kills the vibe faster than a disputed win.

3. Team Play

  • Concept: Split your guests into teams and let them compete in rounds.
  • Pro Tip: Make sure teams are even. I once had a team of all kids vs. all adults. Spoiler: the kids won, and the adults were not happy.

Here’s a quick table to help you keep track of the essentials:

Game TypeWhat You NeedQuick Tip
Player vs. TimerTimer, task materialsUse a loud timer for excitement
Player vs. PlayerTask materials, scorekeeperHave a tie-breaker ready
Team PlayTask materials, team markersBalance the teams evenly by age and skill

So there you have it. With these tips and setups, you’re ready to host a winter party that’s actually fun.

No more awkward silences, just pure, unadulterated fun. Now go forth and be the party hero you were meant to be!


Reindeer Games Roulette: For a fun twist, write different Minute to Win It games on popsicle sticks and stick them in a “Santa hat” or a regular hat – whatever floats your boat. Players draw sticks to decide the next challenge.

20 Heartwarming Winter Minute to Win It Games


1. Snowball Scoop: The Ultimate Cotton Ball Chaos


Objective: Race against the clock to become the champion snowball scooper! Transfer as many fluffy “snowballs” as you can in just one minute to win.

Materials: Cotton balls (our fluffy snowballs), spoon, bowl


  1. Place a pile of cotton balls on a table
  2. Put the bowl next to the pile
  3. Set your timer for 1 minute

How to Play:

  1. Grab your spoon and get ready
  2. When the timer starts, begin scooping
  3. Use only the spoon to transfer cotton balls to the bowl
  4. Keep going until the minute is up
  5. Count your “snowballs” and see if you’re the winner!
facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

2. Candy Cane Connect: Hook, Line, and Sugar Rush

Objective: Become the master candy cane angler by moving as many candy canes from one bowl to another as you can using only your mouth – in one minute.

Materials: 30-50 candy canes (mix of regular and mini sizes), 2 large bowl, an optional festive tablecloth


  1. Fill one bowl with candy canes – your “fishing pool”.
  2. Place the empty bowl 2 feet away.
  3. And set the timer for one minute.

How to Play:

  1. Choose a candy cane to hold in your mouth, curved end out.
  2. When the timer starts, begin “fishing” from the pool.
  3. Use your mouth-cane to hook others by their curved ends.
  4. Transfer hooked canes to the empty bowl.
  5. Dropped canes stay where they land – no hands allowed!
  6. Keep fishing until time’s up.

Scoring: One point per successfully transferred cane. Highest score wins.

3. Snowman Stack: Marshmallow Madness


Objective: Build the tallest marshmallow snowman you can in just one minute.

Materials: A large bag of marshmallows for each player (a mix of large and minisizes), toothpicks for advanced builders (totally optional)


  1. Give each player a paper plate or cardboard circle as their building base.
  2. Make sure each player with an equal amount of marshmallows (about 30-40 mixed sizes).

How to Play:

  1. When the timer starts, begin stacking marshmallows to create your snowman.
  2. Try to make a sturdy base with larger marshmallows, then build upwards.
  3. Use smaller marshmallows for details like arms or a top hat.
  4. If using toothpicks, they can be used to connect marshmallows for stability.
  5. Continue building and refining until the timer runs out. Hands off when the timer dings!

4. Snowball Toss: Marshmallow Mayhem

Objective: Test your snowball-throwing accuracy in a race against time! Land as many marshmallows in cups as you can in one minute to claim victory.


  • Marshmallows (our tasty snowballs)
  • Cups (different colors if possible)
  • Table
  • Timer


  1. Arrange cups at varying distances on a table
  2. If using different colored cups, assign point values (e.g., red = 1 point, blue = 2 points)
  3. Mark a throwing line
  4. Set your timer for 1 minute

How to Play

  1. Player stands behind the throwing line
  2. When the timer starts, begin tossing marshmallows
  3. Aim for the cups, trying to land as many as possible
  4. Keep going until the minute is up
  5. Count your successful throws and tally your score


  • 1 point for each marshmallow in a cup (or use color-based scoring)
  • Bonus points for landing in the farthest cups

5. Reindeer Nose Bounce: Vaseline and Giggles


Objective: Transfer cotton balls using only a Vaseline-coated nose in one minute.

Materials: Lots of cotton balls, red pom-poms, Vaseline, 2 plates, wet wipes.


  1. Fill one plate with cotton balls and the red pom-pom.
  2. Place empty plate 2 feet away.
  3. Set timer for 1 minute.

How to Play:

  1. Apply Vaseline to nose tip.
  2. Transfer cotton balls between plates using only your nose.
  3. Red pom-pom is worth extra points.
  4. The player with the most points wins!


  • 1 point per cotton ball
  • 5 points for red pom-pom

If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, put your finger on the table below and swipe to the left (or right) to see the full table.

What’s UpObjectiveCool StuffNot So Cool StuffJust a Heads Up
Snowball ScoopScoop cotton “snowballs” like your life depends on itUnleash your inner snowball maniacYou might look ridiculous scooping fluffCotton balls everywhere. Have fun vacuuming, sucker!
Candy Cane ConnectFish for candy canes with your face holeFinally, an excuse to play with your foodPrepare for a sticky, minty messChoking hazard. Don’t be that guy who needs the Heimlich
Snowman StackBuild the tallest, stable marshmallow monstrosity in 60 secondsChannel your inner sugar architectSticky fingers and a sugar rush. Yay?Your “snowman” might look more like a blob monster
Snowball TossThrow marshmallows at cups like a bossFood fight without the mess (mostly)You’ll waste perfectly good s’mores materialPrepare for disappointed looks when you miss. Every. Single. Time.
Reindeer Nose BounceSmear your nose with goop and play cotton ball heroFinally, a use for that tub of VaselineYou’ll look like a complete weirdoPotential for some serious nose chafing. Ouch!

6. Christmas Tree Cup Stack: Pyramid of Fun


Objective: Stack those cups into a pyramid faster than Santa slides down a chimney. You’ve got one minute.


  • 36 green plastic cups (red’s on vacation)
  • Stickers (for the artistically inclined)
  • A timer (your friendly neighborhood pressure-builder)

Setup: Spread out those cups like you’re dealing cards in Vegas. Sticker time if you’re feeling extra jolly.

How to Play:

  1. When the timer starts, channel your inner elf and start stacking!
  2. Build that pyramid like you’re trying to impress the Pharaohs… if they celebrated Christmas.
  3. Finished early? Decorate away! Or just stand back and admire your wobbly masterpiece.

Steady hands are your friends here. Maybe skip that third cup of coffee, champ.

7. Gingerbread Cookie Face: The Cookie Crawl


Objective: You’ve got a minute to get that cookie from forehead to mouth using only your dazzling facial gymnastics. Prepare for some quality silly faces!


  • Gingerbread cookies (or any cookie that can handle a face journey)
  • Your most expressive face

Setup: Balance a cookie on each player’s forehead. Try to keep a straight face… for now.

How to Play:

  1. On “go,” unleash your wildest facial expressions.
  2. Wiggle that cookie down your face like it’s on a delicious rollercoaster.
  3. First to chomp their cookie (or gets it closest to their mouth in a minute) wins the title of “Face Master Extraordinaire.”

Frostbite Forfeit: Before each game, players write down a silly winter-themed forfeit. Losers must randomly pick and perform one. Think “make a snow angel on the living room floor” or “wear mittens for the next 15 minutes.”

8. Ornament Roll: Blow and Go

Objective: Race your ornament across the table using just your breath and a straw in 60 seconds flat. First to the finish line wins!


  • Lightweight plastic ornaments (the fancier, the funnier)
  • Straws (one per player, no crazy straws allowed!)
  • A smooth table (sorry, no carpet surfing here)


  1. Clear the table like you’re making room for a holiday feast.
  2. Line up those ornaments at one end. Ready, set…

How to Play:

  1. When the clock starts, pucker up and start blowing!
  2. Guide your ornament with your straw-powered breeze.
  3. No touching! Hands off, it’s all about that lung power.
  4. First ornament to reach the other side in under a minute is our winner!

9. Antler Ring Toss: Headgear Hijinks


Objective: Transform your buddy into Rudolph’s cousin by landing as many rings on their antlers as you can in 60 seconds.


  • Reindeer antler headband (the sillier, the better)
  • Soft rings (we’re aiming for laughs, not lumps)


  1. Pick your “reindeer” (aka the friend who lost the coin toss).
  2. Mark a throwing line. No cheating, elves are watching!

How to Play:

  1. Start the timer and let the rings fly!
  2. Toss those rings and try to land them on the antlers.
  3. Keep count – every ring that stays put is a point.
  4. Most rings landed in a minute wins. Bonus points for style!

Antler Aerobics: For “Antler Ring Toss,” make the “eindeer” do jumping jacks while the partners toss. It’s like a festive fusion of ring toss and Whack-A-Mole. Just don’t blame me if your living room turns into a giggle-filled gym!

10. Fill Santa’s Beard: Cotton Ball Craziness

Objective: Give Santa the fluffiest beard in the North Pole using only a spoon and your mouth. You’ve got one minute to make him look magnificent!


  • Big picture of a clean-shaven Santa (scandalous!)
  • Cotton balls (the fluffier, the better)
  • Tape (to keep Santa from sliding away)


  1. Tape down that bare-faced Santa. He’s not going anywhere!
  2. Pile up the cotton balls nearby. It’s snow time.
  3. Give each player a spoon. Choose wisely!

How to Play:

  1. When the timer starts, players put spoons in their mouth and scoop those cotton “snowballs”.
  2. Balance them carefully as you try to reach Santa’s face.
  3. Drop them onto his beard area. No hands allowed!
  4. Keep going until the minute’s up. Fullest, fluffiest beard wins. Feel free to count the cotton balls that actually landed on the paper to make the final determination of the winner.

If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, put your finger on the table below and swipe to the left (or right) to see the full table.

What’s UpObjectiveCool StuffNot So Cool StuffJust a Heads Up
Christmas Tree Cup StackBuild a cup pyramid faster than you can say “timber”Channel your inner structural engineerHope you like the color green, ’cause that’s all you’re gettingOne sneeze and it’s game over, Jenga-style
Gingerbread Cookie FaceGet that cookie from forehead to piehole using only your mugFinally, a use for those weird face exercisesYou’ll look like you’re having a sugar-fueled seizureCookie crumbs. In your eyes. Enough said.
Ornament RollRace ornaments with your breath like a weirdoHyperventilation has never been so festiveYou might pass out from all that blowingPrepare for spit-covered ornaments. Yum.
Antler Ring TossTurn your buddy into a human carnival gameEmbrace your inner elk-abuserHope your friend doesn’t mind being a glorified coat rackRings to the eye. Ho-ho-OW!
Fill Santa’s BeardGive ol’ St. Nick a makeover Play makeover magic with Santa’s facial hairHaving the handle of a spoon in your mouth is…not fun.A spoon handle. In your mouth. Feel weird

11. Jingle in the Trunk: Shake It Like You Mean It


Objective: Channel your inner reindeer and shake all 12 jingle bells out of your “trunk” in 60 seconds flat. No hands, just pure wiggly willpower!


  • Empty tissue boxes (your new fashion accessory)
  • Jingle bells (12 per box, for maximum jingle)
  • Ribbon or belts (to keep your “trunk” in place)


  1. Transform tissue boxes into “trunks” by cutting slits and threading ribbon or a belt through. Check out this how to make the tissue box for Jingle in the Trunk video.
  2. Fill each box with 12 jingle bells. Instant music maker!
  3. Strap these jingly packs to players’ waists. Snug, but not too tight!

How to Play:

  1. When the timer starts, shake what your mama gave ya!
  2. Jump, wiggle, and boogie those bells right out of the box.
  3. Remember, no hands! This is all about that hip action.
  4. First to empty their “trunk” in under a minute wins!

12. Christmas Nutstacker: The Balancing Act

stack as many hex nuts as possible using just a candy cane in 60 seconds. Steady hands win the day!


  • Candy canes (one per player, the straight end is your secret weapon)
  • Hex nuts (a pile per player)


  1. Unwrap those candy canes. No licking allowed… yet.
  2. Place a heap of hex nuts in front of each player. It’s go time!

How to Play:

  1. When the clock starts, grab that candy cane like a pro.
  2. Use the straight end to pick up and stack those hex nuts.
  3. Build your tower as high as you dare in one minute.
  4. Toppled stack? Keep calm and start again!
  5. The player with the highest stack of hex nuts wins!

13. Snow Throw: The Marshmallow Throwing Challenge of Champions


Objective: Teams work together to throw and-more importantly-catch as many “snowballs” (a.k.a. marshmallows) as they can in just one minute!

Materials: 1 bucket (for each team if everyone is playing at once), lots of large marshmallows (our fluffy snowballs)

Setup: Grab your supplies, set your timer for 1 minute, and choose your thrower and catcher

How to Play:

  1. The catcher holds the bucket on top of their head
  2. The thrower takes aim with the marshmallows
  3. When the timer starts, begin throwing!
  4. Try to get as many marshmallows in the bucket as possible before time runs out
  5. Count your “snowballs” and celebrate your teamwork!

Blindfolded Blizzard: For “Snow Throw,” blindfold the thrower to simulate a marshmallow-y trust fall. However, your living room will likely end up looking like it survived a sugar snowstorm. Sorry!

14. Hot Chocolate Marshmallow Toss

Objective: Land marshmallows in all the “hot chocolate-filled” mugs before your minute runs out.

Materials: 6 mugs, lots of large marshmallows, brown shredded filler paper (options, but it definitely makes the game harder)


  • Arrange 6 mugs in a triangle shape at one end of a table
  • If you’re using them, fill mugs with brown shredded paper to simulate hot chocolate
  • Place marshmallows at the opposite end of the table where the players will be

How to Play:

  1. Players take turns standing at the marshmallow end of the table
  2. When the timer starts, begin tossing marshmallows
  3. Try to land a marshmallow in each of the 6 mugs
  4. Keep going until you’ve hit all mugs or time runs out
  5. Count how many mugs have marshmallows in them

You can either give a point for each mug that has a marshmallow or give just one point to the person who managed to fill the most marshmallows.

facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

15. Snowball Race: The Great Cotton Ball Blowout

Objective: Be the first to huff and puff your “snowball” across the table in 60 seconds or less.


  • Cotton balls (aka fluffy snowballs)
  • Regular straws (no crazy straws allowed, cheaters!)


  1. Line up those cotton balls at one end of the table like they’re ready for a race.
  2. Hand out straws. No sword fights, please!

How to Play:

  1. When the timer starts, start blowing like you’re trying to extinguish a birthday cake!
  2. Guide your cotton ball across the table using only your straw-powered breath.
  3. First “snowball” to cross the finish line wins. May the strongest lungs prevail!

If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, put your finger on the table below and swipe to the left (or right) to see the full table.

What’s UpObjectiveCool StuffNot So Cool StuffJust a Heads Up
Jingle in the TrunkShake your booty until it stops jinglingFinally, a use for your twerking skillsYou’ll look like you’re having a festive seizurePrepare for jingle-induced madness and potential whiplash
Christmas NutstackerBalance nuts on a candy cane like a deranged elfTest your steady hands and questionable life choicesHope you like feeling utterly ridiculousOne sneeze and your tower becomes a hex nut missile launcher
Snow ThrowPelt your friend with marshmallows. For points!Food fight with a purposeYour aim might beworse than you thinkSticky marshmallow hair. Have fun washing that out!
Hot Chocolate Marshmallow TossLand marshmallows in mugs like a sugar-crazed carnival gamePretend you’re making hot cocoa… very inefficientlyYou’ll waste perfectly good s’mores ingredientsPrepare for disappointed sighs as you miss. Every. Single. Time.
Snowball RaceRace cotton balls with your breath like a wheezing reindeerHyperventilation has never been so competitiveYou might pass out from all that blowingCotton balls on the floor. Slip and slide, anyone?

16. Christmas Cliffhanger


Objective: Get your Christmas cards living on the edge – literally! Blow them to hang off the table for 3 nail-biting seconds within a minute.


  • Christmas cards (the cheesier, the better)
  • A table (preferably not your grandma’s antique one)

Setup: Spread those festive cards on the table like you’re dealing a very merry poker hand.

How to Play:

  1. When the clock starts, channel your inner Big Bad Wolf and start blowing!
  2. Try to get the cards hanging off the edge of the table.
  3. If a card stays put for 3 seconds without falling, you’re golden.
  4. Most cards successfully hanging (or hung the longest) in 60 seconds wins!

17. Christmas Spoon Feeding

Objective: Move those jingle bells from bowl to bowl using only a spoon in your mouth. You’ve got 60 seconds. Make it happen!


  • Jingle bells (the more, the merrier)
  • Spoons (one per player)
  • Bowls (two per player)


  1. Fill one bowl with jingle bells for each player.
  2. Place an empty bowl next to it. That’s your goal!

How to Play:

  1. Grab that spoon with your teeth. No hands from here on out!
  2. When the timer starts, scoop up those jingle bells.
  3. Carefully carry and drop them into the empty bowl.
  4. Most bells transferred in a minute wins. Ding dong!

Spoon Joust: After “Christmas Spoon Feeding,” maybe the person with the lower amount of points can challenge the winner to a spoon joust. Just use your nondominant hand and keep the other hand behind your back. Balance a jingle bell on your spoon and try to knock off your opponent’s. Maybe the winner gets an extra two points? Or whatever you decide.

18. Christmas Bow Roll: Embrace Your Inner Toddler


Objective: Collect the most adhesive bows on your body by rolling around on the floor.


  • lots and lots of adhesive Christmas bows

Setup: Remove the paper backing from the bows and place them sticky-side up on the floor in the playing area.

How to Play:

  1. On go, you’ll have one minute to roll around on the floor and collect as many bows on your body as possible.
  2. When time’s up, stand up and count your bows.
  3. The person who’s collected the most bows on their body wins!

19. Christmas Ball: The Great “Ornament” Race


Objective: Fan that festive orb across the floor faster than anyone else You’ve got 60 seconds to show off your gift-wrapping aerodynamics skills.


  • A wrapped box (the fancier the wrapping, the better)
  • A Christmas ball (the shinier, the merrier)


  1. Clear the floor. We’re turning your living room into a yuletide racetrack!
  2. Place your Christmas ball at the starting line.

How to Play:

  1. Grab your wrapped box like it’s your favorite present.
  2. When the timer starts, start fanning that box like you’re trying to cool off Rudolph.
  3. Guide your Christmas ball across the floor using only the air from your box-fan.
  4. First to get their ornament across the finish line in under a minute wins!

20. Unwrap Your Kiss: Your Chocolatey Nemesis


Objective: Unwrap as many Hershey’s Kisses as possible in one minute using only toothpicks.


  • Hershey’s Kisses (holiday mint flavor recommended)
  • Toothpicks
  • Timer

Setup: Place Hershey’s Kisses and toothpicks on a table.

How to Play:

  1. Grab a couple of toothpicks and let’s see how many Kisses you can unwrap in 60 seconds. But here’s the catch – no fingers allowed! It’s all about those toothpick skills.
  2. When the timer starts, go crazy unwrapping those little foil-covered treasures. The player with the most unwrapped Kisses when time’s up wins.

Try holding one toothpick steady while using the other to carefully peel back the foil. It’s all in the technique!

21. Snow Ball Bounce: The Balloon Blizzard Challenge


Objective: Keep your growing snowstorm of balloons afloat longer than anyone else. Last player standing (or bouncing) wins!


  • White balloons (your floating “snowballs”)
  • Snowman paddles (or just use your hands if you’re feeling frosty)


  1. Inflate those balloons until your room looks like a winter wonderland.
  2. Arm each player with a snowman paddle (or tell them their hands are magic snow-keepers).

How to Play:

  1. Round 1: Everyone starts with one balloon. Easy peasy, snow squeezy!
  2. When the timer starts, keep that snowball afloat! If it touches the ground, you’re out faster than a snowman in summer.
  3. Survived? Congrats! Move to the next round and add another balloon.
  4. Keep adding balloons each round. It’s like juggling snowballs in a blizzard!
  5. Last player keeping all their balloons airborne wins the title of Snowstorm Supremo!

As you get more balloons, try to establish a rhythm. Gentle, consistent taps work better than frantic swatting!

What’s UpObjectiveCool StuffNot So Cool StuffJust a Heads Up
Christmas CliffhangerMake cards live on the edge… literallyFinally, a use for those cheesy holiday cardsYou might hyperventilate from all that blowingCards flying everywhere. Hope you like 52 pickup!
Christmas Spoon FeedingMove jingle bells with your mouth like a deranged reindeerEmbrace your inner RudolphYou’ll look like you’re aggressively making out with silverwareJingle bells. In your mouth. Tasty and totally hygienic!
Christmas Bow RollBecome a human Christmas present by rolling on the floorEmbrace your inner toddler with adult permissionYou’ll look like you lost a fight with a gift wrap stationPrepare for bow-induced wedgies and potential carpet burn
Christmas BallFan an ornament with gift wrap like a festive psychoTurn your living room into a yuletide wind tunnelHope you like feeling utterly ridiculousOne wrong move and that ornament becomes a holiday projectile
Unwrap Your Christmas KissBattle chocolate with toothpicks like a dental ninjaTorture perfectly good candy for funYou might accidentally stab yourself. A lot.Prepare for frustrated groans as you fail to unwrap a single Kiss
Snow Ball BounceKeep balloons afloat until your arms fall offPretend you’re in a weird winter wonderlandYou’ll look like you’re swatting invisible mosquitoesPopped balloons. Everywhere. Have fun cleaning that up!

Wrapping Up Winter Wackiness


A Snowstorm of Fun: We’ve sledded through a winter wonderland of minute-to-win-it magic that would make even the Abominable Snowman grin. These frosty challenges are more fun than a penguin discovering an ice slide for the first time.

Ice-Breaking Brilliance: Don’t let these games hibernate! They’re perfect for breaking the ice at any gathering. Got a chilly family reunion? Whip out the cotton ball race! Office party lacking festive spark? Time for some candy cane fishing!

Mix, Match, and Merry-Make: Mix and match these games like you’re creating the world’s most eclectic holiday playlist. A dash of jingle bell shaking here, a sprinkle of snowball bouncing there, and voila! You’ve got a party that’s cozier than your favorite ugly Christmas sweater.

Your Turn

So, which winter minute to win it game do you think you’d like to try the most? Who can you see winning it? Or losing it?


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