Pig Dice Game: Rules, Tips, and Twists (Unlock the Fun!)

I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve either never played this incredible game before (in which case, where have you been?), or you’ve played it, got hooked like a fish on a line, and need a little refresher.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a seasoned pro to enjoy this game.

In fact, that’s the beauty of Pig Dice โ€“ it’s so simple, even your great-aunt Ethel or a hyperactive toddler can learn it in a snap.

So, sit back, relax, and get ready to absorb some Pig Dice wisdom that’ll have you rolling like a champ in no time.

How to Play Pig Dice: Step-by-Step Instructions


Trust me, I’ve logged more hours playing Pig than I care to admit. Before we get into the nitty-gritty strategy, let’s cover the basics of how to play Pig dice.


The goal of Pig dice is to be the first player to reach 100 or more points. It seems like an easy game to play, right? But, it’s really a race to the finish line, and you’ll need a combination of luck and strategic thinking to come out on top.


All you need to play Pig is a single SIX SIDED die, a pencil, and some paper to keep track of points. Oh, and a few willing victims…I mean, opponents.  


Figure out who goes first. You can do this through a quick roll-off where the highest roll wins, or be civilized and let the youngest (or oldest) player start.

In my family, we usually let the loser of the previous game go first. It’s our way of saying, “Hey, we believe in second chancesโ€ฆto watch you fail.”


  1. Taking Turns: Players take turns to roll the single die. You can keep rolling to get points but be careful, if you roll a 1, your turn ends immediately, and you earn zero points for that round.  If a player chooses to “hold,” their points for that turn are added to their total score, and play goes clockwise.
  2. Scoring: If you roll a 2 to 6, you can add that number to your round total and choose to either keep rolling or pass the die to the next player, “banking” your points. “Banking” just means that they’re your points to kep. The “keep rolling or pass” decision is where strategy plays a huge role. There’s an art to knowing when to stop, and it’s usually a lesson learned after one too many rounds of pushing your luck too far.
  3. Jeopardy: Rolling a 1 is where the game gets its name. You pig out, losing not only the points from that round but also giving your friends and family ample ammunition for jokes at your expense. It’s a humbling experience that keeps you groundedโ€”and cautious about getting too greedy.
  4. Winning: The first player to accumulate 100 or more points wins the game. It’s a race to the finish, filled with highs and lows, strategic plays, and the inevitable groans that come with rolling a 1.

A scoresheet is your best friend. It’s the difference between “Did Monica just invent points?” and knowing exactly who’s winning. Transparency, folks โ€“ it saves friendships and families.

Take a look at the video below to see the Pig Dice game in action:

Basic Pig Dice Strategy: When to Hold and When to Roll

Now that you know how to play Pig Dice, let’s talk strategy. The key decision in Pig is whether to roll again or “hold.” Here are some guidelines:

  • The more points you earn in a turn, the more you have to lose if you roll a 1. Consider holding if you’ve already earned a significant amount.
  • If your opponent is way ahead, you may need to take bigger risks to catch up. Fortune favors the bold….uhhh, at least sometimes.  
  • Pay attention to how many points you need to reach 100. If you’re close, it might be wise to play it safe and hold.

I remember a game where I was sitting pretty at 95 points, but got greedy and kept rolling.

Naturally, I rolled a 1 and lost my entire score for the turn. Lesson learned: pigs get fed, but hogs get slaughtered.

Want More?

Are you looking for a new, easy dice game to add to your collection? How to Play Tenzi (an Easy Guide for Dice Game Addicts) breaks down the rules, strategies, and creative variations of this fast-paced, competitive game. Get ready to roll your way to victory!

Advanced Techniques: Exploring Variants of the Traditional Pig Dice Game

I wonder if John Scarne, the man who invented the PIG dice game, knew how often it’d be used as a fun way to review math skills with kids?

So, you’ve conquered the basic Pig dice game and you’re ready to kick things up a notch?

Well, buckle up, because I’ve got some Pig dice game variations that’ll have you squealing with excitement (and maybe a bit of terror).

1. Two-Dice Pig: Doubling the Fun and Strategy

This is the classic variant I grew up playing. Same rules as regular Pig, but with double the dice and double the fun.

Like all game variants, the rules are pretty much the same as regular Pig, but with a couple of key differences.

Like if you roll a 1 on either die, your turn is over and you score zilch.   You don’t lose your entire score.  Your banked points are safe. 

But, if you’re really unlucky and roll snake eyes (double 1s), say goodbye to your entire score! I once saw my brother lose 98 points to snake eyes. The look on his face was priceless. 


Wait! You Need These 5 Addictive Dice Games in Your Life!

Want to have fun on the go (or even a game night) WITHOUT 3 hours of prep and a minor emotional breakdown? Grab some dice and SNAG the No-Fuss Fun Dice Game cheatsheet to play easy-to-learn, FUN dice games whenever boredom strikes. Your sanity (and your hair) will thank you!

2. Pig of Fortune: How Far Are You Willing to Go?

In this press-your-luck variant, players spin a makeshift wheel (In my family we use a paper plate, a pencil and a unwound paper clip) divided into sectors labeled 1 through 6. 

Wherever the wheel lands, that’s the number of times the player must roll the die on their turn, racking up points but also increasing the risk of rolling a 1. It’s like playing Pig on hard mode.


Use a box top or tray to contain wayward dice rolls and prevent losing the die. I learned that the hard way after spending 20 minutes searching under the couch!

3. Big Pig: A Twist on the Classic Game

Now, if you’re really looking to up the ante, Big Pig is like Two-Dice Pig on steroids. Double 1s here aren’t just a reset; they’re a 25-point goldmine. And other doubles? They double the sum of the dice.

Picture the glory of rolling double 6s and bagging 24 points in one go. Just a heads up, though: roll a single 1, and all your unbanked points vanish. High stakes, but hey, high rewards too.

4. Hog: The Ultimate Test of Pig Dice Bravery

Ever felt like living on the edge? Hog’s your game. In Hog, you get to choose how many dice you roll each turn, up to a set maximum (10 is a good number, unless you’re a masochist). 

You get to choose how many dice to roll, up to ten. Yep, you heard meโ€”ten. The more dice, the higher your potential score… or the faster you crash and burn with a 1, and LOSE EVERYTHING.

I’ve tried my hand at this, rolling more dice than I probably should, and let’s just say, I’ve had my moments of glory and my share of flops.

Do you play it safe or go all-in?

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Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, put your finger on the table below and swipe to the left (or right) to see the full table.

What’s UpObjective of the GameCool StuffNot So Cool StuffJust a Heads Up
Two-Dice PigSame old Pig rules, but with twice the dice and twice the fun (or twice the misery, depending on your luck)Double the excitement, double the strategy, and double the chances to gloat when you roll those sweet doublesRolling snake eyes? More like rolling snake sighs. Say goodbye to your entire score, my friendThe thrill of nailing those double 4s might just be worth the risk of losing it all, but don’t blame me if it goes south
Pig of FortunePlayers spin a wheel numbered 1-6 to determine how many times they must roll a single die on their turn. First to 100 points wins.It’s like playing Pig on hard mode, with an extra dose of “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this” excitementSpin a high number, and you might just be kissing your points goodbye faster than you can say “oink”Hope you’re ready to get crafty with a paper plate, pencil, and paperclip. MacGyver would be proud
Big PigDouble trouble: 1s are now worth 25 points, and other doubles score twice the sum. Go big or go home, am I right?Rolling double 6s? More like rolling in the dough with a whopping 24 points. Cha-ching!Roll a measly 1, and watch all your hard-earned, unbanked points disappear faster than my dignityHigh risk, high reward. It’s like playing Pig on Wall Street, but without the fancy suits
HogRoll as many dice as you dare (up to a max of 10), you brave soul. The more, the merrier (or the more miserable, if your rolling stinks). First to preset score winsYou’re in control now. Want to play it safe? Roll a couple. Feeling lucky? Go all in, you wild hog, youThe more dice you roll, the more chances you have of watching your dreams crumble with a single 1Get ready for some heart-pounding, sweat-inducing, nail-biting action as you watch those dice tumble across the table. Don’t say I didn’t warn you
Which one is your favorite? Can you picture anyone you know enjoying this game?

10 House Rules You Can Use for the Pig Dice Game to Enhance Gameplay

I wonder if John Scaren knew when he invented Pig that it was going to become so popular?

The beauty of Pig Dice is that it’s incredibly customizable. While the basic game rules of Pig Dice are simple and straightforward, adding some house rules can spice things up and keep the game even more interesting.

facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

Here’s seven house rules you can try:

  1. Double Trouble: If you roll doubles, you must roll again. This rule adds an extra layer of excitement and risk to the game. Just be careful not to get too carried away โ€“ I once rolled three doubles in a row and got a little too cocky. Pride comes before a fall, as they say!
  2. Pig Out: If you roll three 1s in a row, your entire score is wiped out, and you start from zero. Talk about a high-stakes game. I’ve seen grown men cry over this rule. Okay, maybe that was just me.
  3. The Redemption Roll: If you roll a 1, you get a chance for a redemption roll. Roll another 1, and you double your current score. But if you don’t, your score resets to zero. It’s a high-stake gamble that has both saved and sunk me more times than I care to admit.
  4. Hog Wild: If you roll a 6, you can choose to roll again with two dice instead of one. It’s a chance to score big, but also a bigger risk of rolling a 1. I like to call this rule the “go big or go home” rule.
  5. Piggy Bank: If you roll a 1, you can choose to put a chip in the “piggy bank” instead of ending your turn. If you roll a 1 again on your next roll, you lose all your chips in the bank. It’s a great way to add a bit of strategy to the game.
  6. Pig Pen: If you roll a 1, you’re sent to the “pig pen” and lose your next turn. It’s a way to add a bit of punishment to the game. I once spent three turns in a row in the pig pen….because, I don’t know my rolling was just HORRIBLE that night; It was a low point in my Pig Dice career.
  7. Pig Sty: If you roll a 1 while in the “pig pen,” you lose half your total score. It’s a high-risk, high-reward situation! I like to think of it as the ultimate test of your Pig Dice skills.
  8. Lucky Number Seven: If your total score for a turn adds up to exactly 7, you can double your points. However, overshoot to 8, and you lose all your points for that round. It’s a tricky little addition that makes for an extra fun time.
  9. Pig Pong: If you roll a 1, you can choose to pass the die to any player instead of the next player in line. It’s a way to target your opponents and keep them on their toes. Just be prepared for retaliation โ€“ I once passed the die to my friend after rolling a 1, and she proceeded to roll a perfect game and beat me by a landslide. Karma, you know?
  10. Point Swap: Once per game, allow players to swap scores with anyone else. This rule turns allies into rivals in seconds, especially when played at the perfect moment. The key is timing, and trust me, the betrayal tastes just as sweet when you’re snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.

Wait! You Need These 5 Addictive Dice Games in Your Life!

Want to have fun on the go (or even a game night) WITHOUT 3 hours of prep and a minor emotional breakdown? Grab some dice and SNAG the No-Fuss Fun Dice Game cheatsheet to play easy-to-learn, FUN dice games whenever boredom strikes. Your sanity (and your hair) will thank you!

Feel free to get creative and come up with your own variations. Just make sure everyone agrees on the rules before starting the game.

Hey, maybe even write them down on a whiteboard available for EVERYONE to see. Believe me, there’s nothing worse than a mid-game dispute about house rules.

PIG is the dice game that you want to have in your back pocket when you want something easy, fun, and screen-free for your kids to do. I remember playing Pig with my brothers during summer vacations – the hours just flew by as we tried to reach 100 points and win. It teaches kids basic math skills like counting and adding. It also helps develop strategic thinking – do you keep rolling to accumulate more points, or play it safe and pass the die? Plus, all you need is a single die, paper and pencil to keep score. Win-Win. – Aquita, Fun Party Tips

From Playpens to Pensions: Pig Dice Adaptations by Age


Let’s break down some fun ways to adapt Pig Dice for different age groups. Because let’s face it, not everyone’s ready to dive into the high-stakes world of hardcore Pig Dice right off the bat.

Here’s a handy dandy table with some recommendations:

If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, put your finger on the table below and swipe to the left (or right) to see the full table.

Age GroupAdaptations
ToddlersFor the tiny tots just learning to count, try using oversized foam dice and a simplified scoring system. Every roll earns a point, and the first to 10 points wins. It’s like baby’s first Pig Dice game, minus the tears and tantrums (hopefully).
KidsIntroduce the basic rules of Pig Dice, but with a twist. Let them earn bonus points for rolling specific numbers or combinations. Maybe rolling a 6 earns double points, or rolling doubles means an extra turn. It keeps things exciting and helps them practice their addition skills.
TeensTime to up the ante! Incorporate some of the house rules mentioned earlier, like “Pig Out” or “Pig Pong,” to keep them engaged. You can even create a tournament-style bracket and have them compete for a prize (bragging rights count!). Just make sure to set a time limit, or they’ll be playing all night.
AdultsAh, the joy of adulting. Pig Dice is the perfect game to play while sipping on a frosty beverage and reminiscing about the good old days. Implement the classic rules, or spice things up with some of the more advanced variants like “Hog” or “Big Pig.” The key is to have fun and not take it too seriously.
SeniorsPig Dice is a great way to keep the mind sharp and the competitive spirit alive. Stick to the basic rules, but consider using larger dice and a bigger scoresheet for better visibility. And if Grandpa starts trash-talking, just remember: he’s earned the right to gloat after all these years.

Remember, these are just suggestions based on my own experiences. Feel free to mix and match or come up with your own adaptations based on your group’s preferences.

The beauty of Pig Dice is that it’s incredibly versatile and can be tailored to suit any age or skill level.


Wait! Don’t Forget to Download Your FREE PIG Dice Game Scoresheet

Kiss those “Wait, I rolled a 6! You’re CHEATING!” game night headaches good-bye.

Let’s say you’re in the middle of an intense game of Pig Dice, and things are getting heated. You’re trying to keep track of everyone’s scores in your head, but let’s face it, you’re no math wizard. 

Wouldn’t it be great to have a handy score sheet to keep everything organized and prevent any “accidentally on purpose” score inflation? Well, my friend, you’re in luck!

  1. Snag the free score sheet. Join my weekly-ish newsletter, and as a bonus, you’ll get the printable score sheet! Just click here to get it and subscribe. Trust me, it’s a game-changer.
  2. Print it out. Any paper will do, but if you want to feel extra fancy, go for some card stock. Even better? Laminate it.  Use expo markers and it’ll hold up better when things get wild at the Pig Dice table.
  3. Start tallying those scores. You’ve got a few options here: you could assign someone the role of official scorekeeper (just make sure they’re not easily bribed), or you could take turns marking off each player’s score after every round.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your free Pig dice game score sheet, gather your friends (or family), and get ready to roll!

With this handy tool by your side, you’ll be able to focus on what really matters: talking smack, pushing your luck, and maybe even winning a game or two. 

Your Turn

Got any house rules that make Pig even more chaotic and hilarious? Once, my family played with a rule where rolling a 6 forced you to act like a pig until your next turn. It was… enlightening. What’s your wildest house rule when you play games?

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My Motto? Parties shouldn’t require a week’s worth of prep (or cleanup).

If your idea of party planning is more “wing it with style” than “schedule every second”, you’re my kind of people. Come for the laughs and good times, but stay for the goodies that make party planning a breeze (or at least less of a hurricane).


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