Try the Pass the Egg Easter Game (with Fun Variations & Twists)

You’ve heard of the expression, there’s more than one way to skin a cat?  Well, it’s turns out there’s also more than one way to pass an egg – game. 

Who knew? 

And the cool thing is, that this game is PERFECT for any gathering – family reunions, backyard BBQs, Easter parties, or even a chill hangout. Anywhere you wanna amp up the fun…with eggs.

Let me breakdown how to play the classic Pass the Egg game. Then I’l go into three awesome ways to play the Pass the Egg game each with it’s own quirky twist.

How to Play the Pass the Egg Game (Classic Chin Shuffle)


In it’s basic form, the classic version is pretty simple.  Well, as simple as you can get with a game that requires you to get up close and person with someone else’s chin – and an egg.

Objective: The primary goal is to pass an egg from one player to another without dropping it. The challenge? You’re not using your hands.  You’re using your chins.


  • Eggs (raw, hard-boiled or plastic, depending on how messy you’re willing to get)
  • Spoons (optional, for variations)
  • A wide-open space


Divide everyone into teams and give the first player for each team a hard-boiled egg.


  1. Get everyone into teams (6-8 people is the sweet spot).
  2. Line up, and the first person tucks a hard-boiled egg under their chin.
  3. The mission? Pass that egg along the line, chin to chin, no hands allowed!
  4. Drop the egg, or sneak a hand in there? Back to square one.
  5. First team to chin-pass it to the last person wins.

Egg-tathlon: (noun) A grueling, multi-stage event that tests the limits of human egg-passing abilities, including but not limited to spoon relays, pizza pan passes, and hot potato shuffles. Known to cause intense laughter, occasional messes, and a lifelong fear of dropping eggs.

Ultimate Pass the Egg Variations: Spoons, Pans, & Tunes


Now, let’s take the this traditional egg-passing game to a whole new level.  Armed with spoons, pans, or an upbeat playlist, this is your ticket to a holiday filled some serious fun.

I’m telling you, these pass the egg game options are perfect for both kids and adults and will bring everyone together – in the best possible way.

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Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

1. Pass the Egg Spoon Relay Race 

Objective: The main goal here is to work with your team to pass an egg from one spoon to another, racing against another team to see who can complete the course first. The twist? You can only use spoons to pass the egg – no hands allowed.


  • Eggs (real or plastic, depending on how messy you’re willing to get)
  • Spoons (one per team)
  • A defined race course


  • Divide players into teams. Each team gets in a line at the starting point.
  • Each person who’s first in line get an egg with a spoon in it. Classic, right?
  • Mark a clear start and finish line. If you’re feeling extra, add some obstacles or turns to make the course more challenging.


  1. On β€œGo,” the first person in each line races to a designated point or obstacle, then must pass the egg from their spoon to the next team member’s spoon without using hands.
  2. If the egg drops, the team must start from the beginning (or from a designated checkpoint to keep frustration levels in check).
  3. The relay continues until the last person in line crosses the finish line with the egg still on the spoon.

Want More?

Teens at your Easter gathering? Skip the eye rolls with our electrifying list of “40 Fun, Teen-Approved Easter Game Ideas and Activities You Need“. These games are designed to captivate even the most phone-obsessed teen.

2. Pizza Pan Pass the Egg

Objective: Team up for a relay race to pass an egg from one pizza pan to another without letting it drop. If it falls, it’s back to the start for you!


  • Hard-boiled eggs (or use plastic ones to avoid mess)
  • Pizza pans for each team member

Setup: Divide your group into teams. Each team lines up at the starting point of your course with a pizza pan in hand.

Gameplay: The first person in line places an egg on their pizza pan. The goal is to pass the egg to the next person’s pan without using hands. The catch? If the egg drops, the team starts over from the beginning. The first team to successfully pass the egg to the end of the line wins.


Keep a steady pace and communicate! Sudden movements are the enemy here. Practice a smooth handoff technique with your team.

3. Pass the Egg (Hot Potato Style)

Objective: Don’t get caught holding the egg when the music stops. If you do, you’re out

Materials: You’ll just need a plastic egg and some lively music.


  • Get everyone to plop down in a circle. It doesn’t matter if it’s on chairs, cushions, or just the floor – as long as you’re all comfy.
  • Kick things off by giving one person the egg. Who starts? Totally your call – maybe the birthday person, the host, or just randomly decide.


  1. Hit play on your chosen tunes and start passing that egg around like it’s a hot potato.
  2. You gotta be quick because once the music stops, you do NOT want to be caught with the egg in your hands. If you are, you’re out (sorry, but that’s the game!).
  3. Keep the game rolling until there’s just one person left not holding the egg. They’re the winner – the ultimate egg-passing champ.

If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, put your finger on the table below and swipe to the left (or right) to see the full table.

Game TitleProsConsCautionary Tips
Pass the Egg Spoon Relay RaceEncourages teamwork and coordination.Can be frustrating if the egg drops often.Use plastic eggs to reduce mess and potential waste. Set up checkpoints to prevent starting over from the beginning every time.
Pizza Pan Pass the EggFun for all ages and promotes gentle precision.Requires a bit more equipment (pizza pans).Ensure pans are not too heavy for younger players. Practice smooth handoff techniques to avoid drops.
Pass the Egg (Hot Potato Style)Simple setup and universally understood rules.Game can end quickly for larger groups.Keep the circle tight to make passing easier. Consider using a soft, plush toy egg for safety in fast passes.
Which one do you think would work best for your group?

Hold up! It’s the “Steal-a-Sweet” Easter game you never knew you needed!


Dive into the spirit of Easter with a twist! Sign up now for the SWAP, STEAL, OPEN: Easter Egg Exchange Dice Game. Don’t miss out on the chance to roll, swap, and open your way to laughter and surprises. Plus, you get to join my nifty newsletter of fun party tips and tricks. Are you ready to crack open the fun?

3 Unique Ways to Make Any Pass the Egg Game More Challenging


Mix and max these twists.  Some fit better with some versions of Pass the Egg than others.

  1. Blindfolded Buddy System: Pair up teammates, with one blindfolded and the other guiding their moves verbally. This adds a layer of communication and trust to the mix.
  2. Obstacle Overload: Spice up the race course with obstacles like cones to weave through, a balance beam, or a section where racers must walk backward. It’s a fun way to keep everyone on their toes.
  3. Egg Swap: At each handoff point, teams must swap the egg they’re carrying with another object before continuing. Think a lemon, a potato, or even a small stuffed animal. It’ll test adaptability and add a laugh or two.

Want More?

Short on time but need some big fun? The “40 Awesome Minute to Win It Easter Games Ideas You Need Now” are your fast track to a memorable holiday. These quick challenges are perfect for filling in between Easter brunch and dinner, making surwe the fun never stops. Perfect for all ages, these games are the secret ingredients to a joyful Easter.

How to Choose the Perfect Pass the Egg Game Variation for Your Group


Choosing the perfect “Pass the Egg” game for your group can feel like navigating a maze. The key to cracking the code of fun lies in matching the game to your group’s vibes, interests, and, let’s face it, mess tolerance. Here’s how to pick the right egg-passing adventure:

  • Consider the Age Group: Games like the Classic Chin Shuffle might appeal more to adults and older kids who can handle the close contact, while the Spoon Relay Race could be a hit with all ages, offering a mix of skill and laughter without getting too up-close and personal.
  • Space Availability: If you’ve got a big backyard or park at your disposal, the Spoon Relay Race or Pizza Pan Pass can be perfect. Limited on space? The Hot Potato Style game is a cozy living room classic.
  • Mess Tolerance: If you’re up for a bit of cleanup or love living on the edge, consider using raw eggs for the extra thrill. Otherwise, plastic eggs are your best bet for a mess-free experience.
  • Team Spirit: For groups that love to band together and cheer each other on, the relay races promise to foster teamwork and collective goal-setting.
  • Music Lovers: If your group gets energized by tunes, the Hot Potato Style game will have everyone grooving and passing in rhythm.

A Helpful Table for Decision Making

Game VariationBest ForSpace NeededMess LevelProsCons
Classic Chin ShuffleAdults and teensModerateHigh (if using real eggs)Encourages intimate teamworkPotential for mess; requires close contact
Pass the Egg Spoon Relay RaceAll agesLargeVariableEnhances coordination; fun for spectatorsCan be frustrating with frequent drops
Pizza Pan Pass the EggFamilies with kidsLargeLowInvolves gentle precision and teamworkRequires pizza pans; some setup needed
Pass the Egg (Hot Potato Style)Small groups or indoor settingsSmallNoneSimple setup; quick and energeticGame can end quickly; less physical activity
facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

Hold on a Second! Don’t Forget Your Free Super Easter Egg Exchange Dice Game.

  1. Grab this free, fun Easter gameβ€œSwap, Steal, Open: Easter Egg Exchange Dice Game”. You’ll receive the printable, plus join my weekly newsletter filled with more fun ideas! Just click here to download and subscribe.
  2. Print. Any type of paper works, but card stock and laminating makes it extra durable.
  3. Display your game guide somewhere everyone can see, like on the living room wall or door, ready for your Easter game day. Or just get everyone their own copy. Whatever works

Your Turn

If you had to invent a fourth egg-passing game variation, what egg-ceptionally funny twist would you add? Let’s hear those creative ideas in the comments below.

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