Old Maid: The Game Night Classic That Never Gets Old

Welcome to the world of Old Maid, the classic card game that’s been bringing families and friends together – and occasionally tearing them apart – for generations. If you’re reading this, you’re probably:

a) Planning a game night and need a refresher on the rules
b) Trying to remember that game your grandad always mysteriously won
c) Looking for a fun, easy game to play (and boy, did you hit the jackpot)

Whatever your reason, you’ve stumbled into the right corner of the internet. Old Maid is charming in its simplicity – it’s the kind of game that anyone can learn in minutes but can provide hours of entertainment… or frustration, depending on your luck.

Let’s get to it!

Old Maid 101: From Clueless to Card Shark


Don’t worry if you can’t tell a Jack from a Queen right now – by the time we’re done, you’ll be pairing cards like a pro and dodging the Old Maid like she’s your ex at a family reunion.

Buckle up, rookie.

Old Maid Objective:

The game’s objective is to AVOID being one stuck with the last QUEEN (or OLD MAID), in your hand.

When you play Old Maid with a standard deck of 52 cards, you always get rid of 1 of the 4 queens. The Old Maid card is that odd numbered queen (the last of the 3) that’s left at the end.

You don’t want to be left with her at the end of the game. Here’s a breakdown of what you’re trying to do:

  1. Pair up all your cards as quickly as possible.
  2. Get rid of your remaining cards by having other players draw them.
  3. Avoid drawing the Old Maid at all costs.
  4. If you do end up with the Old Maid, try to pass it off to another player before the game ends.

The winner is the player who manages to pair up all their cards first. The loser is the poor soul left holding the Old Maid. It’s a cruel world out there, folks.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “But how do I make sure I don’t get stuck with the Old Maid?” Well, my friends, that’s where strategy comes in. Here’s a couple of tips from yours truly:

  1. Pay attention to what cards have been played.Β If you know what pairs have already been made, you can make an educated guess about what cards are still out there.
  2. Try to trick your opponents into taking the Old Maid.Β Hold it a little higher than your other cards, or pretend like you really don’t want them to take it. Reverse psychology, baby!

But hey, even if you do end up as the Old Maid, don’t sweat it. It’s just a game, and there’s always next time. Plus, it builds character. Or something like that.

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Introduce the “Oops! Old Maid” rule: Whoever ends up with the Old Maid has to wear a ridiculous hat for the next round.

Old Maid Setup: Let’s Get This Party Started!


Before we can start playing, we need to get our deck ready. And no, I don’t mean putting on some sick beats and busting out our best dance moves (although that’s always encouraged). Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Grab a standard 52-card deck.Β If you don’t have one, go out and buy one.
  2. Remove one of the queens.Β This is important, folks. You can’t play Old Maid with all the Queens in the deck.
  3. Shuffle the cards like your life depends on it.Β This is your chance to show off your sick shuffling skills. Just don’t drop the cards all over the floor like I sometimes do.
  4. Deal out all the cards to the players.Β If you have an odd number of cards, someone’s going to end up with an extra card. No worries.

Running low on card game fuel? Top up your fun tank with my “15 Easy Card Games for Kids & Adults (Nonstop Game Night Fun)“. Enjoy!

The Art of Not Being the Sucker (Playing the Game)

Alright, now that you’ve got your cards, it’s time to play this game of chance and deception. Here’s how it goes down:

  1. Form pairs: Look at your hand and pair up any matching cards you have. Place these pairs face-up in front of you. Feel free to gloat if you’ve got a lot of pairs. (All the players do this)
  2. Take turns: Starting with the player to the dealer’s left, each player offers their hand face-down to the person on their left. The other player draws one card from their hand.
    • If it makes a pair with one of their cards, they put the pair down. Congratulations!
    • If not, they keep it. Better luck next time.
    • The goal is to get rid of all your cards.
  3. Keep going: Continue this process until all cards are paired except for the Old Maid. The player stuck with this card is the loser, or as I like to call them, “The Champion of Ruh-Roh.”

Now, here’s where the real strategy comes in. You need to be sneaky about hiding that Old Maid card. Here’s a few pro tips:

  • Mix up your cards constantly. Don’t let anyone see where you’re putting that Old Maid.
  • Try to keep your expression neutral when someone picks a card from you. Don’t let them see your relief when they take the Old Maid.
  • If you’re feeling particularly devious, try to remember which cards other players have picked up. This can help you avoid picking the Old Maid yourself.

My cousin thought she was being clever by always putting the Old Maid in the middle of her hand.

Turns out, everyone caught on to her “brilliant” strategy, and she ended up being the Old Maid for three rounds straight. Don’t be like my, kids. Mix it up.


Deploy the “Fake Tell” strategy: Develop an obvious tell when you have the Old Maid, then use it when you don’t. Your opponents will be so busy overthinking, they’ll walk right into your trap.

Old Maid Gone Wild: Spicing Up Your Card Game


Alright, you’ve mastered the basics, and now you’re thinking, “Is this all there is to life?” Fear not, my bored friend. Here are some ways to put some spice back into your Old Maid game night:

  1. Deck the halls: Ditch the boring old playing cards and use a themed deck. Superhero Old Maid? Why not. Disney Princess Old Maid? Sure, let it go. I once played with a deck of famous scientists, and let me tell you, nothing says “fun” like trying to pair up Einsteins.
  2. Old Maid: The Drinking Game: For the adults in the room, add some ahem refreshments to the mix. Take a sip when you successfully make a pair, finish your drink if you end up with the Old Maid. (Drink responsibly, folks.)
  3. Speed Old Maid: Set a time limit for each turn. Nothing adds excitement like the threat of imminent failure.
  4. Tournament of Shame: Keep track of wins and losses over multiple games. Crown an Old Maid monarch at the end of the night. Bonus points if you actually make a crown.
  5. Make it kid-friendly.Β If you’re playing with little ones, you can use a special Old Maid deck that has cute pictures instead of just numbers. It makes it more fun for them, and less soul-crushing when they lose.

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Well, folks, we’ve reached the conclusion of our little Old Maid adventure. Let’s recap what we’ve learned:

  • The goal is to pair up all your cards and avoid being stuck with the Old Maid
  • Strategy is key – pay attention and try to trick your opponents
  • There are plenty of ways to mix up the game and keep it fresh
  • Losing sucks, but it’s not the end of the world

So what are you waiting for? Grab some friends, grab a deck of cards, and get ready to have some fun. And remember – even if you end up as the Old Maid, at least you’re not the Old Maid in real life. That’s a fate worse than death, my friends.

Fall in Love With a Few Other Fun, Easy Card Games!


Bored with Monopoly marathons? Time to shuffle things up! These classic card games are easy to learn, quick to play, and guaranteed to spice up your game night.

No PhD required – just a deck of cards and a dash of competitive spirit. Ready to snap, slap, and go crazy?

GameThe Lowdown
SnapThe game for those with lightning-fast reflexes and a penchant for yelling. Perfect for testing your family’s hearing and hand-eye coordination.
Crazy EightsWhere the rules are made up and the points don’t matter. It’s like Uno’s quirky cousin who doesn’t play by the rules. Prepare for chaos.
SlapjackThe only game where violence is not only allowed, but encouraged. Warning: May result in red palms and bruised egos. Play at your own risk.

Your Turn

If you could choose any celebrity to be the face of the Old Maid card, who would it be and why? Let me know in the comments below.


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