The Mummy Wrap Race Explained (Tips & Tricks for Fall Fun)

Here you are, standing in the middle of your living room, trying to figure out how to start the Mummy Wrap Race.

Maybe you want to spice up your Halloween party. Or you need a fun, quick game for a fall festival. Or, maybe you’re just looking for a goofy activity for a casual get-together.

Either way, I’ve got you covered.

Let’s dive in.

Mummy Wrap Race: The Basics


Welcome to the wacky world of the Mummy Wrap Race! If you’re ready for some laughter-inducing chaos and a good dose of silliness, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ll walk you through the ins and outs of this game, from gathering the necessary supplies to understanding the rules (if there really are any).


The primary objective of Mummy Wrap Race is to fully wrap a team member like a mummy using toilet paper or crepe paper, aiming to be the quickest team to do so without tearing the material. You’ve got to be fast, but you also need to be careful. 

If the paper rips, you’re back to square one, and that’s not a place you want to be when you’re racing against the clock.

The catch? You’ve got to do it faster than the speed of light (okay, maybe not that fast, but close!).

But remember, it’s not just about speed. Precision matters too. Wrapping your “mummy” properly is key. Miss a spot and you might’ve to redo it. So, make sure every inch is covered from head to toe.

Take a peek at this video of Mummy Wrap Race in action.

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My Motto? Parties shouldn’t require a week’s worth of prep (or cleanup).

If your idea of party planning is more “wing it with style” than “schedule every second”, you’re my kind of people. Come for the laughs and good times, but stay for the goodies that make party planning a breeze (or at least less of a hurricane).


Materials Needed:

To get the Mummy Wrap Race started, you’ll need a few key essentials:

  • Rolls of toilet paper: the more, the merrier! (And yes, we’re really using TP for a game, but trust me, it’s a blast!)
  • A stopwatch: any smartphone will do, as long as it can keep time better than my cooking skills.
  • A team with a can-do spirit: because let’s face it, we’re all in this together for some good old-fashioned fun and laughter.

Armed with these must-haves, you’re all set to dive headfirst into the chaotic, hilarious world of the Mummy Wrap Race. Let the mummification begin! 🤾‍♂️

Setup Instructions for Mummy Wrap Race


Alrighty, let’s get this Mummy Wrap Race party started! Find yourself a decently spacious area, unless you’re into the whole furniture obstacle course thing. Here’s the lowdown on setting up:

  • Clear a space large enough for the competitors to move around freely. Safety first, my friend.
  • Arrange your mummy wrap material neatly. You don’t want to be tripping over loose rolls.
  • Pair up your players into teams of two.
  • Hand out a roll of toilet paper to each dynamic duo.

How to Play Mummy Wrap Race

Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as deciphering ancient hieroglyphics. Here’s the lowdown:

  • Start at the signal, and wrap your mummy from head to toe, as fast as you can.
  • The first team to finish their roll without it tearing or falling apart wins!

It’s a simple game, but don’t be fooled. You’ll need quick thinking and nimble fingers to keep that wrapping tight and neat.


Fashion Show Finale: After everyone is wrapped, host a mummy fashion show. Have each mummy strut their stuff in a silly walk-off competition. This not only prolongs the fun but gives everyone a moment to shine and be silly.

Exploring Mummy Wrap Race Variations


While the traditional Mummy Wrap Race is thrilling, there are numerous variations you can try to spice things up.

  • Blindfolded Mummy Wrap: You’re blindfolded while wrapping your team member. This’ll surely test your tactile skills and teamwork!
  • One-Handed Mummy Wrap: Try wrapping with just one hand. It’s harder than it sounds but twice as fun.
  • Obstacle Course Mummy Wrap: Wrap while maneuvering through an obstacle course. You’ll laugh so hard, you might just drop the toilet paper!

Tailoring Mummy Wrap for All


Despite its competitive nature, you can easily adapt the Mummy Wrap Race to make it inclusive and enjoyable for all ages and abilities.

Here’s how:

  • Adjust the game speed: You can slow things down for younger kids or speed it up for older players.
  • Use different wrap materials: Soft scarves for toddlers, toilet paper for kids, and cling film for adults. There’s something for everyone.
  • Modify the rules: Allow smaller kids to wrap only the legs, while adults go for the full body wrap.
  • Add breaks: Especially when playing with older people or those with mobility issues, regular pauses guarantee everyone’s comfort.

Wrap Relay: Turn it into a relay race! Have multiple teams line up, and each member must wrap a portion of their mummy before passing the roll to the next teammate. This variation emphasizes teamwork and adds a frantic, fun pace to the game.

Top 5 Occasions When Breaking Out a Mummy Wrap Race Makes Perfect Sense

If you’re looking to take your Mummy Wrap Race to the next level, consider hosting or participating in one of these top five events.

  • Halloween Bash: There’s no better time for a Mummy Wrap Race than Halloween. This spooky holiday is the perfect backdrop for your game.
  • Birthday Parties: Kids and adults alike will love the thrill and excitement of a Mummy Wrap Race. And no, you don’t just have to have a birthday around Halloween.  This game is timeless!
  • Fundraising Event: Use Mummy Wrap Race as a unique way to raise money for a cause. Players can pledge a certain amount per round.
  • Office Party: Break the routine with a Mummy Wrap Race. It’s a great team-building exercise that’s sure to bring about loads of laughter.

Each occasion adds a unique flavor to the game, making it even more memorable.

Why Playing Mummy Wrap Race is Fun


You’ll find that playing Mummy Wrap Race injects a thrilling dose of fun into any event, creating laughter-filled memories that last. T

Here’s a table to give you an idea why it’s such a blast:

TeamworkYou’ll work in pairs, building camaraderie.Creates bonding and shared laughs.
Silly visualsSeeing friends wrapped like mummies is just plain funny.Provides lots of photo opportunities.
Easy to playThe rules are simple, inviting everyone to join in.Makes it inclusive and accessible.
ExcitementThe frenzied race against time adds a thrill.Keeps everyone engaged and on their toes.

Want More?

If you really want to turn up the fun on your Halloween games or fall festivities, here’s some articles that’ll help you out:

Your Turn

Which would be harder: wrapping a mummy blindfolded or using your non-dominant hand? Why? Let me know in the comments below.

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