175 + Simply Fun Mother’s Day Would You Rather Questions

Mother’s Day: a day to celebrate the wonderful women in our lives who’ve mastered the art of multitasking, from juggling work and home life to dealing with our dramatic teenage years.

And what better way to honor these amazing ladies than by engaging them in a fun and thoughtful game of “Would You Rather?” 

Believe as a self-proclaimed expert in family games (a title I awarded myself after organizing three family game nights without any major disputes), this game is the perfect blend of laughter, bonding, and unexpected revelations.

Why Play “Would You Rather” on Mother’s Day?


Would You Rather isn’t just a game; it’s a journey into the mind. For moms, it’s a chance to escape the endless to-do lists and dive into a world of hypotheticals that are as absurd as they are entertaining.

Plus, it’s a great way for kids and adults (yep, even adult kids) alike to share a laugh and learn more about each other in a light-hearted setting.

Believe me, nothing says “I appreciate you” like asking your mom if she’d rather have eight arms or eight legs.

How to Play “Would You Rather” – Mother’s Day Edition

The rules of “Would You Rather” are simple: one person reads out a question with two outrageous scenarios, and everyone else has to pick their preferred option.

The catch? You have to be prepared to defend your choice, no matter how ridiculous it may seem.

facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

3 Reasons Why You Need Questions for Kids AND Moms

Now, you might be thinking, “Why do I need separate ‘Would You Rather’ questions for kids and moms?” Well, my friend, here’s why:

  1. Kids and moms have different perspectives on life. While your little ones might be more interested in silly scenarios involving unicorns and superpowers, your mom might prefer more relatable questions about household chores or embarrassing moments.  And sometimes adult kids want to join in the fun.
  2. Keeping things age-appropriate is key. You don’t want to traumatize your kids with questions that are too mature, and you definitely don’t want to bore your mom with questions that are too childish.
  3. Variety is the spice of life (and Would You Rather). By having separate question sets, you can keep the game fresh and engaging for everyone involved.

If you’re playing with a mixed group of kids and adults (or even adult kid) , consider alternating between kid-friendly and mom-friendly questions. That way, everyone gets a chance to shine.

Setting Up the Game for Mother’s Day


To make sure your “Would You Rather” game is a success, follow these simple steps:

  1. Print out or write down a list of “Would You Rather?” questions beforehand. You can find plenty of ideas online or create your own!
  2. Toss strips of questions into a hat. You’ll want to keep the questions for grown up moms separate from the kids.
  3. Gather everyone in a comfortable space where they can easily hear and see each other.  The living room or dining room table is our go-to spot for games like this.
  4. Explain the rules of the game (more on that in a bit) and emphasize that there are no right or wrong answers.
  5. Take turns asking questions and enjoy the laughter and conversation that follows!
mom’s day freebie

Sick of the Same Old Mother’s Day Routines?

Because the only thing better than a quiet afternoon is an afternoon winning candy from your family. Give mom the gift of have laughter, competition, and candy this Mother’s Day. Download Mama Needs a Candy Break: Mother’s Day Dice game and let the sweet rivalry begin! Plus, you’ll be part of my weekly-ish newsletter of game ideas, party tips and other goodies.

Rules to Avoid the Game Being a Snoozefest

To keep the game lively and engaging, here’s a few rules to follow:

  1. Encourage everyone to explain their answers. It leads to hilarious stories.
  2. Keep the questions light-hearted and family-friendly. We want to celebrate mom, not make her blush.
  3. Set a time limit for each question to keep the game moving along.
  4. If someone’s stuck on a question, allow them to skip it and come back to it later.

To add an extra layer of fun, consider incorporating challenges or dares for certain questions. For example, some slips of paper could tell the person to speak in a funny voice for their next turn OR to list 10 countries that begin with the letter “A” in 1 minute. Just to keep things spicy.

5 Ways to Share the Mother’s Day Would You Rather Cards

Now that you have your questions ready, it’s time to share them with the world! Here are some ideas:

  1. Print them out and place them in a decorative jar or basket. for easy access during the game.
  2. Create a digital version and share them via email or social media for friends and family to use.
  3. Turn them into a beautiful card or booklet to give as a Mother’s Day gift.
  4. Use them as conversation starters during your Mother’s Day brunch or dinner.
  5. Save them for future family gatherings and create a tradition of playing “Would You Rather” on special occasions.

One of my coworkers made a set of “Would You Rather” cards for her mom and laminated them so they could use them year after year. It was sort of a tradition that they’d use them year after year. 

By the way, it’s always good to keep family connections strong. Check out this article on family happiness by Faith Achiaa for some other neat ideas on how to make life fun as a family – and not just on Mother’s Day.

mom’s day freebie

Sick of the Same Old Mother’s Day Routines?

Because the only thing better than a quiet afternoon is an afternoon winning candy from your family. Give mom the gift of have laughter, competition, and candy this Mother’s Day. Download Mama Needs a Candy Break: Mother’s Day Dice game and let the sweet rivalry begin! Plus, you’ll be part of my weekly-ish newsletter of game ideas, party tips and other goodies.

If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, put your finger on the table below and swipe to the left (or right) to see the full table.

What’s UpCool StuffNot So Cool StuffJust a Heads UpWho’s Gonna Love It?
“Would You Rather” for Mother’s DayEndless laughs and a break from the usual Q&A. It’s a way to bond and get the fam talking about stuff you’d never think to chat about.The potential for awkward questions that make you wish you could sink into the floor.Be ready for some of those questions to open a can of worms or start a family debate that goes way off track.All ages, really! Anyone who’s up for a laugh and doesn’t mind sharing a bit about themselves. Great for those who love a bit of quirky humor and deep convos too.

100 Mother’s Day Themed Would You Rather Question? for Mom 


50 Hilarious Would You Rather Questions for a Light-Hearted Day (FOR MOM)

Ready to see your mom crack up like she just heard the funniest joke of her life? These questions are guaranteed to lighten the mood and bring out her silly side. Because, honestly, who doesn’t love a good laugh?

  1. Hey Mom, would you rather have me do the dishes for a week or let me style your hair for a day?
  2. Would you rather have me serenade you with a silly song or perform an interpretive dance about your awesomeness?
  3. Mom, would you rather have me make you a “World’s Best Mom” trophy out of macaroni or draw a portrait of you as a superhero?
  4. Would you rather have me take you on a shopping spree where I pick out all the clothes or let me cook dinner using only candy ingredients?
  5. Mom, would you rather have me give you a foot massage with spaghetti noodles or paint your nails with ketchup and mustard?
  6. Would you rather have me write a rap song about your mom skills or create a interpretive sculpture of you using mashed potatoes?
  7. Mom, would you rather have me give you a makeover using only items from the hardware store or let me bedazzle all your shoes?
  8. Would you rather have me create a perfume for you called “Essence of Mom” or design a line of mom-themed emojis?
  9. Mom, would you rather have me make you a crown out of aluminum foil or knit you a sweater using plastic grocery bags?
  10. Would you rather have me make a life-sized cardboard cutout of you or create a mom-themed amusement park in the backyard?
  11. Mom, would you rather have me write a children’s book about your adventures or direct a movie about your life starring rubber ducks?
  12. Would you rather have me create a line of mom-themed action figures or design a set of mom-themed postage stamps?
  13. Mom, would you rather have me choreograph a synchronized swimming routine for us or enter us in a mother-daughter yodeling contest?
  14. Would you rather have me make you a breakfast in bed consisting of only desserts or create a mom-themed obstacle course in the living room?
  15. Mom, would you rather have me give a speech about your greatness using only pig Latin or perform a one-woman play about your life using sock puppets?
  16. Would you rather have me create a line of mom-themed greeting cards or write a series of mom-themed limericks?
  17. Mom, would you rather have me design a set of mom-themed emojis or create a comic book about your superhero alter ego?
  18. Would you rather have me make you a bouquet of flowers using only vegetables or create a mom-themed board game?
  19. Mom, would you rather have me write a series of mom-themed jokes or create a line of mom-themed novelty t-shirts?
  20. Would you rather have me create a mom-themed ice sculpture or carve your face into a giant block of cheese?
  21. Mom, would you rather have me create a mom-themed theme song or choreograph a flash mob in your honor?
  22. Would you rather have me make you a life-sized portrait using only sprinkles or create a giant mom-themed balloon sculpture?
  23. Mom, would you rather have me design a set of mom-themed temporary tattoos or create a mom-themed mini-golf course?
  24. Would you rather have me create a mom-themed scavenger hunt or organize a mom-themed costume party?
  25. Mom, would you rather have me write a series of mom-themed haikus or create a mom-themed escape room experience?
  26. Would you rather have the ability to hear every thought your kids are thinking or have your kids hear every thought you’re thinking for a day?
  27. Would you rather always have to sing the “Happy Birthday” song instead of speaking or dance every time you walk?
  28. Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses during a family picnic?
  29. Would you rather have an unlimited supply of chocolate that your kids don’t know about or unlimited quiet time but no chocolate?
  30. Would you rather wear a superhero cape every day for a month or have to wear clown shoes every time you go out?
  31. Would you rather have your hair styled by your kids for a week or let them choose your outfits?
  32. Would you rather only be able to whisper when you’re angry or have to sing everything you say when you’re happy?
  33. Would you rather have a magic laundry basket that washes and folds clothes by itself or a self-cleaning house?
  34. Would you rather have the ability to teleport anywhere with your family or time travel to any event in your family’s past or future?
  35. Would you rather be able to speak every language fluently or be able to talk to animals?
  36. Would you rather have your kids eat whatever you cook with no complaints or have a professional chef cook for your family but have to do the dishes?
  37. Would you rather always smell like fresh cookies but never get to eat them or never have to cook again but everything tastes like broccoli?
  38. Would you rather accidentally send a silly selfie to the parent chat group or have your kid announce your age at a family gathering?
  39. Would you rather have your house always be too cold but full of warm hugs or too hot but with unlimited ice cream?
  40. Would you rather have a lifetime supply of the best coffee but never have tea again or have an unlimited tea supply but no coffee?
  41. Would you rather wake up with your kids’ energy for a day or have them calm and quiet like a lazy Sunday morning?
  42. Would you rather be able to decorate your house perfectly with a snap of your fingers or have it always be in perfect order without lifting a finger?
  43. Would you rather have a picnic in the backyard with talking animals or a fancy dinner where the food sings?
  44. Would you rather wear mismatched shoes for a week or have every day be a bad hair day for a month?
  45. Would you rather be famous on the internet for your mom jokes or be a mysterious hero in your neighborhood?
  46. Would you rather have a daily pep talk from a motivational speaker or get daily compliments from strangers?
  47. Would you rather only be able to watch kids’ movies for a year or have every book you read turn into a children’s book?
  48. Would you rather have flowers that dance when you sing to them or a tree that grows money but only during full moons?
  49. Would you rather go on a family adventure in a hot air balloon or travel by submarine to visit underwater cities?
  50. Would you rather have a kitchen that cooks by itself but plays loud opera music or a silent kitchen where dishes wash themselves?
facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

25 Outrageously Unusual Mother’s Day Would You Rather Questions (FOR MOMS)

  1. Would you rather have a pet unicorn that does laundry or a talking parrot that gives you compliments every morning?
  2. Would you rather have your car turn into a pumpkin at midnight every night or have a magic carpet but it only works when the kids are asleep?
  3. Would you rather have flowers that giggle when you water them or a kitchen sink that sings opera when you do the dishes?
  4. Would you rather be able to change your hair color with your mood or have it rain coffee on command?
  5. Would you rather wear shoes that light up and play music with every step or have a hat that makes you invisible when you put it on?
  6. Would you rather have the ability to fly but only when you’re doing house chores or teleport but only to places you’ve lost something?
  7. Would you rather live in a house made of chocolate or have a garden that grows pizza?
  8. Would you rather have every meal be a surprise made by fairy chefs or be able to snap your fingers and instantly clean your house?
  9. Would you rather speak to animals but they only talk about their day or have plants that offer you life advice?
  10. Would you rather ride a dragon to work/school drop-offs or have a family car that can go underwater?
  11. Would you rather have a cookie jar that refills itself with your favorite cookies or a book that writes new stories every night?
  12. Would you rather fight a giant diaper monster with baby powder or have a dance battle with a gang of animated toys?
  13. Would you rather have a cloud that follows you around for shade or a personal breeze that keeps you cool on hot days?
  14. Would you rather have a magic wand that can only organize closets or shoes that can walk on walls?
  15. Would you rather have your life narrated by a famous movie star or have your own background music played by invisible musicians?
  16. Would you rather be able to turn into a mermaid whenever you touch water or grow wings when you feel happy?
  17. Would you rather have an endless supply of the best coffee in the world but it’s served by a grumpy gnome or have to brew coffee yourself with water from a laughing stream?
  18. Would you rather have the ability to turn anything you touch into chocolate for a day or have everything you draw come to life?
  19. Would you rather have a daily visit from a fairy who dusts your house with a wave of her wand or a gnome who fixes broken things at night?
  20. Would you rather have a talking cat that gives you gossip from the neighborhood or a dog that can fetch anything you can think of?
  21. Would you rather have pajamas that make you dream of any place you want or slippers that can teleport you to the kitchen for midnight snacks?
  22. Would you rather be able to bake cakes that make people levitate with joy or cook spaghetti that turns into light shows?
  23. Would you rather have a broom that flies you around but complains about the traffic or a vacuum that cleans everything but sings loudly while doing it?
  24. Would you rather have a magical diary that answers your questions about the future or a mirror that compliments you and gives fashion advice?
  25. Would you rather have a secret room in your house that only opens when you laugh or a backyard that transforms into a beach during the summer?

Keep your phone ready to record her reactions. Trust me, you’ll want to remember these moments, especially when you need a pick-me-up.

25 Deep, Thought-Provoking Mother’s Day Would Your Rather? Questions (FOR MOMS)


Sometimes, amidst all the fun and games, you want to go a little deeper. These questions are perfect for when you’re looking to get to know mom on a more personal level.

  1. Would you rather have the power to go back in time to relive one day with your kids or get a glimpse into one moment of their future?
  2. Would you rather find a book that contains everything ever said about you or a book that has every thought your children have had about you?
  3. Would you rather have the chance to see through your child’s eyes for a day or have them understand your thoughts and feelings for a day?
  4. Would you rather have the ability to take away your child’s sadness with a hug or have the words to solve any problem they face?
  5. Would you rather know all the challenges your children will face in life or have the surprise of discovering their successes together?
  6. Would you rather have the gift of always knowing what your child needs without them saying a word or the skill to always make them laugh when they’re feeling down?
  7. Would you rather the wisdom to answer every question your child has about the world or the patience to listen to all their stories, no matter how long?
  8. Would you rather experience one moment of absolute joy with your family every day or have a lifetime of content moments?
  9. Would you rather have the chance to redo one moment in your parenting life or receive a vision of the proudest moment in your child’s future?
  10. Would you rather have the power to shield your child from heartbreak or the strength to guide them through it?
  11. Would you rather have your children remember one large, extravagant gift or a collection of small, meaningful moments?
  12. Would you rather see the world through the innocent eyes of your child for a day or have them understand the world through your more experienced perspective?
  13. Would you rather have your children achieve all their dreams but be far away from you or have them close to you but always searching for more?
  14. Would you rather have the ability to always make your children’s fears disappear with a word or instill in them the courage to face anything?
  15. Would you rather know every secret your child keeps for their protection or trust in their judgment without knowing all the details?
  16. Would you rather have one hour of undivided attention from your child every day or a whole day of shared attention once a month?
  17. Would you rather be able to give your child the answer to any one major life question or the tools to discover the answers to all their questions themselves?
  18. Would you rather the power to fulfill your child’s biggest dream instantly or the joy of watching them work hard and achieve it on their own?
  19. Would you rather your child grow up to inherit your strongest quality or have them develop a unique strength that you never possessed?
  20. Would you rather have the certainty that your child will always be safe but live an average life or the uncertainty that comes with great risk and the possibility of great reward?
  21. Would you rather live in a world where you never have to say goodbye to your child or a world where every goodbye could be the last, making every moment precious?
  22. Would you rather your child live a life free from hardship but without much growth or a life filled with challenges that make them stronger?
  23. Would you rather have the ability to instantly calm any tension in your household or the insight to understand the root of every conflict?
  24. Would you rather your children learn all their life lessons from you or discover them through their own experiences, even if it means making mistakes?
  25. Would you rather pass on one key piece of wisdom that your child will always remember or instill in them a lifelong curiosity to learn new things?

When I asked my mom about time travel, she said she’d only use it to go back to moments when we were kids. It was sweet until she mentioned my awkward teenage years, then it was just blackmail material.– Aquita, Fun Party Tips

75 Mother’s Day Themed Would You Rather Question? for Kids and Adult Children 


Hilarious Would You Rather Questions for a Light-Hearted Day (FOR KIDS)

  1. Would you rather have mom’s homemade cookies every day but have to clean the kitchen each time or never have cookies again but the kitchen cleans itself?
  2. Would you rather be able to sneak out and play anytime you want without mom noticing or have mom join in and be the coolest player?
  3. Would you rather have the ability to make mom forget you didn’t do your chores or instantly complete your homework with mom’s help?
  4. Would you rather wear clothes mom picks out for you every day or let mom style your hair for school?
  5. Would you rather have a movie marathon with mom where you only watch her favorite movies or spend a day doing all of mom’s least favorite chores with her?
  6. Would you rather cook a fancy dinner for mom that doesn’t taste very good or make her breakfast in bed with only cereal and toast?
  7. Would you rather have mom tell embarrassing stories about you to your friends or have to tell mom all your secrets?
  8. Would you rather have to sing duets with mom in public once a week or have her pack your lunch with love notes every day?
  9. Would you rather have the power to make mom laugh whenever you want or have her never get mad at you again?
  10. Would you rather go on a road trip with mom where she sings loudly the whole way or have a dance-off with her in the living room?
  11. Would you rather always agree with mom’s opinions on movies and music or have her always think your jokes are funny?
  12. Would you rather have mom join your favorite online game as a teammate or have her help you with homework every night?
  13. Would you rather have mom as your teacher at school for a year or have her as your personal chef at home?
  14. Would you rather accidentally shrink mom’s favorite outfit in the laundry or lose her most important recipe?
  15. Would you rather have to wear matching outfits with mom whenever you go out together or have mom comment on all your social media posts?
  16. Would you rather sneak veggies into mom’s food for a month or have her make you eat your least favorite food once a week?
  17. Would you rather have mom be invisible and follow you around for a day or read your mind for an hour?
  18. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator with mom for hours, where she tells you life stories, or do a difficult puzzle together with no instructions?
  19. Would you rather have a water balloon fight with mom or build the world’s largest fort with her in the living room?
  20. Would you rather have mom know your internet history or let her dress you for your next big event?
  21. Would you rather only be able to communicate with mom through emojis for a week or have her narrate your day like a sports commentator?
  22. Would you rather go shopping with mom and wear everything she chooses or let her plan your birthday party without any input?
  23. Would you rather have a superpower chosen by mom or choose a superpower for her?
  24. Would you rather watch only mom-approved shows for a month or let her join your favorite hobby for a week?
  25. Would you rather have to do yoga with mom every morning or join her in singing loudly in the car on the way to school?
mom’s day freebie

Sick of the Same Old Mother’s Day Routines?

Because the only thing better than a quiet afternoon is an afternoon winning candy from your family. Give mom the gift of have laughter, competition, and candy this Mother’s Day. Download Mama Needs a Candy Break: Mother’s Day Dice game and let the sweet rivalry begin! Plus, you’ll be part of my weekly-ish newsletter of game ideas, party tips and other goodies.

25 Outrageous and Unusual Mother’s Day – Themed Questions (for KIDS)

  1. Would you rather make mom breakfast in bed with ingredients from a wizard’s pantry or cook dinner using only food found in fairy tales?
  2. Would you rather gift mom a bouquet of flowers that sing her favorite songs or a box of chocolates that whisper jokes?
  3. Would you rather have a tea party with mom attended by stuffed animals that come to life or a picnic in the backyard with cartoon characters?
  4. Would you rather take mom on a magic carpet ride around the world or a submarine trip to explore underwater cities?
  5. Would you rather create a magical portrait of your family that moves and talks or a scrapbook where the photos can be entered like doorways to relive moments?
  6. Would you rather plant a tree with mom that grows money or a flower that blooms with diamonds?
  7. Would you rather have the power to clean and tidy mom’s house with a snap of your fingers or make her favorite meals appear with a clap?
  8. Would you rather go cloud hopping with mom or dig to the center of the earth together in search of treasure?
  9. Would you rather be able to grant mom three wishes of her choice or have her never have to do chores again?
  10. Would you rather watch a movie with mom where you’re both the stars or write and direct a play about your family adventures?
  11. Would you rather build a robot assistant for mom or invent a gadget that fulfills her every need?
  12. Would you rather have a pet dragon to take mom on rides or a unicorn that grants her eternal happiness?
  13. Would you rather give mom the gift of endless patience or the ability to teleport to her dream vacation spots instantly?
  14. Would you rather make mom invisible for a day so she can have a break or give her the ability to duplicate herself to get more done?
  15. Would you rather spend a day with mom as superheroes saving the world or as detectives solving a mystery?
  16. Would you rather create a magical garden for mom that she can escape to anytime or a secret room in the house that’s all hers?
  17. Would you rather have the ability to make all of mom’s work fun or turn her dreams into reality?
  18. Would you rather go on a space adventure with mom or explore a new planet together?
  19. Would you rather surprise mom with a spell that makes her the best dancer or the best singer in the world?
  20. Would you rather find a magic book that tells all about mom’s past adventures or a map that leads to a treasure she’s always dreamed of?
  21. Would you rather gift mom a mirror that reflects her inner beauty or a camera that captures the essence of her soul?
  22. Would you rather have a day where everything you and mom touch turns to gold or a day where every word you speak turns into flowers?
  23. Would you rather organize a surprise party for mom with mythical creatures as guests or a quiet evening where the stars sing her lullabies?
  24. Would you rather have the power to fulfill all of mom’s heart’s desires for a day or give her the gift of eternal youth?
  25. Would you rather bake a magical cake with mom that grants wisdom or create a potion together that brings endless joy?

25 Deep and Thought-Provoking Mother’s Day Would You Rather? Questions (FOR KIDS)

  1. Would you rather have the ability to hear every thought your mom has about you or keep some mysteries between you?
  2. Would you rather have one day to experience life as your mom or have her step into your shoes for a day?
  3. Would you rather know everything your mom has sacrificed for you or have the power to give back everything she’s missed out on?
  4. Would you rather have the chance to relive your favorite childhood memory with your mom or create a new memory that could be your new favorite?
  5. Would you rather be able to give your mom the gift of understanding all your choices or fully understand all of hers?
  6. Would you rather have your mom never worry about you again or have the chance to erase her biggest regret?
  7. Would you rather have the power to fulfill one of your mom’s unfulfilled dreams or ensure all your dreams come true in her eyes?
  8. Would you rather spend a day talking deeply with your mom about the future or reminiscing about the past?
  9. Would you rather have the ability to instantly make your mom proud of you or find the path to genuine self-achievement that she celebrates?
  10. Would you rather share a silent day of just being together with your mom or a day filled with talking about everything on your minds?
  11. Would you rather have your mom understand your perspective on every disagreement or always find a compromise that suits you both?
  12. Would you rather have your mom remember every detail about your childhood or have her be part of every significant future event in your life?
  13. Would you rather be able to gift your mom with endless happiness or receive her wisdom on how to find your own happiness?
  14. Would you rather know all the ways you’ve unknowingly hurt your mom or have the insight to never hurt her feelings again?
  15. Would you rather have the chance to see all the invisible burdens your mom carries for you or lift one significant burden from her shoulders?
  16. Would you rather be able to grant your mom eternal youth or ensure her a legacy of love and respect from all who know her?
  17. Would you rather hear all the advice your mom wishes she could give you or have her listen to all the things you wish you could tell her?
  18. Would you rather have one more day with your mom as a child or an extra day with her in her golden years?
  19. Would you rather ensure your mom lives a life full of peace or a life filled with exhilarating adventures?
  20. Would you rather have your mom know every secret you’ve kept from her for her peace of mind or protect her from those truths forever?
  21. Would you rather be able to relieve your mom of one major life disappointment or give her the gift of one incredible joy she’s never experienced?
  22. Would you rather see the world through your mom’s eyes for a day or have her understand the world through yours?
  23. Would you rather have the strength to carry all of your mom’s worries for a day or the wisdom to solve one big worry for her?
  24. Would you rather have your mom’s guidance every step of the way in life or learn everything through your own experiences?
  25. Would you rather change one event in your mom’s past to make her life easier or give her the power to change one event in your future?
facebook alert!

Ever had a game night where the only thing organized was the chaos? Same.

This Facebook group is like that one drawer full of random stuff in your kitchen; it’s a bit of everything and somehow EXACTLY what you need. Dive into the treasure trove of laughs, printable games and tips for moms who wish “winging it with style” was a recognized party planning strategy.

Want More?

Make this Mother’s Day unforgettable with the “Mother’s Day Left Right Story Game (Free Printable!).”

Easy to set up and a blast to play, this game promises an interactive, fun activity for the whole family (and even a bunch of friends). Click through to download your free copy now and see who ends up with the most hilarious gift!

Your Turn

If your mom had a superpower based on her personality, what would it be? (My mom’s would be the ability to find lost socks in the laundry void!)


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