How to Play I Doubt It (& Have a Blast With Family and Friends)


Finding a card game that everyone from your little cousin to your grandma enjoys at game night isn’t easy.

You know that. I know that. Everybody knows that.

But is it possible to find a game that spans generations and still brings heaps of laughter and fun?


Stick with me. I’ll show you exactly why “I Doubt It” (a.k.a Cheat) is that game โ€” from its simple rules to its hilarious bluffing dynamics โ€” basically, everything you need to know to make it a hit at your next family gathering or get-together with friends.

So, You Wanna Play “I Doubt It” (a.k.a Cheat)? Buckle Up!

Mastering the art of the double-bluff at age 5. Watch out, world!

Alright, letโ€™s cut to the chase. “I Doubt It” (also known as Cheat or Bluff) is a card game where lying is not just allowed, itโ€™s encouraged.

The goal is to be the first to ditch all your cards. Sounds simple, right? Well, hold onto your hats because itโ€™s a wild ride of deception and strategy.

Getting Your Act Together: Setup

Before you dive into the chaos, you need to set the stage. Hereโ€™s how:

  1. Players: You need 2 to 10 players. But letโ€™s be real, the sweet spot is 3 to 6. Any more, and itโ€™s like herding cats.
  2. Deck: Grab a standard 52-card deck. If youโ€™ve got a crowd (more than six), throw in another deck. Double the cards, double the fun.
  3. Dealing: Shuffle those cards like your life depends on it and deal them out evenly. Some folks might get one more card than others. Lifeโ€™s unfair, deal with it.
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The Nitty-Gritty: Basic Rules


Now, letโ€™s get into the meat of it. Hereโ€™s how you play:

  1. Turn Order: Clockwise, folks. The player to the left of the dealer kicks things off.
  2. Playing Cards: On the first person’s turn, place one or more cards face down and declare their rank. Start with Aces, then Twos, Threes, and so on up to Kings, then back to Aces. Easy peasy.
  3. Bluffing: Hereโ€™s where it gets juicy. Everyone has to play at least one card per turn, even if it requires bluffing. Got that?

    The rules are that you have to discard a card face down – in the appropriate ascending order – when it’s your turn. For example, if the person before you played the rank of eights, then you would have to play nines.

    But, what if you don’t have nines – or whatever the next ranking card is? Well, you bluff. Lie through your teeth. If you don’t have the required rank, bluff by playing different cards and announce them as the correct rank.

    Or if you just feel like bluffing to see if you can get rid of more cards, you can try doing that, too. Just don’t get caught. (More on this in a minute)
  4. Challenging: If you think someoneโ€™s full of it, call them out with a hearty โ€œI Doubt Itโ€ (or Cheat, or whatever floats your boat). The cards get revealed:
  • If they were lying, they pick up the whole discard pile.
  • If they were telling the truth, congrats, you just earned yourself the entire discard pile.

Timing is everything. Iโ€™ve learned that timing your bluffs and challenges is key. Donโ€™t be that person who calls โ€œI Doubt Itโ€ every turn. Youโ€™ll end up with a mountain of cards and a bruised ego.

Winning the Game: The Sweet Taste of Victory

Surviving ‘I Doubt It’ without picking up the pile, yet feeling like you ran a marathon.

So, how do you win this thing? Simple: be the first to get rid of all your cards. But thereโ€™s a catch.

If someone challenges your final play and you were lying, youโ€™re back in the game with a fistful of cards.

If you were telling the truth, bask in the glory of your victory.

Want More?

Now if you’re still looking for fun that the whole family can enjoy, dive into 15 Easy Card Games for Kids & Adults (Nonstop Game Night Fun). Find your family’s new favorite game today.

Table of Helpful Information

ObjectiveBe the first to get rid of all your cards.
Players2 to 10 (3 to 6 is ideal).
DeckStandard 52-card deck (use two decks for more than six players).
Turn OrderClockwise, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
BluffingLie about the rank of the cards you play.
ChallengingCall โ€œI Doubt Itโ€ if you think someoneโ€™s lying.
WinningGet rid of all your cards. Challenge the final play to ensure itโ€™s truthful.

Bluffing is an art form. Mix truth with lies to keep your opponents guessing. If you always lie, youโ€™ll get caught. If you always tell the truth, youโ€™re boring. Find that sweet spot in between.

Variants: Switch It Up for Extra Chaos


Look, the basic rules of “I Doubt It” are simple enough, but where’s the fun in that?

If you’re a true master of deception, you’ll want to spice things up with some variants. Trust me, these will separate the amateurs from the pros.

1. Same Rank Variant

Instead of playing the next rank each turn, all players must play (or claim to play) the same rank until someone calls “I Doubt It.” This adds an extra layer of mind games, as you’ll have a harder time keeping track of who’s lying and who’s telling the truth.

2. Truth or Dare

Add a twist of classic party games to your Cheat session. If someone calls “Cheat” and they’re wrong, they must choose between picking up the pile or completing a dare chosen by the group. This rule adds a layer of humiliation and hilarity, making every accusation a high-stakes gamble.

3. Wildcard Woes

Introduce a wildcard into the mix. Choose one card (say, the Joker) that can be played as any rank.

But, here’s the catch. If someone calls “Cheat” on a wildcard and they’re right, that player has pick up the entire discard pile and 1 card from each other player. This rule adds an extra layer of strategy and risk.

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Strategies: Become a Master Deceiver

Alright, you’ve got the rules down, but do you have what it takes to outsmart your opponents? Here are some strategies to help you become a true “I Doubt It” mastermind:

  1. Bluffing Techniques: Mix truth with lies like a seasoned con artist. If you always lie, you’ll get caught. If you always tell the truth, you’re boring. Find that sweet spot in between, and keep ’em guessing.
  2. Challenging Strategies: Timing is everything. Don’t be that person who calls “I Doubt It” every turn. You’ll end up with a mountain of cards and a bruised ego. Pick your battles wisely.
  3. Final Card Play: This is the moment of truth. Always challenge a player’s last card to prevent them from winning easily. But be careful, because they might be onto your game.

Tips and Tricks: Become a Cheat Master

Who says grandma can’t bluff?

Alright, let’s wrap this up with some final tips and tricks to help you dominate the game:

  1. General Tips: Pay attention to the cards played, and don’t be afraid to call out those suspicious moves.
  2. Advanced Strategies: For the seasoned pros, try some advanced techniques like card counting or psychological warfare.

FAQS: Clearing Up the Confusion

Q: Can I look at my cards during the game?
A: Of course! How else are you supposed to keep track of your lies?

Q: What if multiple people call “I Doubt It” at the same time?
A: Whoever’s closest to the left of the player being challenged gets dibs.

Q: Is it cheating if I slip a card up my sleeve?
A: Uh, yes. Don’t do that – unless you want your family and friends super duper made at you.

Q: Can I use my acting skills to convince others I’m not lying?
A: Absolutely! In fact, it’s encouraged. Just don’t overdo it and end up in drama class.

Wrapping It Up

There you have it. “I Doubt It” (Cheat) is a game of strategy, deception, and a bit of luck. Whether youโ€™re a seasoned pro or a newbie, remember to have fun and donโ€™t take it too seriously. After all, itโ€™s just a game. Or is it?

So, gather your friends, shuffle those cards, and let the bluffing begin. And remember, if you get caught lying, just own it with a smile. Itโ€™s all part of the game.

Want A Little More?

Check out the helpful guide below and get ready to play hard, laugh harder, and maybeโ€”just maybeโ€”win the bragging rights at your next family showdown!”

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SpoonsGrab a spoon or get schooled! It’s a fast-paced game of matching, sneaky grabs, and trying not to be the last one standing without a spoon. Like musical chairs but with more sharp objects.
SlapjackGet ready to slap or be slapped! Itโ€™s all about speed and sharp eyes. Watch for that Jack and smack it hardโ€”if youโ€™re quick enough. Last one with hands on top takes the pile, so no dozing off!
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Your Turn

Do you have any questions about the rules of “I Doubt It” that weren’t clear in the post? Letโ€™s clear up any confusion so you can start playing confidently!


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